Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2395: : Gathering of geniuses

The strength of the Dao Sect realm has hurt the Dao body of the real realm. This is what makes him most puzzled, and even the five pavilion masters can't figure it out.

Zhang Mofan's ranking is so high, not only is he leapfrogged to defeat Yao Tiange, but also because he broke the level that the five pavilion masters can understand.

Because they can't understand, they naturally want to understand.

Zhang Mofan replied: "Can I not answer? This is my secret, and it is also my hole card."

Seeing Zhang Mofan refused to answer, Yuan Qing smiled slightly, saying, "You are right. Everyone has a secret. I hope that this time, you can represent the branch of the daughter country and attack the new sky. Rank in the talent list!"

"Pavilion Master Yuan, what do you mean by that?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

"The Tianhuang Pavilion has a main pavilion, four major sub-chambers. You are the favorite of the daughter country, and you are also a member of the daughter country. You represent the Tianhuang Pavilion sub-pavilion of the daughter country. This time, the Tianhuang sub-pavilion of the daughter country. There should be only three people, you ranked thirteenth, Daozi from the Xuannv Palace, Li Susu ranked 29th, and a genius from the Daughter Kingdom, the 33rd Ghost Lady!"

Yuan Qing said: "Compared to the other three divisions, whether it is the number of people or the ranking information, my division is the weakest!"

"As the head of the daughter's national cabinet, I naturally hope that your ranking can be improved!"

Listening to the words of the Pavilion Master, Zhang Mofan nodded and said: "I don't actually have much desire for ranking, but I am full of interest in the inheritance of Dongfu of the formation machine."

This formation machine is a formation ghost. Perhaps, with a bit of inheritance, he can find the secret to cracking the parchment scroll.

"Hehe, all geniuses are interested in the inheritance cave mansion of the tower machine!"

Yuan Qing said: "However, this pavilion master always has a good face. If this time, you can advance one position, this pavilion master will reward you with a pill in the name of four people, and the Dao Qi will increase the pill!"

"Dao Qi gains Dan?"

Zhang Mofan's face changed. This pill is a good thing. Taking one tablet can increase the Taoism contained in the Taoist heart.

The virility of the Dao Fa is related to the number of times the Dao Fa is used.

With his current strength, that Dao Zhan Tianquan can only be used three times.

"Yes, this Dao Qi Gain Pill is worth at least five million Dao Pills, and it has a price but no market."

Yuan Qing said.

Zhang Mofan asked, "Could it be that what rules are there to compete for rankings?"

"not at all!"

Yuan Qing shook his head and said: "You just need to remember to let the people who rank higher than you slumped. Whoever can get more benefits, the few of us pavilions will re-ranking from your performance."

The meaning of this statement is actually easy to understand. To go to the cave to **** the inheritance, you must be vigorous, and you can't hide yourself and hunt for treasures secretly.

"The rankings are higher than me. I'm afraid that all of them are not easy, right?"

Zhang Mofan smiled bitterly, he really didn't intend to head-on with those people, he wanted to outwit, as long as he could get the baby, as for the process, it was meaningless.

"I believe you can refresh the ranking!"

Yuan Qing smiled and said: "Well, you go down first, when the ghost lady comes, we will set off!"

Manager Lie took Zhang Mofan back to the first floor. Suddenly, Zhang Mofan saw a familiar shadow. He speeded up and walked up behind the shadow. He said excitedly: "Light smoke?"

Na Qianying turned around and said with a smile: "Qianyan, yes, I am Qingyan!"

Zhang Mofan looked at that beautiful shadow, especially that kind of beautiful and familiar alchemy. It was Huang Qingyan astonishingly, with an incredible expression on his face.

Afterwards, he shook his head sharply and said: "No, you are not Qingyan, who are you?"

"It's worthy of being the thirteenth genius on the list of talented talents. I reacted so quickly!"

The woman smiled.

Zhang Mofan’s eyes were blurred, and his lightly yellow face gradually transformed into another woman’s face. The same length is extremely beautiful, the face is very delicate, and the red lips are like flames. It makes people look at it and can’t help but want to kiss. A bite.

"Huang Qing, don't be fooled by her. She just secretly used psychedelic techniques on you and can steal your thoughts. When you look at her, you will be presented to you by the person you miss. !"

Li Susu walked out slowly and said: "She is the ghost lady, the 33rd red lady on the talent list!"

Zhang Mofan said: "Huang Qing!"

"Unexpectedly you are so handsome, you deserve to be the man who became the favorite of the emperor. If you can't hang around with the queen, how about we make a couple?"

The ghost lady covered her mouth and said: "I can change what kind of woman you like!"

While she was talking, she moved and slowly changed her shape, and she turned into Huang Qingyan's appearance.

Zhang Mofan frowned and said coldly: "Ghost lady, please also respect yourself, don't make fun of my wife, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

The ghost lady noticed the anger conveyed by Zhang Mofan's words, and changed back to the original state again, pouting: "It's really boring, I just wanted to solve your lovesickness!"

Li Susu on the side interjected: "Red Lady, Zhang Mofan's wife is dead, and the deceased is the oldest, so you still don't want to make fun of him."

"Lost boring!"

The ghost lady walked aside, sat aside, and stopped talking to Zhang Mofan.

"Since the three of you are here, it shouldn't be too late, let's rush to the inheritance cave of the formation machine!"

Yuan Qing walked down.


The three nodded, not intending to delay, and set off directly to the land of the beast.


The land of sacred beasts, a nameless island, was originally no one cared about, but at this moment, many people came.

Nearly more than two dozen human figures gathered in this island.

Each of these people has a very condensed aura. Obviously, they are not casual cultivators, but real geniuses, and they are also geniuses on the genius list.

To be able to gather all these geniuses together, only Tianhuang Pavilion can do it, and also must come up with some attractive things to attract them.


When Yuan Qing showed up on the island with three people, they were also surprised by those warriors.

"Are those people all the geniuses on the genius list?"

Zhang Mofan urged the exploration of the Holy Spirit Body, and he could feel that those strong men were not simple, and almost all had the strength above the real realm of Tao, and strong men of the fivefold Taoist enlightenment and sixfold Taoist holy realm also exist.

After being amazed, Zhang Mofan felt that powerful auras were thrown towards them.

"That man in the hat is Huang Qing?"

"It should be him. He actually defeated Dao Zhen with the strength of Dao Zong's later stage and ranked 13th on the list of talented talents. However, is this ranking a bit inflated?"

Many geniuses are all talking.

(End of this chapter)

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