Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 663: Protect the empire

"Ah." Suddenly, Princess Jingxi sneeze.

"The night here is very cold." Qin Tian glanced at Princess Jingxi, and then, naturally, took off his clothes and wanted to put them on Princess Jingxi. After all, the clothes were originally from others, but Well, after reaching out his hand, he felt that his behavior was too reckless. This quiet lady is a girl from the noble family. Is n’t it a little too abrupt to do this? There must be something on his clothes. It tasted, and the medicine was boiled just now. The taste of the medicine liquid and the firewood are all on it.

Just when he wanted to reach back, Miss Jing Jing had taken over her clothes and put it on her body. Then, with a smile on her face: "Thank you, it feels much better now."

This action, she did it very naturally, with the taste of Qin Tian on her clothes, which is very much like Qin Tian is embracing herself, this elm pimple, when can I think of myself, but even forever I can't remember, as long as I can continue to be with him, this is enough. Now Princess Jingxi feels very happy.

In fact, when Qin Tian took a shower, she originally wanted to go in, but then she refrained. Although she was already his wife, he forgot it after all, so everything started again, and she did n’t want to. Too active, well, if he could chase himself in reverse, how good it would be!

Princess Jingxi was still thinking about these sweet things. Until the last person took the medicine, the medicine in these three large water tanks went down to one big water tank, and there were two big water tanks.

"We can put these drugs first and continue to observe these days. If no one has a fever, we can make Yao Aogan into pills." Qin Tian said.

Now the people taking the medicine are all in the Death Valley, and there are many people in the base. They may still have someone who has a fever, so they have to continue to take the medicine, so they must be kept.

Just then, Princess Jingxi frowned suddenly, thinking of something, and said, "Tiange, you seem to have forgotten, don't you still have many patients?"

Princess Jing Xi remembers that the plague here in Qin Tian was alleviated and could even be completely eliminated, but there are still many people at the equator. They even rushed here and wanted to ask for medicine. Now that we have this ability, should we let them die while waiting?

"I know." Qin Tian said: "However, this is not a good time to go there."

In the eyes of Princess Jingxi, a flash of frost suddenly flashed. In memory, this was the first time she disagreed with Qin Tian. This person has changed.

In the past, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life for the entire empire. If someone in the empire needed help, he would extend his helping hand without hesitation, but now, Qin Tianming has a solution Medicine, but he does not give these antidote to those who need it!

What has he changed?

He became cold and ruthless, he only cared about the lives of his men, and even hated those on the equator? Princess Jingxi ’s face slowly darkened: "You ca n’t do this, brother, every life is worthy of respect. Do n’t just think about your own people. Fraternity. "

Qin Angel shook his head vigorously: "Impossible."

The girl in front of me came out of the noble's house. Now, she must have made the mistake of not eating meat emulsion. She would never know that the junk star is like this. Those on the equator are very big. Responsible, those factories on the equator exhausted exhaust gas and sewage, polluting the entire planet.

In fact, it is possible to install a filter device, but the cost is too high. For smart businessmen, it is definitely not going to do this. Coupled with the deception experience of going to the equator for the first time, Qin Tian has already made more changes there. In-depth understanding, what is there? The paradise of capitalists, conspirators, speculators, if one sentence is irresponsible, Qin Tian hopes that they will all die in this plague. Then, Qin Tian can justly receive all of them there. When the hands are down, those factories will definitely start to work, but they must be rectified, and it is absolutely impossible to let the sewage and exhaust gas be discharged any more. Otherwise, what is the use of creating more green here by yourself?

But what do you say to the girl in front of you? Such a girl, I am afraid that there is even a caterpillar on the road, I have to pinch to the side of the road, I am afraid that I will be crushed by the passing vehicles?

Qin Tian sighed: "We have negotiated before, and it does not belong to me to manage, and I have no such obligation to them."

"No, why are you not obligated? You are obligated and missionary, and you have to protect the entire empire!" Miss Jing Jing in front of her suddenly raised her voice, and she was absolutely really angry!

When speaking the last sentence, Princess Jingxi suddenly stopped, she knew she was leaking, Qin Tian now, did not know his previous identity, did not know the brave battle he had fought to protect the entire empire Yes, now he is just to protect his own homeland. What's wrong with this?

Although she still doesn't know the contradiction between Qin Tian and the people on the equator, even if there is extra medicine, it is a good plan to leave it for yourself. After all, the snow lotus and the like inside are not allowed. Rarely.

Princess Jing Xi knew that Qin Tian's situation was the best choice.

"Protect the entire empire?" Qin Tian looked at Princess Jingxi, his eyes changed, and then, pointing to the sky, said to Princess Jingxi: "If this empire, only knows how to levy excessive taxes, only knows how to collect taxes, rob people, people here I ca n’t live anymore, and I ’m still collecting the tax on the head of a bullshit, so I ca n’t survive. Is this empire worth protecting? ”Qin Tian said:“ If it ’s not me, the people present , I am afraid that half of them will die, or even all will die of thirst for lack of water! Do you ask them, in their hearts, have you ever thought about protecting the empire? "

Princess Jing Xi was silent.

In a hundred years, Princess Jingxi has never asked about the government affairs of the empire again. She did not know that the empire has developed to such a deformity as it is now. In order to take revenge, her own elder brother has pushed the people of the empire into the abyss and pushed the empire Going to the abyss, even Qin Tian, ​​who used to fight for the empire's blood, was born and died, and is now asking, is this empire worth my protection?

Princess Jingxi knew that she was wrong. This person who has no thoughts in the past, would not go to shout the slogan of loving the motherland, he just wanted to bring these people in front of her, to live, she Feeling my heart, I was stabbed inexplicably with a needle.



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