Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2315: : Fight for the land

Use Zhenling Tower to suppress repair.

This town spirit tower is an intermediate Dao Treasure, and it can be suppressed below Dao Dharma realm. As long as the martial artist is powerful, it can even be suppressed in Dao Void Realm.

Of course, as long as you escape the scope of the town spirit tower, you will not be affected.

Therefore, it is the most fair to enter the shrouded area of ​​the Zhenling Pagoda. Even if you have the cultivation base of the Taoist Realm, you can only be suppressed in the Taoist Realm.

Moreover, it is still on the same horizontal line.

Therefore, when reaching the later stage of Dao Sect, the strength will be on the same level, and then the fight will be its own means.

"Do you agree with this suggestion?"

The owner of Qingfeng Pavilion asked everyone present.

"Agree, of course I agree, it's the same Dao Sect realm, I may not be able to fight for it."

"Although the Daozi of the four major sects have strong talents, I will not lose to those four Daozi in the battle experience."

"Yes, with this kind of rule, we can still fight for a bit of soil."


Many warriors began to discuss.

If they really competed for strength, they would not only be dissatisfied, but also had no idea to fight, not to mention that they were Taoists, even if they were not Taoists, facing the powerhouses of Taoism realm, they would not have the thought of fighting in their hearts.

The Daozi of the four major sects also had no opinion, and suppressed the power. It did have a lot of influence on them, but if you wanted to compete with these casual cultivators, it would be tantamount to abuse.

How could the warriors of those small forces in casual repairs compare to them?

The disciples of the four major sects showed disdain on their faces one by one. This rule seems to be protecting the interests of others, but in fact, it is meaningless.

Jian Qingyang saw this, but did not speak. Instead, his expression was a bit solemn. Mu Zhan was older than him, and his talent was not weak. It really suppressed his power to a level, and he might not be able to easily defeat it.

On the contrary, Mu Zhan will put some pressure on him because of his combat experience.

"Yunyang, can you agree to such a rule? I really considered it for you!"

The main road of Qingfeng Pavilion.

Yunyang is a strong man in the later stage of Dao Sect, and he has not broken through in the later stage of Dao Sect. One is that he has not realized his own understanding, and the other is that the scale of the Holy Spirit has not been improved.

This also allowed him to stay in this state for tens of thousands of years. He knew that his potential had been exhausted, and if he wanted to improve one step further, it was impossible to rely on his own strength. Can improve.

This soil is his only chance.

He stayed for so long in the later stage of Dao Sect. He really had to compete with those geniuses with the strength of the later stage of Dao Sect. There was a great chance, because no one had more combat experience than him.

"Well, with this method, whoever can defeat everyone will go to whomever is the rest."

Yunyang nodded.

"Mu Zhan, Li Susu, Feng Yilong, don't waste your time, whoever wants to play first, if you don't want to play, I will play first."

Jian Qing Yang said.

"I don't want to be the first bird. The Heavenly Desolate Realm is so big, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no powerful geniuses. Let's watch the changes first."

Mu Zhandao.

Li Susu's phoenix eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and said: "Jian Qingyang, I will not take advantage of you. If you win seven games in a row, I will give up the fight for land."

Feng Yilong, the Taoist priest of the sacred beast door, also smiled, and said: "Since Li Susu said so, then seven games are agreed. If you can win a few games, I will give up the fight."

Of course, it is impossible for them to let Jian Qingyang win seven games, because in the seventh game, they will definitely take a shot. If they really lose, there is no way.

"Hahaha, let alone seven games, ten games are fine!"

Jian Qingyang laughed, his figure disappeared from his position in an instant, and the next one, a sword light was in the range of the Zhenling Pagoda, reunited and gathered into a single figure, surprisingly Jian Qingyang.

Jian Qingyang swept around the martial artist, with an indifferent expression: "Since you all want to fight for the earth, then use your strength to prove it. If you have the courage, come up."

Jian Qingyang's voice was not loud, but it was extremely crisp, straight through the hearts of the people, all the martial artists in the audience were stunned, but for a while, no one dared to go up.

After all, Jian Qingyang's reputation is too great, although this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight against such a genius.

However, they don't want to lose face either. Although the soil is very precious, they really want to compete, but they still need strength.

After a long time, I saw an old man in sackcloth, walked out of the crowd, and slowly said: "Jian Qingyang, the old man has heard of your name in the Taihuan realm, and the old man has also lowered his cultivation base and fights you. Fight."

When the old man walked out, his aura radiated, and a powerful wave of Dao power was transmitted from his body, obviously reaching the Dao Fa realm.

"This old man is actually in the realm of Taoism, and he is still in the world. It is impossible for this person to be unknown."

"He wouldn't be Yuan Hong from the Taihuan Jie? He also participated in the Jiezi War, and was still ranked in Jiezi War. Unfortunately, he did not enter the Taoist Academy."

"This Yuanhong is said to have cultivated to the Dao Sect realm in the Tai Huan Realm. Although the Tai Huan Realm is an intermediate world, it is very weak. From ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of people who can practice Dao Sect."

"Just, why did he become an old man."

"The potential of every genius is limited. Yuan Hong may be a genius in the Taihuan realm, but it is nothing to come to the Heavenly Desolate Realm."


Many warriors all talked about it.

Among them, there are also many people who were once the geniuses of the ninety-nine world and were the protagonists. They came here but became casual repairers and passersby.

They also regretted why they would rather be a phoenix tail than a chicken head.

However, they are geniuses, and geniuses want to go to a bigger world. They come here without regret.

Jian Qingyang listened to the people's discussion, and he undertook a lot of Yuanhong, and said indifferently: "I don't think you also have the cultivation base of Taoism. However, looking at your age, I am afraid that your potential has been drained. Let you see, what is the genius without one in the world, let's take action, ten moves, within ten moves, I will definitely defeat you."

Jian Qingyang wanted to say three tricks at the beginning. If they all used the power of the Taoist realm, he would dare to say so, but if the power is suppressed to the Taoist realm and the powerful Taoist cannot be used, it will be a little troublesome.

"Ten strokes?"

Yuan Hong's face changed, holding a domineering golden long stick in his hand, and said: "Jian Qingyang, I have said this to others before, and I can beat the opponent every time. If you say this to me, I will try my best to defeat you."

"Go ahead!"

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