Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2336: : Dao Fa weakened

Zhang Mofan could feel that the aura in Huang Qingyan's body was climbing crazily, and that kind of climbing contained a blood energy, which was the result of many years of preparations by the blood demon ancestor.

"what happened?"

   Chen Rong frowned when he detected the abnormality, and the Dao Bao Long Sword in his hand violently assassinated Huang Qingyan.

However, at this moment, Huang Qingyan opened his eyes in vain. At this moment, the aura on his body burst out like a volcano, hitting Chen Rong's body, flying directly upside down and falling to the ground, spouting A bite of blood.

"how can that be?"

   Chen Rong was shocked.

   As for Huang Qingyan, she also flew up from the stone bed and felt the changes in her body. She unexpectedly discovered that the blood energy stored in her body had been completely refined.

   Huang Qingyan has already felt that his realm has directly risen to the late Daoist stage, and even the Holy Spirit scale has risen to a realm.

   It is conceivable that the plan that the blood demon ancestor has prepared for so many years has caused how powerful the blood energy energy is.

   "Light smoke, you have a blessing in disguise this time, in a short time, all the blood energy in your body has been refined."

   Zhang Mofan smiled.

   Huang Qingyan nodded, excited: "Xiao Fan, with my current strength, it is not a problem to deal with the warriors in the middle of Dao Fa."

   If she was only in the early stage of Taoism, at best, she would contend with the latter stage of Taoism. Now, she is hit by Taoism, refining her blood and energy, reaching the late stage of Taoism, and her cultivation level can be said to be a blast.

   "Then take action to get rid of all these people."

   Zhang Mofan laughed, and the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd suddenly swept away, and the halberds bombarded them, hitting the Dao Dharma realm martial artists, and flew out the bombardment.

   "Looking for death!"

   Zhuang Zhou yelled, the heavy ruler in his hand slammed Zhang Mofan fiercely, one by one, huge shadows of the ruler, like mountains and seas.


   Countless reckless dragon-shaped air currents, at the moment Zhuang Zhou shot his hand, revolved around his body, and at the same time, those air currents formed the appearance of a crane.

   "Wan Dao Ju Tian Chi!"

   The big ruler waved continuously, infinitely domineering, and suddenly pressure came.

Zhuang Zhou's whole person and the heaven and the earth are one, with a powerful momentum, his head revolves, forming absolute coercion. The deputy leaders of the heavy-foot faction, the top nine masters, almost knelt on the ground, watching in horror. The leader.

   The leaders of their heavy-footed faction truly showed their strongest methods.

   Ten thousand Dao Tian Chi, eight hundred horses!

   "This is the mighty power of Taoism, which can penetrate the eternity and break the future!"

"We backed away quickly, the leader was really angry, and he kept consuming his Dao power and displayed the 10,000 Dao Heavenly Ruler with eight hundred horses of Dao. According to rumors, this Dao method is a very powerful Dao. The power is amazing."

   "Kill this Zhang Mofan and get one million Dao Dan, and we can reach the sky in one step!"

   "We also cooperate with the shot. It is impossible for Zhang Mofan to resist. Even if he can resist, he will definitely be seriously injured. When we arrive, we will attack Zhang Mofan again. Don't let him have a chance to breathe!"

   The masters of the heavy-foot faction dodge one after another, shocked.

   "Only eight hundred horses of Taoism, a thousand horses of Taoism have nothing to do with me, the air of rebellion!"

   Zhang Mofan did not move in the face of Zhuang Zhou's mighty power. With a wave of his halberd, his rebellious aura wrapped around the front of the halberd, constantly colliding with that shadow.

   Suddenly, the chi shadow was in the void, constantly colliding and exploding, no matter how crazy the chi shadow was, it would be difficult to bombard Zhang Mofan.

   Moreover, everyone can clearly feel that the eight hundred horses of Taoism has actually begun to weaken, to the level of five hundred horses.

   Dao Fa, as long as it is displayed, the strong in Dao realm can feel the strength of Dao Fa with their own power.

   Therefore, when Zhuang Zhou displayed the Ten Thousand Dao Ju Tian Zhi, everyone felt the power of the eight hundred Dao Fa.

   But at this moment, they felt that there were only more than 500 horses in the Ten Thousand Paths.

   "What's going on? The power of Dao Fa has been weakened? Is this so possible?"

   Zhuang Zhou's eyes finally showed fear. His Taoism and martial arts had actually been reduced by nearly 30%.


Zhang Mofan broke through those shadows and slammed out with a halberd. No words can describe the power of the halberd. A huge blood mark appeared on Zhuang Zhou's body. The whole person also fell out and fell to the ground, almost moving. Incredible.

   was just a trick, defeating a strong man who had entered the late stage of Taoism for thousands of years.

   No one can believe it, this is something a warrior in the early days of Taoism can do.

   "Dao Fa is actually weakened, what is going on?"

   "The Dao of eight hundred horses has become five hundred?"


  The masters of the heavy-footed faction were all stunned and couldn't believe their eyes. Zhang Mofan's defeat of Zhuang Zhou was nothing. The key was that Dao Fa was weakened. This made them feel incredible.

   "Zhang Mofan, what methods are you able to weaken my Taoism?"

   Zhuang Zhou, who fell to the ground, was still unwilling.

  Zhang Mofan smiled and said: " I advised you, think carefully before you do it, even the Xu family has to offer a reward to capture me, just because you want to kill me?"

   As for Chen Rong, she was also defeated by Huang Qingyan and fell to the ground, her eyes full of horror.

   "Zhuang Zhou, do you want to survive?"

   asked Zhang Mofan.

   Zhuang Zhou nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice, and said: "Think, don't kill me, I can surrender you. From now on, you will be the leader of my heavy-footed faction, and we will respect you one by one."

   Zhang Mofan shook his head and said with a smile: "I have no interest in your heavy-footed faction."

   While talking, Zhang Mofan slowly walked to the side and sat down, his eyes swept to the other masters, and those masters knelt down in shock.

   This Zhang Mofan is terrible!

   "There is a chamber of commerce in the nearby city of Chiyan Tiancheng. The chamber of commerce, but the Xu family industry?"

   asked Zhang Mofan.

   Zhuang Zhou nodded and said, "The Xu family's Chamber of Commerce in Yantian City was not created by the Xu family, and half of the industry belonged to the owner of the Yantian City. Although the Xu family is strong, it is impossible for him to annex all chambers of commerce."

   It is too far away from the Xu family, it is impossible for the Xu family to reach out here, but the Xu family still cooperates with the city lord of Yantian with its own energy.

  The income of the Chamber of Commerce is evenly divided!

   "In that Rock Heaven City, are there any powerful masters, or, in other words, are there any masters in the real world?"

   Zhang Mofan then asked.

  What he has to do is naturally to rob this chamber of commerce, and the Xu family wants him to be wanted, so he always wants to show them a little bit of color.

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