Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2208: : The Blood Demon Ancestor came out

Chapter 2306 Blood Demon Ancestor Comes Out

When the consciousness of the incarnation of the blood demon ancestor was shattered, she couldn't figure out why Zhang Mofan's halberd was so powerful, she clearly felt that she could resist it.

At least, she thinks that she can resist the energy that swallows the blood energy.

But in fact, Zhang Mofan's halberd was not a simple halberd. It was also a fusion of four sacred beasts, and its power was very powerful.

The weapon is too strong.

These four spirits are only the most common and lowest-level spirits. If they can be raised by one point again, their power will definitely go further.

Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd, has been counted among the low-level Taobao, the most powerful.

"The incarnation of the blood demon ancestor, completely shattered?"

Ge Feng said in surprise.

I saw that the blood demon ancestor flying in the void, its body turned into blood and continued to dissipate, and the corpse of ghosts, to be precise, the corpse of Zhang Tianxia appeared.

"The last dragon ball!"

Baby Dragon exclaimed loudly.

Zhang Mofan rushed directly, the dragon soul immortal gloves came out, and with a big hand, a black dragon ball also slowly flew out from Zhang Tianxia's eyebrows.

Zhang Mofan put the dragon ball directly away and inlaid it on the Dragon Soul Immortal Gloves, but discovered that the surface of the rebellious dragon ball had dense cracks and was obviously damaged.

"Could it be that I was hit hard by my vertical and horizontal world?"

Zhang Mofan was secretly surprised. Before, he and Ji Yuyue joined forces to cross the world and get rid of the rebellious spirit.

I am afraid that at that time, the life-defying dragon ball also had a crack.

He wants to awaken the Rebellious Soul, and must repair the Rebellious Dragon Ball.

"Baby dragon, how to repair the rebellious dragon ball?"

Zhang Mofan communicated with Baby Long again.

"Fate Rebelling Dragon Ball is the strongest one among the five dragon balls. It also possesses and masters the strongest power. If you want to repair it, you must go to a higher world."

Long Baobao said.

Zhang Mofan replied, then looked at everyone, and said: "I am going to break the 36 Heavenly Gang Sealing Evil Formation that seals the Blood Demon Race, and you can go with me."

After taking all the Ten Thousand Demon Babies away, Zhang Mofan’s Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd has already sealed a full 29 Ten Thousand Demon Babies, and there are seven Ten Thousand Demon Babies, all of which are scattered in every corner of Zhou Yuan Realm. .

Soon, they came to the depths of the dark abyss.

There, there is an altar, around the altar, there are thirty-six magic treasures floating around.

Those phantoms are intertwined vertically and horizontally.

In the very center of the altar, a huge blood-colored statue stands tall, which is the blood demon ancestor.

When Zhang Mofan and others approached the altar, they all felt a strong wave from the altar.

Qin Ziyao looked at the statue and couldn't help but exclaimed: "That blood demon ancestor looks really beautiful."

"Blood Demon Ancestor is very beautiful, otherwise, how did she deceive so many men?"

The Eighth Master said: "Brother Fan, now, in your Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd, twenty-nine Ten Thousand Demon Babies have been sealed. Together, they mobilize the mighty power, and together with his own power, it is enough to bring the Thirty Six Ten Thousand Demon Gods The Feng Xie formation was broken."

Now, they had no doubts about Zhang Mofan's defeat of the Blood Demon Ancestor.

Not to mention that the Blood Demon Ancestor had been sealed for so long, even with the peak strength, Zhang Mofan could defeat it.

What's more, they still have four Dao Void Realm powerhouses. With the passage of time, the power of the seal will become weaker and weaker, and the Blood Demon Ancestor will break out sooner or later.

Rather than waiting for him to break the seal slowly, it is better to take action now and directly obliterate him and completely solve the troubles.

"You all get out of here!"

Zhang Mofan waved his big hand and signaled everyone to retreat. Then, on the surface of the Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd in his hand, the phantoms of Ten Thousand Demon Babes flickered out, and finally all merged onto the Demon Saint Slaughter Demon Halberd.


A terrifying halberd light blasted at the altar fiercely.


At the moment of the impact, the entire darkness of the abyss sank quickly, and the halberd light was like a strong light illuminating the abyss, and finally came into contact with the Thirty-Six Ten Thousand Monster Heaven Sealing Evil Formation.

Immediately afterwards, the wave of the collision rose to the sky, shaking away all the surrounding dark aura.

Zhang Mofan himself possessed the mid-stage Daoist strength, coupled with a powerful low-level Daobao, combined with four weapon spirits, and cultivated 29 thousand monster treasures, finally breaking the big formation.

The phantoms of the Ten Thousand Demon Babes on that big formation began to dissipate one by one.


The entire dark abyss, at this moment, violently oscillated.

The huge statue of Blood Demon Ancestor began to produce cracks, one by one, the fragments were stripped from the statue.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful blood rushed out from the statue.


A powerful wave rushed out of it, shaking off all the statue fragments, and a **** shadow emerged.

She opened her eyes slowly, her long **** hair, slowly rolled up at an astonishing speed, with a strange feeling.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions were solemn, and the woman in front of them was the strong man who twisted Zhou Yuanjie back then.

The figure of Blood Demon Ancestor slowly floated.

The crimson curly hair poured out like a waterfall, and the scarlet eyes were also very strange.

Mu Ran, Blood Demon Ancestor opened his eyes completely.


The two rays of blood blasted away, and immediately dissipated the dark aura in the sky. A powerful force was also born in the abyss of darkness.

The blood demon ancestor looked at him with a trace of consternation on his calm expression. Then he glanced at Zhang Mofan, and laughed excitedly: "Chuck chuck, Zhang Mofan, you actually broke through the thirty-six days of ten thousand monsters seal the evil formation, could it? Do you want to break the formation and kill me?"

"Yes, I just want to kill you and take my life!"

Zhang Mofan rushed directly and assassinated fiercely with a halberd. UU Reading wanted to end the life of the Blood Demon Ancestor.

However, the blood demon ancestor faced Zhang Mofan's halberd, but did not move. Then, a huge blood palm condensed in her palm and slapped it out fiercely.


The halberd slapped Zhang Mofan into the air.


The Blood Demon Ancestor covered his red lips and laughed, and said: "Zhang Mofan, there is one thing you may not know. I can know what the blood avatar is doing, but the blood avatar doesn't know my situation. I can tell you. I am now promoted to the late Dao Sect."


When they heard the three words in the later period of Dao Zong, the Eighth Master Zhou Tong and others were all unbelievable. Who could have imagined that this blood demon ancestor could reach this level.

Update Chapter 3 at 0: The weather is too cold and your hands are stiff. Happy New Year's Day everyone

(End of this chapter)

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