Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 164: Formation supply

If the fleet led by Qin Tian has been discovered at this time, once the other party is found, the opposing team will definitely dispatch the fleet to expel, and the other party's supply will be more cautious, and there will be no possibility of sneak attacks.

Now, Qin Hai calmly led the formation through the patrol outside the opponent and continued to fly forward.

Now, Qin Hai is no longer the clone who only knows to obey orders. He has his own brain and can think and judge.

Why should I rebel and why should I help Qin Tian's party?

Because of justice.

That ’s right, justice. In this icy universe, there are also concepts of right and wrong. In the entire galaxy, clones have been identified as illegal, and some organs can be cloned, but the entire person can never be cloned, but, fee The Bolle Empire broke this justice and secretly cloned people.

If after these people come out, just like ordinary people, everyone does not know their clones, then forget it. At most, they are orphans and grew up in orphanages.

But they were n’t. They were born, they were just treated as products coming off the assembly line. Their battle was just a battle of machines. They did n’t have any personality. He clearly remembered that some clones that did n’t meet the technical requirements People are directly discarded as defective products.

What's more, this war was provoked by the Fibre Empire. Under their ambitions, they tried to unify the entire galaxy and brought about a fierce war. Numerous people died. Therefore, the Fibre Empire, Righteousness is not right, and the Armenian Empire is righteous.

If he counterattacks and hits the territory of the Fibre Empire, then Qin Hai will not participate, but he does not have any pressure in the current battle of resistance. Staying here, he can feel treated as a normal person. , I feel the affection and warmth.

Fight, now you are a warrior belonging to the Armenian Empire!

Thinking of these, let Qin Hai's heart burst into a warm current, but Qin Hai's brain is still calm, years of cruel training, he has formed this instinct, he will smell the most suitable Fighter, and then pounced hard!

They are tens of thousands of kilometers away from the formation in front. This is the most suitable tracking distance. Following each other, they passed a patrol starship again, and then a spectacular scene appeared.

U-shaped formation!

This is a supply formation. At this time, a formation has about five starships, two on each side, one at the bottom of the U-shape, and a single starship, alone on the side of the formation .

"Attention, carefully control the direction and enter the supply formation." Colonel Shumilov shouted tiredly on the Golden Horn. Now, he has not closed his eyes for several hours in a row. He feels that even if he is leaning on the side, Can also fall asleep directly!

But he couldn't sleep. At least he had to wait until the supplies were completed. Colonel Shumilov squeezed his arm hard with his hand again. This was a way to keep him awake.

"Attention, the right rudder keeps the minimum cruising speed." This kind of operation is more complicated and cumbersome than entering the harbor. Due to the simplification of the AI ​​system, Col. Shumilov can hardly believe that the system is controlled, or he himself. The operation is relatively simple. Starships in space have long been rudderless, but this old professional terminology is still passed down.

The Golden Horn is slowly turning its huge body, which is filled with liquid fuel. Be very careful of the inertia, it will bring a terrible shock wave.

Finally, after the steering was completed, Colonel Shumilov breathed a sigh of relief: "Please accept the supply formation, close to me!"

He really didn't have the confidence to get into the center of the U-shaped formation, or wait here.

The U-shaped formation in the back also started the engine. Their computer systems are quite complete. Under the control of AI, they slowly approached, approached, followed, and approached the outside of the supply ship according to the predetermined supply procedure. And put it in accurately!

Then, the solitary starship aside, with superb technology, accurately stopped in front of the supply ship, the opening of the U-shaped formation was closed, and became an O-shaped formation. The center of the formation is the supply ship Too.

"Keep a steady flight and prepare for the supply operation!" Colonel Shumilov said. At this time, six of his men had put on the extravehicular space suit.

It could have been automated, but now these have been simplified and become manual controls. Now we need to test the technology.

Opening the cabin door, wearing special magnetic shoes under their feet, they can be attracted to the outside of the supply ship, and six people have walked to their own supply positions.

In their hands, they picked up an ordinary gunpowder gun, aimed at the opposite side, pulled the trigger, and under a huge recoil, the gunpowder gun flew out, like a feather arrow in front, dragging one behind Thin nanowires.

When the nanowire fell on the other's starship, it was dragged to the supply port. In this way, a nanowire connection was established between the two ships.

Six supply positions, six bundles of nanowires, this is the first step of supply!

Then, at this end of the nanowire, a tube for refueling was tied, and the tube was swaying, and under the drag of the nanowire, it went towards the starship. After the starship on the opposite side docked, the gurgling fuel began to flow to the starship.

At this time, in space, six starships and a supply ship formed a terrifyingly dense formation, and the distance between them was only 10,000 meters! In space, this is like being close together.

For the interstellar civilization that has long mastered space docking technology, this distance is nothing. In fact, if only one starship is supplied, it is directly docked, but that is too inefficient, so this is all at once Supplying six starships is the most efficient way.

At the same time, this formation is also the most afraid of being attacked. The target of the attack is not the starships that are receiving supplies, but the supply ship in the middle. As long as it is blown up, the surrounding starships must be Will also be affected by the explosion!

Qin Hai in the back, with his composure in his eyes, shouted: "Attention, the first team, follow me, attack the supply ships, the second team, attack the starships that did not receive supplies, give priority to the cruiser starship! Attack, Guys, long live the Empire! "



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