Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2291: : The strongest battle

The latest website: Eight Lives Fighting Soul! "

The whole piece of King Qin Terrace was deadly silent, except for their shocked expressions, they did not make a single sound.

After a long time, the warriors of the Qin Dynasty became very excited one by one. At this moment, they finally understood why the Qin Dynasty had given Zhang Mofan the title of Protector of the Country.

At the beginning, they couldn't understand why a young man could become Lord Protector. Now it seems that this young man has become a strong man in Zhou Yuanjie, and he is also the strongest man.

Eight lives fighting spirit, I am too afraid, it is almost unprecedented.

Who is the strongest in Zhou Yuanjie since ancient times?

Who is the most talented genius?

It is the first title of the holy.

Don't think about it, there is an answer in all hearts.

"Zhang Mofan actually merged three spirit fighting spirits, how is this possible?"

Both Qin Tian and Qin Zheng were taken aback, and they couldn't believe that this scene was true. You must know that fusion of fighting spirits carries huge risks. It is impossible to say that fusion can be successful.

However, fusion will produce rejection, but this kind of rejection, in front of Zhang Mofan, does not seem to exist at all.

"Basheng Fighting Spirit, who is this kid? The ghosts of the Six Lives Fighting Spirit make me feel incredible, this person is actually the Eight Lives Fighting Spirit."

"Be sure to kill him, otherwise it would be terrifying to let him enter the Heavenly Soul One."


The masters of the three major clans can no longer keep themselves calm.

The Eight Life Fighting Souls currently displayed by Zhang Mofan already poses a certain threat to them, not to mention that in the Qin Dynasty, there was also the Slaying Demon Saint.

Of course, the most shocking is the ghost.

At this time, his chest was bullied, and the anger in his heart was constantly surging in his chest. In just one month, Zhang Mofan's fighting spirit actually had four more.

"I am here to personally kill this ghost king, the most sage, Xiao Ba, Qin Zheng, the giants of the ancient seven great masters, and all the titled sacred, Qin Wangtai warriors, it is up to you to keep them."

As Zhang Mofan spoke, his eyebrows flickered, and the eight fighting spirits merged into the holy source, instantly completing the heavenly soul.

"The Holy Ghost King, now that I have awakened the Eight Lives Fighting Soul, you should know better than me how much power has been improved. As for you, what has been improved for more than a month? Hope you won't let me down!"

Zhang Mofan knew that what the Holy Ghost King relied on was the power of faith and the power of the rebellious Dragon Ball. Now, with the advantage of fighting spirits, he was enough to crush the Holy Ghost King.

"Do you think you can defeat me by awakening the Eight-Life Fighting Spirit? The Eight-Life Fighting Spirit enters into the heavenly soul, thinking that your own consumption is also very huge, then let us see who is strong and who is weak!"

Murderous intent broke out in the eyes of the ghost, and the Eight Life Fighting Soul really shocked him, but, relying on the Rebellious Dragon Ball, he was completely confident to make himself invincible.


In his hand, a black small streamer appeared in an instant, it was a ghost king streamer.


The ghost king's banner waved, and endless ghost energy burst out from the ghost king's banner, like a surging weapon, instantly surging everywhere, like a black mist, hiding itself.

Zhang Mofan stared at the mist around him, and he couldn't detect the ghostly breath.

Zhang Mofan probably guessed that this thing should be some kind of powerful sacred tool, most likely it was the sacred tool of the Ghost Kingzong, belonging to the ancient supreme sacred tool.

Before, Gui Jiantian didn't use it, so naturally I didn't think it was necessary. Now, as soon as I shot it, I will display the Ghost King Banner.

Moreover, this is a forbidden technique performed in conjunction with the Ghost King Banner.

Moreover, Gui Jiantian has cultivated a powerful ghost energy by himself, and using the ghost king to turn the sky, it is even more like a fish in the water and even more powerful.


The huge dark cloud, constantly tumbling and surging, exudes an extremely terrifying aura, gloomy, violent, and bloody.

If an ordinary warrior feels this breath, he will instantly lose himself, fall into madness, and even become ghostly and become a ghost servant.

This breath made Ba Ye, Qin Zheng and the others look solemn. Although Zhang Mofan had awakened the Eight Lives Fighting Soul, the strength of the ghosts still should not be underestimated.

Before, when the Eighth Master was chasing and killing the ghost king, the other party also used the ghost king banner, but at that time, they called out all kinds of ghost soldiers to defend the enemy.

Now, it is to cooperate with the real power of the ghost king flag to attack and kill the opponent.

At this moment, within a huge dark cloud tens of miles around, the endless ghost energy condensed into a **** spear in an instant.

This **** spear was about one hundred feet long and one foot in diameter. The whole body was dazzling with black light, and the ghost king phantom flashed on its surface.

The Sect Master of the Ghost King, Ghost Owl, was shocked when he watched this scene, saying: "It is a ghost and **** chasing spear, an artifact of ghosts and gods, which can chase souls and lock lives. Once locked, you will definitely die. Cooperate with Ghost King Banner and summon him, that Zhang Mofan is dead."

"Guijiantian is really powerful. Even the ghosts and spirits chasing guns were summoned. Back then, your Ghost King Sect was extremely master of hundreds of masters. Now, Guijiantian summoned him with the power of one person. come out."

The poison extinction was equally shocking.

call out!

The ghost spirit chaser instantly locked on Zhang Mofan and broke away from the huge black cloud, like a huge black arrow, cutting through the sky, piercing through the void, and shooting at Zhang Mofan at an unparalleled speed.

The space was shattered, and the black big gun was earth-shattering, engulfing infinite murderous intent and full of blood, directly attacking Zhang Mofan.

This blow was very shocking, and the shot was a kill, and it did not give Zhang Mofan a chance to breathe.

At the same time, the three of Poison Extinction and Ghost Owl did not stand by. It may not be easy to kill a strong man with eight lives fighting souls, let alone a strong man who has entered the heaven and soul.

Therefore, the three of them also shot.

Poison exterminates a fist the size of a millstone, instantly transforming into a poisonous, emitting a powerful poisonous miasma, and hitting the sky with one punch.


The terrifying fist shocked the world, and the space of a hundred meters in a radius was instantly enveloped by poisonous gas. The dazzling fist was like a nine-day divine light, and like a meteor smashed in the void. The speed was no slower than the ghost lock gun, and it also hit Zhang Mofan. Away.

As for the ghost owl, holding a big sword in his hand, the big sword swings, the sword glow is violent, and it has a mighty nine days, thousands of zhang Jianqi, instantly thousands of miles, blasting towards Zhang Mofan.

Sect Master Wanxie, the sharp beast claws grabbed it, like a huge shadow like a hill, falling from the sky, and slapped Zhang Mofan's head fiercely.

When Gui Jiantian attacked Zhang Mofan, the overlords of the three clans attacked Zhang Mofan from three directions at the same time.

For an instant, everyone was stunned and did not react.

[It's still three shifts, continue tomorrow! 】

(End of this chapter)

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