Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 946: : 0 year agreement

Lao Tie remembers the fastest text update speed in one second

"Youlong no sacrifice, what are you doing?"

Li Jing scolded.

As for the geniuses who came from Zhou Yuanjie, one by one was like a great enemy, and shouted: "Youlong has no sacrifice, your blood demon clan camp has surrendered, what else do you want to do?"

This Youlong had no sacrifice, it really came, so they had to guard.

Last time, You Long Wu Ji was hit by Zhang Mofan's battle formation. This time, it was naturally not that easy to get Zhang Mofan into the battle formation again.

However, Youlong Wujie landed, with apologetic expression on his face: "I came to your camp not to pick things up. Just now, Gui Jiyue told me everything. I am ashamed and want to I want to thank Zhang Mofan in person."

"Thanks to Zhang Mofan in person? Well, we have received your kindness. We will tell Zhang Mofan. You can go back quickly, and then return to the Blood Demon Realm to break the bridge."

Li Jingsi showed no mercy.

He didn't believe that an arrogant person like You Long Wu Ji would come to say thank you to Zhang Mofan, which is tantamount to the weasel greeting the rooster in the New Year with bad intentions.

However, Youlong Wuji’s face did not show any anger at all, and continued to apologize: "I really came to thank him very sincerely. I thank him for his generosity, for being able to spare so many brothers and sisters. It’s me. I can’t do it.”

"You go back, and we will tell Zhang Mofan what you say."

Li Jing ignored it.

"Could it be that you don't really let me see Zhang Mofan? I've never admired a person of my age in Youlong Wujie. That Zhang Mofan is one. I really want to meet him before I leave."

Youlong Wujie said.

"Is it necessary?"

Li Jing continued to ask.

Once You Long Wu Ji meets Zhang Mofan, then You Long Wu Ji will directly attack Zhang Mo Fan. He is not sure that he will save Zhang Mo Fan from You Long Wu Ji's hands.

"It is necessary. Gui Jiyue has made a 100-year agreement with him. Therefore, after a hundred years, I must have a battle with him. I will make a 100-year agreement with him face to face. After a hundred years, I will fight him. "

Youlong's voice without sacrifice was sonorous and powerful.

A hundred years of appointment?

Many warriors were secretly shocked when they heard Youlong Wujie's words.

They have heard of the three-year covenant, the ten-year covenant, but they have not heard of the hundred-year covenant.

It is a question whether they can live to a hundred years old, and they have to make a hundred-year battle.

However, everyone present has no doubt that whether it is Youlong Wuji or Zhang Mofan, in a hundred years, they will become the top powerhouses in all the worlds.

They really want a battle, it is definitely a sensational war between two worlds.

"Okay, you wait."

Li Jing nodded, just about to call Zhang Mofan over, and when he turned around, he saw that Zhang Mofan was already here.

Zhang Mofan slowly walked to the front of Youlong Wujie, and said: "A hundred-year pact? Very good, I will make a hundred-year pact with you. After a hundred years, see who is stronger."

When You Long Wu Ji saw Zhang Mofan, he also smiled and said, "I'm afraid you won't have this chance.

not good!

Zhang Mofan's face changed suddenly, and he immediately felt bad, but it was a step too late.

That Youlong Wujie's palm directly slapped him on the chest, slapped Zhang Mofan away directly.

With one palm, Zhang Mofan's blood was vomited.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Mofan's support from the bones of the Pluto, he would really have been torn apart by direct shooting without any protection.

You Long Wujie looked at Zhang Mofan who was shooting backwards, patted his palms, and said, "What qualifications does an ant have to make a hundred-year appointment with me? Today, you will definitely die."

"Youlong Wujie, you are shameless, and I will treat you as a genius in vain. Your talent is really good. As for your character, compared with that of Gui Jiyue, I am afraid it is a dozen grades different."

Zhang Mofan spouted a mouthful of blood. This time, he really believed in Youlong Wujie.

After all, the reason for the Hundred Years Agreement is convincing and very anticipated. Who knows, You Long Wu Ji directly made a sneak attack and attacked him, a spirited warrior.

If this is spread out, I am afraid that people will laugh out loud.

However, You Long Wu Ji did not care, saying: "With this palm, you have completely lost the ability to resist. It is impossible to escape. As for these ants, do you think they can stop me?"

Zhang Mofan was indeed hurt very badly with this palm, and if he were an ordinary person, he might fall to the ground, but Zhang Mofan was not that serious.

However, he deliberately pretended to be seriously injured.

Now, he wants to defeat Youlong Wujie, there is only one way, and that is to use his own way to cure his body, and use the bone eater to calculate a wave.

However, now is not the time to do it.

"Youlong has no sacrifice, you are too mean."

Li Jing and other four lieutenants were all shots, all of them were martial artists who drew nine souls.

They sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, blasting a wave of qi, enveloped the dragon without sacrifice.

However, Youlong Wuji's expression did not change a bit, his palms slapped continuously, and the attacks of the four lieutenants were all resisted, each of them took a palm, and flew out one after another, vomiting blood.

Afterwards, Youlong Wujie swept towards Zhao Yi, Yulong Young Master Xiao Shu and others. Seeing their jealous expressions, he sneered and said: "Don't be nervous, you self-proclaimed genius warriors, in front of me, are nothing but It's just waste, only Zhang Mofan can threaten me."

He walked slowly, walking towards Zhang Mofan step by step, each step seemed to make Zhang Mofan one step closer to the **** of death.

At this time, Su Xiaoyan rushed over and said, "No, don't hurt me, me, my partner."

In her eyes, Zhang Mofan is her partner, a partner, who naturally will live and die together.

As for Xiao Shu, he gritted his teeth and rushed and said, "I advise you not to hurt my brother-in-law, otherwise, my sister will not let you go."

You Long Wujie watched the two stand in front of Zhang Mofan, and couldn't help but smile: "Is there anyone else who wants to die? You can all come up, and I will solve him all with one move later."

"Zhang Mofan didn't kill my companions, then I won't kill his companions, but if his companions want to hinder me, don't blame me for not being affectionate."

Ghosts do things without sacrifices are very principled, but the premise of the principle is that you can control it.

For example, if he wanted to kill Zhang Mofan, he couldn't control it, so he acted in a play and directly injured Zhang Mofan.

"Who is your excellency? Why come to our barracks?"

At this moment, a figure in white clothes descended from the sky and landed in front of Youlong Wujie, who was the leader of Zhou Yuanjie's camp, Mu Bai.

As soon as he appeared, all the warriors showed surprises on their faces.

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