Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2353: : Dao Fa

   Ji Du Tian Shen Yuan Destruction Sword is truly displayed with the help of the Heaven God power. This power is definitely not weaker than Dao Fa. At least, the general Dao Fa martial arts of 1,500 horses is incomparable.

   With the help of martial spirits, the tricks of the gods are displayed. This is a means that is the hallmark of the human race of the divine legacy. They rely on their talents and are strong and rarely use martial arts methods against other human races.

  Because, even if they don't use martial arts methods, their strength is much higher than others at the same level.

   That sword, with a powerful tearing and cutting force, blasted towards Zhang Mofan.

   Zhang Mofan frowned, gathered his hands together, circulated the Celestial Realm, and rolled towards the Jidu Celestial God Yuan Miejian.

   Suddenly, that Yuan Miejian seemed to have encountered strong rejection, and the speed was greatly reduced.

   "What realm is this that can actually affect the swordsmanship of the gods!"

   Luo Zilin was shocked.

   "Your swordsmanship, I'm afraid it won't work!"

   Zhang Mo shook his head, and his big hand condensed the Heaven Slashing Excalibur Sword, and with one sword, it blasted the opponent's Heavenly God Yuan Miejian.

   At the same time, Zhang Mofan swept his body and rushed directly towards Luo Zilin. The statue of the Hundred Yuan Great Sovereign was condensed, constantly bombarding various powerful martial arts, and rushing towards Luo Zilin.

   Even though Luo Zilin had six martial arts spirits, and was able to play six powerful martial arts at the same time, he still couldn't resist. The whole person was hit by many powerful martial arts, and the whole person flew out directly, fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

   A man of the late Dao Fa's legacy was defeated by Zhang Mofan.

   Chairman Wan saw this scene and his eyes were distraught. They had so many masters who deliberately wanted to set up a net to capture Zhang Mofan, but he did not expect to be defeated by Zhang Mofan in this way.

   Zhang Mofan didn't even glance at Luo Zilin, walked slowly in front of President Wan, and said: "President Wan, please hand over the things?"

   "What? The eight items in the auction are all there. Today I admit it."

   President Wan gritted his teeth. He knew that Zhang Mofan should not be killed. Zhang Mofan did this entirely for revenge on the Xu family, and he would definitely let him go to inform him.

   "Those items are nothing, you should have more valuable items."

   Zhang Mofan said.

President Wan’s expression remained unchanged, and said: "What is more valuable, I don’t understand what you mean. You want to plunder all the resources of our chamber of commerce. It’s impossible. All the resources of our chamber of commerce are in circulation. Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce treasure house cannot be opened easily."

What he said is to tell the truth. The key to the Chamber of Commerce’s treasure house is not in the hands of one person, but in the hands of several vice-chairmen. Some of them are not in the Chamber of Commerce yet, even if Zhang Mofan has a bigger one. Skills can't open the treasure house.

However, Zhang Mofan didn't care about those things at all, saying: "Luo Zilin promised to help you capture me, and also took out so much blood of the gods, you should promise him some kind of condition, or plan to give him any benefit. , Take out that benefit!"

   Luo Zilin's face changed, as if he didn't expect Zhang Mofan to stare at his things.

  As for President Wan, his expression remained unchanged, and he said, "We didn't prepare anything for him!"

   "I don't believe it. If you don't benefit Luo Zilin, I don't believe Luo Zilin will work hard for you."

Zhang Mofan slowly walked over and looked at Chairman Wan with a slight smile: "Are you handing it over by yourself, or let me kill you directly? Of course, if you don't want to, I will directly seal you. Then take it away and torture you slowly, that thing must be on you, I don’t believe it, you don’t hand him over."

   "You, you are such a demon."

   President Wan roared: "I don't have anything valuable at all."


   As soon as his voice fell, the whole person felt a powerful imprisonment force, the power of the tomb burial, which confined Chairman Wan to death.

   Zhang Mofan has no benevolence and morality at all, just a real demon head.


  President Wan screamed in pain. At any rate, he was a strong man in the early days of Daozhen. Being suppressed by Zhang Mofan like this, he felt very aggrieved and pained.

   This Zhang Mofan is too tough and too hot.

   No wonder, the Xu family is going to dispatch so many powerful men to capture Zhang Mofan, and even Jian Qingyang vowed to kill Zhang Mo.

   ah ah ah!

Moreover, the imprisoning power became stronger and stronger, making his body very painful, as if he was about to be oppressed into a mass of fleshy flesh, he roared fiercely, and said: "Spare, Zhang Mofan, spare, I don't want to die, you Withdraw the supernatural powers quickly."

   "Can you tell me now, what's the baby on you, right?"

   Zhang Mofan did not regain his strength, he was still suppressing Chairman Wan.

   "It's Taoism, two thousand five hundred horses of Taoism, swordsmanship that pierces the sky!"

  President Wan is still roaring: "My ancestors, my ancestors, quickly take back the magical powers, I will give you."

   Zhang Mofan retracted his power, and the tombstones turned into energy and dissipated.


   President Wan's legs softened and he collapsed directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

As for Luo Zilin, he shouted: "President Wan, you are going to give it to me that Dadao Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship, how can you hand it That's 2,500 horses of Taoism? , It is quite rare in any place. For the martial artist of the Taoist realm, it is already very good to be able to practice this kind of Taoism.

   He worked so hard for so long, isn't it just that way?

  President Wan said: "Master Luo, I don't want to die, I want to live, and you didn't help me complete the task."

   "Stop talking nonsense, take out that approach!"

   Zhang Mofan said: "I have no patience to spend with you here."

   President Wan trembling hands, took out a book from the world inside the body, the book, like jade, shining.

   Zhang Mofan took the book, and on the cover of the book, there were a few words sketched out: "Sword of Ten Thousand Ways to Break the Sky."

Below   , there are notes of two thousand five hundred horses.

   Two thousand five hundred horses of Taoism, in many places, has no market, and its value is probably at the level of tens of millions of Tao Dan.

As for Luo Zilin, his eyes were red, and he could only watch Zhang Mofan take away Daofa and martial arts. This time, he definitely lost his wife and broke down, lost the blood of the gods, and even Daofa was robbed. gone.

   Zhang Mofan put the Daofa away, and then focused on the eight auction items. These auction items are also valuable, especially the Tonghuo Tianyan Furnace and Nadan Furnace, which are the biggest gains of this trip to plunder the Chamber of Commerce. .

   is much more valuable than this method.

   However, just as Zhang Mofan was about to take away the auction items, an old voice slowly passed: "What a courage, I dare to make trouble in the Chamber of Commerce, dare to make trouble in this city lord's site!"

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