Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2351: : Great Crap

   At the moment Chairman Wan bombarded Zhang Mofan, Luo Zilin instantly saw the awkwardness. He hadn't noticed it before.


   Chairman Wan listened to Luo Zilin's words, and as soon as he reacted, he saw Zhang Mofan's body began to twist, and finally collided suddenly, and he exploded unexpectedly.

   This is a self-destruct.

   However, President Wan showed disdain, and this kind of self-destructive force could not threaten him at all.

   With a wave of his hands, a large amount of water vapor condenses around his body. This is the water vapor condensed by his seal water power, which gathers together to form a shield.

   The terrifying explosion bombarded the shield, constantly impacting, the shield was like a ball, squeezed and deformed, but it still couldn't break through the shield.

   "It's actually a clone, what about his deity? Has he already escaped?"

   President Wan frowned, and felt something was wrong again. If Zhang Mofan really wanted to escape, there would be no need to play this one at all, it would not do him any good.

   However, when the energy of the avatar's shattering dissipated completely, a figure weirdly rushed out from the location where the avatar exploded and was assassinated.

   This halberd was absolutely sudden and unexpected. It pierced the shield in an instant and severely assassinated President Wan.

President Wan smiled coldly and said: "It turns out that the deity is hidden in itself, and wants to use the clone to blew up to attract my attention. Unfortunately, you are too underestimating the power of Taoism. Body, itself can be turned into energy, unless your moral power surpasses me, otherwise, you will not harm my fur at all."

  While speaking, President Wan's body was grunting, as if it was going to turn into liquid.

   Zhang Mofan assassinated the past with a halberd, and did not harm President Wan. This halberd, just like an assassination in the water, did not harm President Wan at all.

   "It's useless, below Daozhen, all are ants. Do you know what it means? No matter how powerful your Dao power is, it is impossible to harm Daozhen."

   Chairman Wan said.

   Daozhen is to truly understand the true meaning of Dao, that is, to take one's own practice further, comprehend the Dao, and condense the Dao body.

   Generally speaking, what kind of exercises you are practicing, the Dao body will turn into some energy.

   Zhang Mofan failed in the assassination, and he was not surprised, because he knew that he would not be able to harm President Wan with a normal blow.

   Even if he casts the strongest Hundred Yuan Tusheng, he can't hurt the Dao body of the real powerhouse. This is not something that can be hurt by attacking strong.

   However, Zhang Mofan did it deliberately, because he hadn't thought that it could hurt Chairman Wan. What he had to do was to let President Wan relax his vigilance.

  Because his next blow will really seriously hurt the opponent.

   That is to use rebellious energy.

   The life-defying aura can reverse everything for a short time. As long as he reverses the dao body of President Wan when he attacks, the body of President Wan is still a flesh and blood body, not a dao body.

   Thinking of this, the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd in his hand was assassinated with a single halberd, and the halberd's front contained rebellious energy.

  President Wan couldn’t help but shook his head, this guy, he really doesn’t give up, doesn’t he even know how powerful Dao really is?


   However, when his thought was just born, his complexion changed drastically, and he spouted a mouthful of blood, and he saw his body being pierced severely.

"how can that be?"

  President Wan was shocked.

   It's not just him, even Luo Zilin, with an incredible expression on his face, he would never have thought that Zhang Mofan's halberd could hurt Chairman Wan.

   That is the real power of Dao, the existence of the condensed Dao body.

  Moreover, the cultivation technique practiced by President Wan is a technique of seal water, and the physical body can be transformed into seal water, a kind of heaven and earth wonder water that contains countless seals.

   However, Zhang Mofan still severely injured him and directly penetrated his body.

   "You? You actually hurt me, what's the matter? Your attack actually broke my Taoism?"

   If it weren't for this scene of encountering Dao himself, he would never believe that a Dao Sect can hurt Dao Zhen.

  Don't talk about Zong, even Luo Zilin can't hurt him. Maybe, if you really compete for strength, he is not Luo Zilin's opponent.

   However, Luo Zilin wanted to seriously hurt him, it was impossible, because he had the Dao body, the most powerful method for the strong Dao.

   "This guy is really amazing."

   Luo Zilin was so shocked that he didn't even know how Zhang Mofan did it.

   Zhang Mofan stabbed Chairman Wan with a halberd. The goal has been achieved. He once again assassinated with a halberd. Chairman Wan chose to distance himself from Zhang Mofan and adjust his breath.

   "It's no wonder that the Xu family wants to capture you at all costs. Your talent is very strong among the people of the gods, and you are qualified to be my opponent."

   Luo Zilin suddenly became excited, his eyes were fierce, as if he had caught prey.

   "Your halberd just now should be regarded as a full blow. It seems that your strength is just like that, but with a certain hole card, you can make amazing moves."

   Luo Zilin stands with his hands on his Her clothes are fluttering, calm and free.

   "What nonsense with him, I will kill him first!"

   President Wan had an angry face, holding a long sword in his hand, shooting out thousands of sword light, powerful moral power, brewing in it, the sword light offensive might be powerful enough to destroy a world.

   However, Zhang Mofan waved his hand, and the tombstones were suppressed from the void. Above the tombstones, thunder surrounded, bombarded the sword lights, and instantly shattered the sword lights.

   Those tombstones shook directly towards Chairman Wan.


   A terrifying attack, blasted towards Chairman Wan, and retreated his bombardment.

   "The power of the heavenly tomb, bury the heaven and the earth!"

   Zhang Mofan yelled and showed Emperor Fan’s strongest move. Those tombstones continued to fall from the void and blasted towards President Wan’s body.

With Zhang Mofan’s strength, it is already comparable in strength to the early days of ordinary Daozhen, and President Wan’s Dao body was forced to not only have its strength greatly reduced, but also his own Dao body could not condense in a short time. Being attacked by Zhang Mofan like this is simply Unable to parry.

Puff puff!

   Those tombstones completely buried Chairman Wan, only one head was exposed, with blood on his forehead. As for the backstage, the self-proclaimed space was also broken. .

   "Zhang Mofan, you think you can kill me this way. I have already united with the overlords of more than a dozen sects to deal with you. As long as I give an order, they will set up a net and capture you."

  President Wan was struggling constantly, but he couldn't move, and his heart was extremely angry. He didn't seem to expect that things would turn into this way.

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