Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2370: : Crowned the Emperor

"Yes, you can't release water. If you release water, this emperor can't spare you. This emperor wants to see your true strength!"

Ren Qianqian was thoroughly persuaded by Zhang Mofan's words.

The strength is tyrannical, and, unyielding, coming to the daughter country, it is just to go to the East Desolate Land.

More importantly, Zhang Mofan was able to cooperate with her and deceive her mother together.

"Then don't blame me for being impolite!"

Zhang Mofan shouted in a low voice, and stopped passively defending. His figure was imaginary, and in an instant, he appeared in front of Ren Qianqian and swung fiercely.

Thirty-six phantoms of myriad monsters flickered, gathered into a large array, burst out.

Ten thousand monsters thirty-six heaven halberd!

Ren Qianqian's face changed slightly, and the majestic Taoism rolled over, forming a layer of rich golden light all over her body. This golden light was like a layer of golden armor covering her whole body. The long sword in her hand was also powerful. Toward that huge formation, slay the past fiercely.


The entire space seemed to be restrained by this sword, a huge golden vortex.

Ren Qianqian also brought out his most powerful Taoism and martial arts, as well as his own powerful strength.

Three thousand horses of Taoism and martial arts!


It was a direct collision.


The long sword and the Ten Thousand Demon Sealing Evil Formation slammed together, and the terrifying truth formed waves of shock waves, completely destroying the nearby seats.

You know, those seats are made of high-quality materials and are very strong, even the title of the holy ones may not be able to be destroyed.

However, this is a battle of Taoism level.

"This Ren Qianqian is really amazing. She deserves to be the queen of the daughter country, and she actually displayed three thousand horses!"

Zhang Mofan's face changed slightly, and his rebellious aura spurred him, covering the past. The 3,000 horses of Taoism directly weakened by 30%, becoming 2,100 horses of Taoism, and its power was suddenly reduced.


Ren Qianqian's complexion changed, and he noticed that the power of his Taoism had actually weakened, and his offensive became weaker and weaker, and finally the whole person was shocked and flew out.

Zhang Mofan grinned, the big halberd in his hand stabbed Ren Qianqian fiercely.

Ren Qianqian was startled, holding a sword to resist in front of him.


Ren Qianqian had just resisted Zhang Mofan's halberd, followed by another halberd, blasting towards Ren Qianqian.


A series of fierce collisions continued to resound through the void. Before, Ren Qianqian constantly attacked Zhang Mofan. This time, it was Zhang Mofan who blasted directly at Ren Qianqian.

Zhang Mofan's own "Hhalberd Punishment" has already combined the melee combat ability of the halberd technique, and is extremely powerful in cultivation, which can be fast or slow, offensive and defensive.

"A quick halberd, one halberd after halberd, endless, and it doesn't give me any chance at all. Why does he have such strength in the late stage of Dao Sect?"

With a horrified expression on his face, Ren Qianqian displayed all his skills, using his swordsmanship to the extreme, and constantly resisted, but despite this, he was still pressed and beaten by Zhang Mofan.

Moreover, it is still suppression, full suppression, and there is no chance of backhand at all.

Her own dignified martial artist of the later stage of Taoism, being so oppressed by a later stage of Taoism made her heart very distressed, and her emotions began to become irritable.

Zhang Mofan smiled and said: "Your Majesty, fighting against others, guarding against arrogance and impetuosity is the most important thing, otherwise, even if the opponent is weaker than you, it is very likely to take advantage of it."


Zhang Mofan struck him with a halberd, blasting Ren Qianqian directly into the air, hitting the attic gate, shattering the gate, and falling directly outside the attic.

The female officer and the old woman changed their expressions wildly when they saw this scene. The old woman directly supported Ren Qianqian. As for the female officer, she jumped and rushed directly into the attic, saying: "What a courage, I dare to hurt Your Majesty and look for death! "

While she was talking, she had already made a move, and directly pounced on Zhang Mofan, trying to capture Zhang Mofan.

As for Xu Luochen, the corner of his mouth raised an arc and said, "You dare to hurt Her Majesty the Queen, this Huang Qing is really an idiot!"

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

The old woman asked.

Ren Qianqian stood up slowly, patted the dust on her body, and said, "Stop it all, I just had a discussion with Huang Qing."

Hearing that, the female officer withdrew her strength, but still had a hostile expression. Even if it was a discussion and wounded the empress, that would be a big crime.

Zhang Mofan walked out slowly, and said, "Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay, do you think that attack can hurt the emperor?"

Ren Qianqiandao.

The old woman said: "Your Majesty, the choice of male favorite, have you decided?"

Ren Qianqian nodded and said, "The emperor has already decided, he is Huang Qing!"

When these words fell, Xu Luochen's expression changed, and said, "Your Majesty, why is it him? Is it just because he defeated you?"

Xu Luochen never thought that Ren Qianqian had changed his mind. What was going on?

Ren Qianqian replied: "What decision the emperor do I need to explain to you?"

Xu Luochen gritted his teeth and glared at Zhang Mofan fiercely. He had no idea but he would lose to a Zhang Mofan who was inferior in strength and appearance.

Of course, not only Xu Luochen, but the other three people also didn't expect that Huang Qing would actually be the queen's last choice.

Before, the queen had already made a choice. Could it be that just because Zhang Mofan defeated the queen, the queen changed her mind? This seems unlikely.

"Well, the emperor has made a decision. Huang Qing will be the first in the election conference. Now take him to bathe and change clothes and crown the emperor's favorite."

Ren Qianqian finished speaking and returned to the attic.

Yue Po was also secretly exclaimed: "A person whose looks and strength are not as good as Xu Luochen's, was finally spotted by the empress. It seems that this guy has extraordinary means!"


Zhang Mofan was finally taken down by this immortal election conference. It is conceivable that Zhang Mofan's reputation will truly be heard in the daughter country.

An hour later, Yue Po brought Xu Luochen back, announcing that the Fairy Selection Conference would be taken by Huang Qing from the Nanxian Pavilion. For a while, the whole daughter city was a sensation.

Because many people know that Huang Qing is inferior to Xu Luochen's regardless of his looks and strength.

There has never been such a strength in the past election conferences.

"how is this possible?"

When Luo Zilin got the news, he couldn't calm down anymore, he personally approached Xu Luochen.

At this time, Xu Luochen, sitting in the Chongxian Pavilion, had an extremely ugly expression, and flames contained in his body. As long as he could find the explosion opening, he would definitely burst out directly.

"Xu Luochen, it seems we still underestimated that guy, but that guy will definitely die."

Luo Zilin said coldly.

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