Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 395: Powerful Royal Forest Army

The heart of the enemy!

This was the first time Qin Tian came to the starry sky near the capital planet of the Fibre Empire. Although Qin Tian was alone, Qin Tian was not afraid, but when he got out, he could not help but scream With a cry.

How long did the Fibre Empire prepare for this war?

It is said that there are ten princes in the Fibre Empire, and each prince commanded a fleet, and each fleet is very powerful, comparable to the main fleet of the empire. If there are three fleets under siege, it will be better than the fleet of the empire. Strong, if it were not for the fact that the Machino line dispersed the opposing fleet, and then the side defended against the solid fortifications on the line, and it was already defeated by the other side.

Unfortunately, in the end it failed. The main force of the other party has already occupied the sacred star of the empire. Thinking of this, Qin Tian was angry in his heart for a while.

But now, Qin Tian's anger has been completely occupied by surprise, and even in the surprise, there is even a burst of cold sweat behind him.

His gravitational wave radar has scanned this area quickly. What is he seeing in this area?

Two stars form a binary system, and the connection between the two stars is very close to the center, which is almost the place where the field strength of the two stars of equal mass is zero, there are countless stars Ship!

There are almost hundreds of huge battleship starships, which is completely a main force, even the size of a super main fleet!

How much war resources does the Fibre Empire have?

When the Faberge Empire attacked with full force, it was actually here, with such a huge fleet? These fleets, obviously, are the Imperial Forest of His Majesty the Emperor of the Fibre Empire. This size is enough to suppress everything!

Even if the other party mobilized these starships and went to fight the empire, the empire would lose.

It's against the sky.

Qin Tian originally thought that the opponent should attack with all his strength, and the rear should be empty, but it is obvious that the opponent ’s emperor is definitely a human elite. It can even be said that the opponent ’s emperor obviously distrusts the princes under him. Fearing the betrayal of his prince, so, only enough to leave the Royal Forest Army?

This is just Qin Tian ’s guess. After all, the power handover of the Fibre Empire is **** every time. Even if the emperor appoints an heir before his death, he will face a brutal battle for the imperial power when the emperor returns to heaven. The war, even, even more sadly, may begin before the emperor has died. Even the emperor will die in the secret calculations of his princes. What kind of benevolence can such an empire have? The only thing they pursue is force. Only strong force can protect their safety.

However, in this case, the fleet is far away from Black Star, which is also the only way for yourself!

Qin Tianqing was fortunate that he came here early and did this investigation. At the same time, after going back, he must immediately modify his own tactics. When his carrier ’s aircraft came out, there was only one option, that is, to destroy the black at all costs. star!

Black Star is the capital planet of the other party, where the other party has built a huge underground palace, as well as the tombs of their emperors, etc. It can be said that as long as there is no accident and the Black Star is destroyed, then it can carry the other party ’s The emperor killed, as long as the opponent's emperor died, the following princes would come back and compete for the right of succession.

This is your only chance.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian couldn't help but bring a bit of a wry smile. The powerful Amanni Empire has actually fallen to the present state, occupying half of the galaxy, but now it is such awkwardness that it can only escape from this infighting. The crisis of annihilation is over.

now what? What should I do?

Qin Tian was hesitant and supposedly he should go back. After all, after this trip, it had been several days. After going back, the formation of revenge was almost completed, and it would be time to kill it again.

However, since coming here, do you want to continue to take risks and investigate again? For example, go around the black star?

At this moment, his AI suddenly reminded: "Attention, attention, there are two carrier-based aircraft that are flying here!"

No way? Was he found out so quickly?

It is said that his own carrier-based aircraft, like the Raptor carrier-based aircraft, has stealth capabilities. Is it that the other party has developed tit-for-tat anti-stealth technology?

Stealth can only be maintained for a while, and it does not guarantee an ever-lasting technical advantage. After all, as long as there is a carrier-based aircraft, as long as there is this, then there is something that cannot be denied. Even if stealth is achieved in front of the radar, then you have Mass will also have gravitational force. Although it is tiny, it may be detected by high-precision or even networked gravitational wave radar.

Now that it has been discovered, what should I do?

Wait, wait!

Qin Tian didn't want to go back immediately, he still wanted to continue to wait and see if the other party's fighter plane was a Tianguang-class fighter plane? As the royal forest army of the Fibre Empire, what if the weaponry is more advanced?

Qin Tian was waiting, and finally, after the optical device accurately captured the shadow of the other party, Qin Tian immediately reversed his course and flew in the direction of the wormhole.

"There, chase!" The flames of the propeller at the tail are so conspicuous in the dark, Qin Tian's fighter plane was immediately exposed, and two Skylight-class fighter planes chased in the direction of Qin Tian.

However, they only chased for a few seconds, and the fighters in front had disappeared!

what happened?

The pilots in the two fighters are very strange, is it dazzled? Or is there an unknown flicker in the universe?

They flew to the place where Qin Tian disappeared. At this time, they did not know that the wormhole just collapsed and disappeared. They circled in this airspace. Then, the plane reported to the rear: "The starry sky is normal, no Any abnormalities found may be a false alarm. "

As their capital, of course, they have the most powerful search system. The moment Qin Tian ’s fighters first appeared, they were discovered. Then, the two of their fighters came over to see what happened. Nothing happened.

Of course they did not know that at this time, Qin Tian ’s fighter plane was in the wormhole that was about to collapse, continually dodge left and right, thrilling. When passing the gravity trap, there was almost no way ahead!

Qin Tian does not know what happened, he only knows that he must go back! He must go back!

The fighter was shaking, the wormhole collapsed in large chunks, but his eyes were extremely firm, he believed that he would be successful!



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