Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2496: : Big things happen

The students of the three universities often encounter them. Once they are encountered, they are almost endless. This time, the information of the Bodhisattva’s inheritance Dongfu came out, and the three universities received the news. Almost all the students formed a group. Perform tasks.

   However, there are not many groups of students who can confirm the location of the Bodhisattva inheritance cave.

   And, coupled with the warriors who chased Zhang Mofan, including Jian Qingyang and others, they all entered the Eastern Wilderness Underworld one by one. It can be said that for a while, the Eastern Wilderness Underworld became lively.

  Who would have thought that in just one month, the number of warriors in the East Desolate Land had doubled several times.

Moreover, those new faces are almost all in the late stage of Dao Enlightenment. They are strong and walk freely in the East Wasteland. Some people, who do not understand the rules of the East Wasteland, fight directly outside and are immediately caught by the East Wasteland. The law enforcement officers captured and locked them up, and asked their companions to take Dao Dan to redeem them, otherwise they would be imprisoned for a year.

   As for Zhang Mofan, after taking the Nine Turns Body Tempering Pill, although the Dao body has been strengthened, the realm has not improved.

   And this time, it was more than three months.

   Zhang Mofan noticed that the medicinal power of the Nine Turns Body Tempering Pill had been completely consumed, and he had not been able to make a breakthrough, so he gave up.

   Ren Qianqian, who had already broken through Dao Wu, also leaned in front of Zhang Mofan and said: "Zhang Mofan, if you can't break through, we can continue to collect Dao Dan and buy that Yama Lingshui!"

   "I can't break through, but that's not the reason!"

Zhang Mofan smiled slightly and said: "I have been promoted too fast. It has only been more than three months. My Dao body has not fully adapted to my current strength. Maybe after a few battles, I will break through. Let's go. Go directly to find the cave mansion on the map!"

"it is good!"

   Ren Qianqian nodded and smiled.

   This time, she was able to break through Dao Enlightenment. It was really thanks to the tenfold cultivation method. In three months, in the tenfold cultivation method, that is more than 900 days, which is equivalent to three years.

   It has been half a year for them to come to the East Desolate Land, and Ren Qianqian himself did not expect that he could improve so much in half a year.

   Immediately, they started to act again, and they didn't plan to search for other caves, but to find the place pointed on the map.

   At this time, Zhang Mofan discovered that there seemed to be more warriors in the East Wasteland.

   "Zhang Mofan, how come there are so many people."

   Ren Qianqian looked around, back and forth, one after another, like a white horse passing by.

   Zhang Mofan said: "I don't know, there are so many people, there must be a reason, we will wait, and ask a few warriors."

   After a while, they saw two human figures slowly flying in their direction.

   These two men are both very tall and tall, both of them are two meters past, their whole bodies are showing red-black skin, and there is a single horn on their foreheads. It seems that they are not ordinary human warriors.

   "Zhang Mofan, those two people should belong to the Fire Demon Race!"

   Baby Dragon reminded him.

   "Fire Demon Race? Why do they come here?"

   Zhang Mofan frowned.

   "The Fire Demon Race should rarely set foot in such a place. The only possibility is that there is the treasure they want from the Fire Demon Race!" said the baby dragon.

   "So, other warriors came to the East Wasteland for this reason?"

   Zhang Mofan was slightly startled, and slowly walked over, stopped the two of them, and said, "Two friends of the Fire Demon Race, I want to ask you something."

   "Ask something?"

The two Fire Demon men looked at each other, and immediately one of them smiled and said: "If you want to ask us something, it's very simple. Let's go to the domineering stage to fight. If you lose, you will give us 10 million. Dan, if we lose and what you want to know, we can all answer you, as long as we know, we will tell you."


   Zhang Mofan was taken aback.

   Just asking about one thing, you have to bet on a fight. It seems that the people of the Fire Demon Race have already gotten very familiar with the rules of the Eastern Wilderness. You must bet on Dao Dan for everything.

  Dao Dan is everything in the East Wasteland.

   "Okay, let's take a bet, let's go!"

   Zhang Mofan smiled.

   asked other warriors, other warriors may not know exactly what happened. This fire demon race has never set foot in such a place, and it must have a plan to come here.

   "Oh? Are you really planning to bet with us? You are only in the middle stage of Taoism, we are all warriors in the later stage of Taoism!"

   One of the men was completely blinded. He had never thought that Zhang Mofan would agree to it. He just wanted to scare Zhang Mofan away. After all, this kind of gambling should not be accepted by any normal person.

  Who knows, Zhang Mofan not only agreed, but also very happy.

   "Isn't it the gambling you said? I like gambling the most!"

   Zhang Mofan smiled.

   The man waved his hand and said, "No way, no way, my fire demon race never bullies people, cancel this gambling fight, and you go!"

   "You fire demons don't bully people, do you want to be someone who doesn't believe in words? Let's do about we two on two, me and my companion, to you two."

   Zhang Mofan said.

   "Since you think you have a lot of Dao Dan, don't blame us for bullying the small, let's go!"

   The four immediately went to the Overbearing Platform.

   At this time, the number of gambling on the overbearing platform is also very scary, and even the fighters participating in the gambling are very powerful.

   Zhang Mofan's eyes swept across and locked onto a young man who was participating in a gambling fight. Behind him, he saw a huge phantom of the **** floating with extraordinary aura.

   "The man of the gods?"

   Zhang Mofan was surprised.

   The man of the Fire Demon Race also said, "I didn't expect you to be able to recognize his identity at a glance. This time, the Shenyi Sect also sent a lot of geniuses from Dao Enlightenment, which is really interesting."

"So what happened?"

   asked Zhang Mofan.

   "If we win, we will tell you!"

The two Fire Demon men looked at each other, reached a consensus, and attacked Ren Qianqian separately. In their opinion, Ren Qianqian's realm was very high, but their expressions were in a trance. They were obviously the kind of respectable lady with combat experience. Insufficient, perhaps the strength is not as good as Zhang Mofan.

   Therefore, they plan to defeat a weak one before defeating Zhang Mofan.

   Zhang Mofan and Ren Qianqian are very weak and weak, but they will not underestimate the enemy at all, even if they are both later stages of Taoism, even if they have comprehended the four powers of heaven.

   Boom boom boom!

   At the moment they started their hands, their bodies also lit up with flames, like two huge flames, heading towards Ren Qianqian.


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