Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1: Encountered a sneak attack

"The whole ship's attention, it is about to enter the XB120 wormhole." The voice in the broadcast spread throughout the starship.

The courageous class destroyer Intrepid, headed towards the dark space ahead at a speed of 0.1 times the speed of light.

This 1500-meter-long interstellar battleship looks like a squashed bomb, a flat hull with four high-power fusion engines at the tail.

The naked eye can't see anything, only the gravitational wave detection device can find the wormhole in front.

At the bow and under the deck, there are two electromagnetic catapult runways. At this time, at the end of the runway, two Lightning Type 2 fighters are on standby.

This is a common carrier aircraft on the starships of the empire. The fuselage is small, in the shape of a dart, with a flat delta wing, less than 5 meters in length.

Wings are useless in space, but starships often need to enter the planet ’s atmosphere to maintain the security of certain planets. Therefore, carrier-based aircraft are all structures with wings.

In the middle of the fighter plane is a bubble-shaped cockpit, and a gold reflective film is coated on the cockpit cover.

At this point, the cockpit cover was open and the two pilots were chatting.

A young guy with dark hair and a kind of tenderness on his face, like no ripe peaches, he turned his head and looked at the companion on the other side.

"Hello, Brother Sterling, are you already patrolling the battleship for the twentieth time?" The lad asked.

"Yeah." Sterling is a middle-aged man with a calm and calm face: "After this mission is completed, he can be retired. My wife and children are all in the colonial capital San Diego. I will settle there in the future, Qin Tian, ​​if you go to the colonial capital later, you will live in my house. "

He finished, looking at a small photo hanging in front of his fighter, where a woman, holding her child, was smiling sweetly.

As a soldier, he rarely goes home. When he misses his family, he will look at this photo.

Qin Tian was full of enthusiasm: "This is my first mission, and I will complete 20 onboard patrol missions just like you. Become the empire's best lightning fighter pilot."

He wore the grass-green flight suit of the Empire's newest colony, with an eagle logo on his sleeve. This is the logo of their eagle starship carrier wing.

The lieutenant's logo is on his shoulder. This is the minimum rank of a pilot. Look at Brother Sterling, it is already a major rank.

The best? Sterling shook his head. The Empire has not fought in the last three hundred years. Most of the pilots of the blitz will stay in this position until they retire. There is no battle. Where is the best? Do you rely on the simulation?

The sacred Armenian Empire is a huge interstellar empire that occupies more than half of the galaxy. They have ruled for thousands of years. They belong to the interstellar fleet of Sagittarius cantilever colonies under the empire. Their mission is to patrol the vast colonial star field.

If you want to patrol in the interval of several light years, using wormholes to jump and sail is the most suitable solution, just like the portal in the game.

Otherwise, even if the starship accelerates to the maximum speed of 0.15 times the speed of light, it will not be able to complete a patrol mission in its lifetime.

Between the two talking, the battleship had entered the wormhole, and the space around it instantly became distorted. Qin Tian even felt that his body was no longer his own.

Sterling was calm there, and walking through the wormhole, the habit was just fine. Because this is inside a large battleship, if you drive a blitz through a wormhole, you can see the rainbow-like space distortion outside the cockpit, which is interesting.

"Traversing the wormhole is normal, and has entered the vicinity of the 24th starry sky."

"Prepare for interstellar patrols, speeding up to 0.15 times the speed of light." On the center bridge of the star destroyer, Captain Casey heard the report of the first officer, and after completing the crossing, they will conduct a two-year Patrol mission near the 24th starry sky.

For a starship, it takes several years to perform a patrol mission. In the vast universe, two years are fleeting.

The four fusion engines in the tail burst out with a lilac flame, and the starship began to accelerate.

Just then, suddenly, a red alarm flashed on the front projection screen.

"Alarm, sirens, found four electromagnetic projectiles, 0.5 times the speed of light, expected to arrive in 30 seconds!"

What, electromagnetic cannon attack? Damn, how is this possible? Captain Casey could n’t believe his eyes. Intuitively, he thought it was a false alarm. Did the system treat some high-speed flying meteorites as electromagnetic projectiles?

But then, the system again sent an alert: "4.5 million kilometers, a Fiorent Empire Ortiz class starship was found!"

In the entire galaxy, the Holy Armenian Empire occupies the majority, and the Fibre Empire occupies a small half of them. The two sides have been in peace for hundreds of years. Who would have thought that a surprise attack would come now?

Casey shouted loudly: "Eject all lightning fighters, laser cannon intercepts, ready to fight!"

"Fight, fight, this is not a drill!"

Your own side is just a destroyer of starships, which sent outposts to the interstellar fleet, and the other party is indeed a main starship, but they can't retreat!

The starry sky of the empire cannot be violated!

The battle alarm sounded, Qin Tianfei quickly buckled up the helmet, the cockpit cover was just closed, and the front door of the front catapult was opened.

In an instant, something unfixed in the cabin, suddenly, was attracted by the vacuum, and Qin Tian's earphones came the countdown: "Three, two, one."

There was a huge sense of push back on the back, and the muscles on his face seemed to be pulling back suddenly. Every time the catapult took off, it would make people want to die, and the eyes were scarlet. When Qin Tian recovered again At that time, it was already in deep space.

Who would have thought that the battle had come so hurriedly, and the galaxy that had been peaceful for hundreds of years, actually broke out the battle between the starships again!

No one knows whether this is a new round of war between the two empires.

Qin Tian stared at himself, and Sterling ’s lightning fighter jet ejected one second earlier than himself, and this second allowed Sterling to jump out far away.

From this direction, it can be seen that the small fusion engine in his tail is burning fieryly, emitting a lilac flame, and it looks like a distant star against the background of the dark sky.

As a fighter, knowing the value of peace, I look forward to showing my strength on the battlefield. Now, the battle is about to begin! Qin Tian felt that his adrenaline was secreting quickly. His right hand held the operation lever of the fighter, and his left hand quickly called up his weapon operation interface.

There are not many weapons in the blitz. The main weapons are the two laser cannons on both sides of the nose, and in the lower belly, there is a small anti-material torpedo. This fighter can be used to intercept enemy fighters. , You can also attack the enemy!

Numerous bright spots appeared on the screen, and the opponent released all the fighters!

"Hawk, pay attention, quickly cross the defense line of the opposing fighter, let's attack its mother ship!" Sterling's voice came from the headset.

"The young eagle understands." Qin Tian shouted in the intercom.



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