Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2539: : Countless evil spirits

Zhang Mofan had just fallen into the illusion and broke free from the illusion, the Taoist Saint of Mind-seeking has completely left.

"Just now, what happened?"

Zhang Mofan was puzzled.

Baby Long asked: "What happened just now?"

"When I killed him just now, I was plunged into an illusion. In that illusion, I saw the heart-picking Taoist dig out the heart of a little girl!"

Zhang Mofan gritted his teeth when he thought of this. These methods were too cruel.

Baby Long said: "Zhang Mofan, I'm afraid this is related to his practice."

"It seems that as long as I kill him once, I will fall into the illusion once, and I will witness his heart-digging scene with my own eyes. Perhaps, this is an experience for me!"

Zhang Mofan secretly thought.

In the Evil Word Jue, not only do you have to be evil, but you must also see and see the evil with your own eyes!

"Since you have nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives, then I will kill you nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times!"

Zhang Mofan sneered.

In fact, Zhang Mofan has left a trace of rebellious spirit in the body of the Taoist Saint, so no matter where the opponent is hiding, Zhang Mofan can easily find it.

In a soil city, the Taoist Saint Caixin is drinking a small wine in a tea house.


Suddenly, a fierce halberd light descended from the sky, breaking the teahouse directly, and the warriors in the teahouse fled in panic.

Caixin Avenue was also shocked and reacted.


However, as soon as he was about to leave, a spear pierced his chest directly.

"Do not!"

Dao Sheng Caixin let out a sorrowful roar.

He didn't expect that Zhang Mofan could find him. Although he had nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives, he would have to endure incomparable pain every time he was killed.

"Who is this person? Actually killed the Taoist Saint Mind!"

"The Taoist Saint of the Mind has nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives, it is impossible to kill!"


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

"Zhang Mofan, how could you chase and kill you here? I'm never finished with you!"

Dao Sheng Caixin fled from Zhang Mofan's side, and Zhang Mofan fell into the illusion world and fell into a short sluggishness.

This time, Zhang Mofan saw the heart-caring Daosheng directly dig out the heart from a woman who was breastfeeding. Hearing the baby crying, Zhang Mofan's hostility exploded.

"This sage of the heart-harvesting Taoist is simply too hateful, this can be done!"

Zhang Mofan gritted his teeth and vowed secretly in his heart that if he doesn't completely obliterate this soul-seeking Taoist saint, he will not be human.

Next, Zhang Mofan was able to kill the Taoist Sage of the Mind almost once a day, and this Taoist Sage of the Mind also felt very strange, why this Zhang Mofan could find him.

"Could it be that he didn't make any mark on me? But, there is not at all?"

The Taoist Saint is very puzzled.

When escaping, I also thought to myself: "Damn, I have lost thirteen hearts, and my strength has also been severely lost. I must collect my hearts again."

Zhang Mofan once again experienced the scene of the saint digging the heart of the soul, and it became more ruthless and vicious.

These dozens of scenes made Zhang Mofan's heart completely numb.

Moreover, every time Zhang Mofan saw those scenes, he was able to accumulate a trace of evil.

"Now, I don't have to feel it anymore!"

Zhang Mofan locked his gaze in one direction and rushed directly over. After half a day, he found the Taoist Saint of Seeking the Heart on the streets of a city.

The Taoist Saint, who seems to be aware of the existence of Zhang Mofan, suddenly raised his head and saw Zhang Mofan in the sky. He shouted: "Zhang Mofan, are you going to kill me like this? You kill me a few times. You will only hate me more and more after seeing my heart digging scenes several times!"

Zhang Mofan said: "This time, you can't escape. Today, I'm here to understand your life!"

While speaking, Zhang Mofan rushed over again, and stabbed the heart of Daosheng with a halberd.

The Taoist Saint looked at Zhang Mofan and sneered: "Zhang Mofan, do you know that you killed me thirteen times. During the period, I have dug the hearts of thirteen people. I will dug as many people as you kill. heart!"

He pulled out Zhang Mofan's Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd, turned around and left.

Zhang Mofan killed him, but it was in vain. He lost a heart and could replenish it at any time. Zhang Mofan's pursuit of him was meaningless.

Perhaps, after waiting for a while, Zhang Mofan will give up.

Thinking of this, Caixin Daosheng also shook his head.


However, just as he was about to leave, Zhang Mofan's Euphorbia pierced into his heart again.

"how can that be?"

Tao Sheng Caixin turned his head and stared at Zhang Mofan, his face was full of incredible: "Are you not in a illusion?"

"Do you really think I will be in your illusion? I just want to feel some evil, and now I have enough sentiment, then let me kill you, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives, right? I will give you nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine halberds!"

Zhang Mofan gave a violent shout, and the halberd waved continuously, madly assassinating Dao Sheng towards Caixin.

In almost every assassination, an illusion appeared, but under the power of Zhang Mofan's bodhi spirit body, it was instantly broken, and at the same time it was able to collect countless evil qi.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Dao Sheng Caixin let out a heart-piercing scream, he now has a feeling that he can't survive, and he can't die if he is attacked by Zhang Mofan in this way.

However, he has nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine That is to say, at least he has to endure so many attacks and die so many times, and every time he dies, he suffers immense pain.

The violent halberd technique, in just one stick of incense, hit nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine halberds, directly obliterating the Taoist Saint, turned it into a corpse, and fell from the sky.

When everyone saw this shocking scene, they couldn't recover for a long time.

The Taoist Mind, the people with nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives in the rumor, and those who could easily escape after being chased by the powerful later stage of the Taoist, actually died under their noses.

"One of the seven evils, beheaded successfully!"

Zhang Mofan looked down at Caixin Daosheng's corpse, but his eyes were unusually indifferent, and his heart was not shaken at all.

This time, slaying the Dao Sheng Caixin really improved his mood.

Moreover, Zhang Mofan seemed to understand the intentions of the Overlord of Heaven and Earth. He knew that Zhang Mofan had a bodhi holy spirit body, which could restrain the cultivation technique of the Taoist Sage of the Mind, and on the contrary, he could use the technique of the Taoist Sage of the Mind to enhance his evil spirit.

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