Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 562: Speed ​​Fight

Almost in an instant, laser beams appeared in the building and the surrounding buildings. There were ambushes around. If Qin Tian did n’t have a dry land to pull onions, he immediately pulled up, and now they are already ambushing. The center was hit by multiple laser beams and burst directly in the air.

How did Qin Tian notice that there was a trap?

Qin Tian did not know that he was just an instinctive feeling. If he had to say what he found, the streets there were empty, there was no one, no car, it must have been cleaned up and martial law in advance Now, you are ready to contain yourself!

Now, at the moment when Qin Tian left, they avoided a blow, and then, near those buildings, took off the same number of flying cars, these flying cars, towards Qin Tian's flying car, struck over!

How to do?

For a moment, the top two were nervous, but Qin Tian seemed to have expected this. He pulled the operating lever and continued to fly upwards in the cries of the propellers on both sides!

He did not move forward, but upward!

A flying car can fly from the ground, turning two-dimensional traffic into three-dimensional. After adding a dimension, the ground traffic is much easier, and no means such as number limit is needed to keep the traffic smooth. .

However, this is also limited. The flying car cannot be raised without limit. After all, it relies on the propellers on both sides as the power. The propellers stir the air and generate thrust. In this case, only in the dense atmosphere The ground can fly, the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, and the lower the efficiency of the propeller. When it is low, the propeller's thrust can not offset the gravity, and it falls.

How high is this? There is no accurate conclusion. At that time, the air temperature and humidity will affect this data, but generally speaking, the flying car is only flying in the air within 100 meters from the ground.

But now?

Qin Tian pulled the car higher and higher, and the higher the higher, the sooner the entire city below could be seen, and at the same time, he could even see the edge of the ground in the distance, showing an arc.

"Flying?" Pete opened his eyes and said, and then wrapped his clothes tighter, the more upward and colder.

And now, after flying, both assistants have a dizzy feeling, can spit out at any time, closed their eyes, and dare not look at anything.

But the top two are different. The top two are there to look at the mountains and small mountains. At the same time, they are still turning their laser guns to find shooting opportunities.

"They didn't keep up!" Erqiang shouted.

After flying for more than 100 meters, these cars didn't come up. Obviously, they all strictly abide by the regulations of the manual of the flying car. They didn't dare to fly too high. They fell and fell to death. Their lives are their own. Ah, chasing the suspect, and the prisoner escaped, which is quite normal. There is no need to risk their lives. They are self-aware.

Did not come up? Of course Qin Tian also saw that since they did n’t come up, let ’s go down!

Qin Tian made a circle in the sky and went in the direction of the star. Then he yelled, "We are all seated. Now, we dive!"

Who could have imagined that a propeller-driven aircraft would fly like a fighter? The dive of this speeding car is extremely fierce, and the acceleration in a moment makes an assistant in the back seat can't help it anymore, and wowed out!

But Pete is quite skilled. I do n’t know where he took a garbage bag and put it on his mouth. Then, Pete continued to lie there again. It seems that this kind of big overloaded flight seems to him. , Nothing at all.

The same is true for the top two. He was full of excitement. When Qin Tian dived, he began to adjust his aim, recalculated the advance, and aimed at the target that was too small to be seen at this time.

At this time, what are these people doing?

They are looking up into the sky!

They were ordered to chase. Although the other party was flying too high, they did not dare to go up, but if they go back like this, it is shameful enough, so, they can only circle around here, meanwhile, raise their necks Look up.

Nothing on it!

In particular, no one looked at the star. The light there was a little dazzling, and after a few clicks it would make people dark.

They naturally would not have thought that Qin Tian would come down from this direction.

Speeding cars are not fighters. If there is a radar system on the speeding cars, Qin Tian ’s speeding cars can definitely be found and warned in advance, but now they do n’t know anything.

In the sky, as if it were lightning, a laser beam radiated downward from above, and then swept onto a flying car.

"Boom!" The flying car became a burning ball of fire in the sky and fell down!

This time, it was like a chicken coop exploded. The other cars were all scattered like birds and beasts. The other party's attack came so fierce that they were blinded by them. They were afraid. Thousands of meters high? Who would have thought that people would swoop down from high altitude to attack? Moreover, it is a hit, this is simply lore!

this is too scary!

They wouldn't fight against this kind of people. They were just the security forces who spent money to enter. They wanted to hunt down ordinary people, and then get rich and get rich.

Who gave this **** order? When you encounter hard stubble, let the real mech units and fighter units be dispatched, let us come here to die, what is the matter? We are the little ones.

They dispersed, but Qin Tiancai would not let them go.

If it's usual, the speeding car can't fly so fast, but when it just dived down from high altitude, it accumulates its speed. After the second strongman killed one, Qin Tian pushed the joystick slightly, and the speeding car was like a float. With a beautiful arc, it flew up again. When it fell, the glide line was facing a flying car on the other side.


The laser beam blasted over and the car was exploded at once, the second one!

As for the people inside, is that necessary? It must have turned into a barbecue. These people are simply not worthy of being soldiers. They only dare to fight against their own people, oppress the people, and hum, they are doing harm for the people!

As for whether he will be wanted by the government from now on, Qin Tian is not afraid, just call it first! Severely bad breath!

Qin Tian reversed the direction of the speeding car and started chasing the third one. He only had one. There were four or five opponents, but now the opponent was farted.



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