Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 543: Flash flood

"This is too, what's the matter?" The monk Hua scratched his hair. Although he was called a monk, he had hair, and the scars on his scalp had long been covered. Now they are in their hearts. , Began to mutter.

When one ’s own power is not strong enough, one will be afraid in the face of a certain natural world, and some kind of spiritual worship will occur. Even now, the technology has been highly developed, and there are still such phenomena. In their eyes, it seems that Qin Tian was blessed by God, otherwise, why would heavy rain fall at this time?

If this is the case, how can they fight Qin Tian? Qin Tianren's family is protected by God. God is helping others. What about himself? Dealing with Qin Tian by yourself is not against God?

Still dispel this idea.

Even General Iron is whispering, which is too evil. Do you want to dismiss it? Anyway, that Qin Tian did not hurt General Iron, just let the other party pass.

"It's okay, it's okay." Sadako looked at the pouring rain in the sky, but murmured there, which made other people very strange, thinking Sadako was crazy.

Sadako is a beautiful woman, whose face value is the highest in the entire trash star, but now, when everyone looks at her, they always feel like dancing with the viper, even nobody Dare to look at her more, not to show that look.

"You fools, staying in the mountains for so long, don't you know that when it rains, the torrent will explode? It's raining now, which wiped out our fire, but this is not helping Qin Tian, Just let Qin Tian change his way of death. "

She continued to stand high above her, in a strategic way, what about the rain? The place where Qin Tian was just now was the lowest depression. Once it rained, there would definitely be a flash flood. Then, all of Qin Tian ’s group was washed away and let them taste the rush away!

Even if they have armor, they can keep their people safe, but all the vehicles have been washed away!

Even if this is not the case, after the rain, the roads will become very muddy, and their vehicles will be filled with ice, and they will be unable to walk. It is impossible to pass the checkpoints here. In short, the situation is still in their own Under control, there is simply no possibility of deterioration!

Hearing the analysis made by Zhenzi, the talents present slowly smiled, yes, God is not helping Qin Tian, ​​he is just punishing him in another way, arson is his own, flood is God, It turns out that God wants to use water to kill Qin Tian!

In this case, what else do you worry about?

"Now, send someone to stare at me to prevent those from Qin Tian from slipping away from us in front of the heavy rain!" Zhen Zi continued: "After the flash flood, let's find their bodies!"

Sadako ’s remarks made everyone present smile, and the battle was too easy. What they feared most was that they were in direct contact with Qin Tian. Now they do n’t have to. Let God clean him up!

The people who were sent out were of course reluctant. This kind of heavy rain would be ill if they were caught outside. In places like Junk Star, once they get sick, they may die, but what about the order? Can not help but execute, so a few unlucky eggs wrapped themselves tightly in raincoats, came out of the cottage, stood on the hillside, and looked down. At this time, there was a stream on the road below, and this stream, in Keep getting taller and bigger!

"The torrent is coming soon," said an experienced man, seeming to respond to him, just in the valley far away, a rumbling sound rang out, and the sound grew louder and louder. ! Then, from the mountain pass over there, a torrent suddenly burst out. This torrent is more than ten meters high, even if it is a mech, it will be drowned!

This torrent is so magnificent, it is simply a storm, the whole torrent is black, as if it were a black dragon, screaming from there.

"Those teams can't survive this kind of torrent. We can go back to life." Although wearing a raincoat and raining on the body, there was still a faint pain. I don't know why, they all felt uneasy. , Want to go back quickly.

At this time, the rain was slowly getting smaller. After all, the stronger the rain, the shorter the time. When the torrent came, the ground shook with it, which was terrible.

"Look, what is that?" Just then, a man suddenly shouted loudly.

Among the torrents, there are white sprays in general. That is not a spray. It is clearly a boat, a boat!

How can this be? Where did this ship come from?

They opened their eyes in surprise, watching these sprays, getting closer and closer, and now they can see clearly. The middle of the spray is a cuboid object covered by a rain cloth, which must be huge. Ice cubes, except for ice cubes, nothing is so huge!

On the outside, there is a white hull wrapped around it. What constitutes this hull?

"I know, it's an air cushion!" Someone has seen this thing: "Their car can be inflated, and after the air cushion is filled, they can sail on the water. This is an amphibious vehicle!"

At this time, in the car, Vader's heart was extremely strange. These cars had no such ability. However, just when he got up under heavy rain, Qin Tian ordered to inflate the car.

Then, he saw that there were more side skirts on the outside of the car. This strange side skirt was quickly filled with gas by the gas. If you look at the volume alone, this is not enough to support the whole body to float. Yes, but when it was recharged, the car was found to be light and fluttering. He only knew that it was filled with hydrogen or nitrogen. In short, it is almost similar to an airship, if it is bigger.

When the torrents came, their car floated with a scream, the engine restarted, and the metal tires were used to draw water, change direction on the water, and rush forward with the torrents!

Even the mecha, after being loaded into the car, can actually float!

After all, there are more than one hundred tons of ice cubes, and the Mark 1 mecha is only more than fifty tons. Since the ice cubes can float with the car, the mecha is of course no problem.

So, in this way, the convoy became a fleet and continued to move forward in full force!



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