Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2243: : The arrival of Zhang Mofan

Zhang Tianxia didn't want to rule Zhou Yuanjie. He wanted to become the lord of Zhou Yuan. His real goal was to condense the power of faith and the power of faith for the entire Zhou Yuanjie. It was much stronger than a single dynasty.

At that time, Zhang Tianxia will have the confidence to break through the shackles of this world and hit the realm beyond the sacred, the Taoist realm in the legend.

"You titled the most holy, you are only obsessed with your eyes, but you don't know that there is a higher realm above the holy. Zhou Yuanjie needs a strong person who leads the times."

Zhang Tianxia continued.

"If you need to use the destruction of Zhou Yuanjie's stability as a price, in exchange for you to break through to a higher realm, what is the point of such an act"

At this time, a flat voice resounded.

Everyone was taken aback, and seemed to feel that the voice was a little familiar. Their eyes converged to one place, their pupils shrank, and they were shocked: "It's Zhang Mofan, Zhang Mofan is back."

"Zhang Mofan, you dare to come"

Zhang Tianxia looked at Zhang Mofan, his face also showing coldness.

Now that he is displaying the whole body of heaven and soul, showing such power, Zhang Mofan should hide, instead of appearing in front of him and pretending to be very calm.

For him, this is a provocation.

"Xiao Fan is here, now it's all right."

When Ji Yuyue saw Zhang Mofan appear, the tightened brows also relaxed. With Zhang Mofan present, no matter how strong Zhang Tianxia was, it would be meaningless.

"Xiao Fan"

Ge Feng also shouted when he saw his son, and at the same time he was a little worried. He believed that his son was very strong, but this Zhang Tianxia was too terrifying, and Xiao Fan might not be able to beat this Zhang Tianxia.

"If you want to unify the seven ancient people, I will naturally stop you."

Zhang Mofan slowly said: "Zhang Tianxia, ​​no, I should call you the Holy Ghost King, it's more appropriate, right?"

"What does Zhang Mofan, the most holy king of ghosts, mean by these words? Isn't the most holy king of ghosts the youngest in those days?"

Ji Huantian was surprised and didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Mofan's words.

What is the relationship between this ghost king Zhisheng and Zhang Tianxia?


Listening to what Zhang Mofan said, Zhang Tianxia laughed and said: "Zhang Mofan, you actually know my secret, I am curious how you guessed it."

At this moment, he no longer intends to hide his identity.

He is not Zhang Tianxia, ​​but among the five titled holy ones, the strongest holy in the true sense, the ghost king holy.

Back then, when he and the other four titled Most Saints were fighting for the Dragon Ball among the miracles, they were backlashed by the power of the Dragon Ball, and instantly defeated the Holy Spirit. In desperation, he escaped with the help of the rebellious Dragon Ball and wanted to find a host. Home.

By coincidence, he saw Zhang Tianxia dying, so he directly took Zhang Tianxia away and replaced him with Zhang Tianxia.

After the ghost king seized Zhang Tianxia, ​​various plans emerged in his mind. He wanted to use this identity to accomplish his goals.

That is to break through the shackles of heaven and earth, beyond the title of the holy.

Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to do this, even the Demon Slayer Slayer has not done this.

However, the ghost king Zhisheng wanted to try. He was able to practice the title of the holy when he was under fifty, and his talent was naturally unparalleled.

In the end, he thought of a way to use Zhang Tianxia's identity to re-establish the dynasty and gather a stronger faith.

Therefore, he has always acted as Zhang Tianxia, ​​and has never been seen through.

"How can he be the Holy King of Ghosts? Could it be that the Holy King of Ghosts won the world and won't succeed"

"Impossible, Zhang Tianxia is so strong, how could he be taken home"

Many too old, all feel a little unbelievable, a genius who has fallen for many years finally came out as Zhang Tianxia, ​​no one can accept it.

"He is not Zhang Tianxia, ​​not my father. My father is dead."

Wuxin couldn't accept this fact. Although he had already belonged to the Buddhist school, he was his father after all.

Zhang Mofan slowly said: "It was not me who discovered your identity, but Empress Yao Tian. Although he accepted Zhang Tianxia's memory and pretended to be Zhang Tianxia, ​​you are not Zhang Tianxia after all, and many of your actions are not Zhang Tianxia. It can be done."

"Back then, I was beheaded. Even if I am not Prince Zhang, Zhang Tianxia will save you, but you, the Holy Ghost King will not."

"Zhang Tianxia is benevolent and righteous, but you, in order to attack the Qin Dynasty, are unscrupulous."

Hearing Zhang Mofan’s words, the Holy Ghost King screamed from the sky and said, "Hahahaha, it’s Zhang Mofan. It seems that the girl Yaoqing has seen through my plan. Fortunately, the plan to release the Dark Dragon King this time has not Let Yao Qing participate, otherwise, she will definitely destroy it."

"Release the Dark Evil Dragon King Soul Emperor Yi did indeed release the Dark Evil Dragon King."

Zhang Mofan said slowly.

"Oh, how did you know when it was released"

Ghost King Zhisheng said in surprise.

"Because I watched the Soul Emperor release the Dark Evil Dragon King with my own eyes. It's just a pity."

Zhang Mofan did not continue.

"What a pity"

The Holy Way of the King of Ghosts.

"Unfortunately, the Dark Evil Dragon King has been killed by me."

Zhang Mofan smiled.

"You killed the Dark Evil Dragon King"

The Holy Ghost King laughed: "You can kill the Dark Evil Dragon King. Do you know how terrible the defense of the Dark Evil Dragon King is and Soul Emperor Yi also collected the Heart of Darkness to help the Dark Evil Dragon King restore its origin. Once the source is restored, even if it enters the title of the Holy Soul Oneness, it is difficult to oppress it in terms of strength."

The strength of the Dark Evil Dragon King is undoubtedly, perhaps in terms of strength, not comparable to some of the top titled sages, but the defense is impeccable.

Otherwise, during the peak period, it would be impossible for all the titled sacred masters of the Ancient Seven Great Masters to dispatch together before sealing them.

Zhang Mofan wanted to kill the Dark Evil Dragon King, simply dreaming.

Not only the ghost king, but no one believes that Zhang Mofan can kill the Dark Evil Dragon King.

Zhang Mofan didn’t believe it when he saw the ghost king. He smiled and waved his big hand suddenly. He threw down the dragon head of the Dark Evil Dragon King, and said, “Slaying this little earthworm, what’s the difficulty is not just the little earthworm, but the evil soul clan? All the masters have been killed by me. Now, you are truly a widow."

"That's the head of the Dark Evil Dragon King"

Seeing this scene, all the masters felt a little numb.

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