Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 543: : Don't borrow

Zou Yan saw Mu Zhentian coming out, but a smile appeared on his face, saying: "The patriarch of the Feng clan, because of the emergency, he had to worship the mountain like this as a last resort. I hope to forgive me."

With that said, he also bowed his hand to Mu Zhentian.

Mu Zhentian naturally knew that Zou Yan did this in order to give them the Huoyanfeng Clan to get rid of the horse.

No matter what you do, strength is the most important thing.

"Is there anything important to make noise on my Huoyan Mountain?"

Mu Zhentian responded with dignity. As the head of the Huoyanfeng clan, he naturally wanted to establish a deterrent.

Although Zou Yan is the leader of the four major sect alliances, he can't control his Huoyanfeng clan.

Moreover, Mu Zhentian has no affection for this Zou Yan at all.

Everyone knows that Zou Yan killed Zhang Mofan.

But Zhang Mofan had a life-saving grace for him, so he naturally wouldn't show Zou Yan a good face.

"At present, many warriors of the Blood Demon Race have disguised themselves as warriors and have entered our Eastern Zhou Sacred Land, hoping to borrow the treasure of the nobles, the Ten Thousand Demon Parachute."

Zou Yan said.

"What if I say no?"

Mu Zhentian said.

The four elders behind Zou Yan frowned, but they did not expect that Mu Zhentian would refuse so simply.

"The Ten Thousand Demons Parachute is the treasure of the noble towns, and it is excusable not to borrow."

Zou Yan didn't care, but just smiled and said, "However, the Supervision Palace has issued an order to let me expel the samurai of the Blood Demon Race with all my strength. You should not dare not follow the Supervision Palace's instructions, right?"

The Supervisory Office represented the Qin Dynasty, and almost no one dared to offend it.

Zou Yan directly used the Inspection House to oppress Mu Zhentian.

Some members of the Huoyanfeng tribe asked incomprehensibly: "What is this supervision palace?"

Mu Xian'er frowned slightly: "The Supervisory House is a force of the Qin Dynasty, and it is controlled by the Zhengjiu Pin Supervisor."

"What? Qin Dynasty?"

The expressions of those people suddenly changed. At this time, their Huoyanfeng clan was afraid that they would have to take out the Ten Thousand Demon Parachute.

"The Supervisory House is asking you to expel the Blood Demon Race, but it didn't say that I asked me to take out the Ten Thousand Demon Parachute. Originally, it was nothing to borrow the Ten Thousand Demon Parachute from you."

Mu Zhentian said: "It's just that Zhang Mofan is my savior and kindness to my life-saving, and you want to kill my savior..."

He hasn't finished speaking, but Zou Yan must have understood what he meant.

Because Zou Yan killed Zhang Mofan, it was impossible for him to lend the Ten Thousand Demons Parachute to Zou Yan.


Zou Yan asked.

His face was also extremely gloomy. He didn't expect that Zhang Mofan would have such friendship with the patriarch of the Huo Yanfeng clan.

"So, you go back, I won't borrow it."

Mu Zhentian smiled.

"The patriarch of the Huoyanfeng clan, this matter is related to the safety of the Eastern Zhou Sacred Land, and I hope you will not delay the major events of the Eastern Zhou Sacred Land because of personal grievances."

Elder Lu Zi said.

"I don't care about personal grievances. I'm not a saint, and I can't reach that level. If you want to let me borrow, you can, let Zou Yan resign as the leader of the league automatically."

Mu Zhentian said.

Zou Yan's expression was completely distorted, and he said, "Mu Zhentian, don't go too far."

"Excessive? Too much if I don't borrow Wan Yaobao? You, the leader, are so majestic."

As Mu Zhentian spoke, he suddenly showed a powerful and terrifying aura, emanating from his body.

The powerful profound energy swept the space, and it was no longer an ordinary true Profound Realm powerhouse, but a deep Profound Realm powerhouse.

"Deep Profound Realm!"

The complexions of the four elders all changed. These strengths were terrifying.

Zou Yan sensed the other's breath and wanted to attack, but was held back by the elder of the Yin Yang gate.

He also bowed his hand: "Unexpectedly, the patriarch of the Huoyanfeng clan has such a cultivation level, we will leave first."

Talking, no one turned around.

He knew that Zou Yan had a temperament, and if he continued to stay, Zou Yan would definitely take action.

However, the four elders of them are just martial artists of the True Profound Realm. Even if the four add up, they are not necessarily Mu Zhentian's opponents.

What's more, this place is still people's territory.

When the five left the mountain range, Zou Yan was also furious. He originally thought that this time the action would be very smooth, but he didn't expect it to fail.

Even if it failed, it was because of Zhang Mofan.

"Leader, the Ten Thousand Demon Parachute has not been received, what should we do next?"

Lu Zi asked.

The disguise of this blood demon clan warrior is very powerful, even if he stands in front of the five of them, they may not be able to recognize it.

The only way is to use Myriad Monster Baby.

These Ten Thousand Demon Babies were originally the ones refined by the Slaughter Demon Saint to deal with the Blood Demon Race, and they were able to reveal the round shape after a little activation.

Zou Yan looked gloomy and said, "Elder Taiyi, you let the disciples of the Overlord Academy come forward to the Holy Land of the Western Zhou Dynasty and invite Zhang Mofan back."

After Elder Taiyi heard this, he sneered in his heart and said: "Zou Yan, I knew today, why bother back then."

"What do you mean by that?"

Zou Yan asked If it weren't for you, Zhang Mofan would not escape to the Holy Land of the Western Zhou Dynasty. "

Elder Taiyi said.

"Hmph, he has entered the devil's way, what's wrong with me trying to kill him? Now, as long as he is willing to return to the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to help us expel the blood demon race, I can give him a chance to make meritorious deeds."

Up to now, Zou Yan refused to admit his mistakes, but only gave Zhang Mofan a chance to commit his crimes.

"I will go and talk to the disciples in the Bazhe Academy, as for whether they go or not, it is not my decision."

As Elder Taiyi said, he left directly.

The dignified generation of the most holy, is really encountering difficulties, facing this blood demon race, he still has a headache.

As time passed, in a blink of an eye, it has been almost a year since Zhang Mofan came to the Holy Land of the Western Zhou Dynasty from the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

On Dousheng Mountain, the scorching sun hung high, shining on the body, showing a bit of scorching heat.

Zhang Mofan stood on the cliff with a series of halberd techniques. The halberd technique contained mystery, which made the surrounding scenes evolve into spring, summer, autumn and winter scenes.

After completing his training, Zhang Mofan stood on the edge of the cliff, and suddenly three people came to see the foot of the mountain.

Zhang Mofan frowned and said: "Zonghengmen actually brought several seniors from the Overlord Academy to come. It seems that the situation in the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is very serious."

He took back the sand, returned to the villa, and said to Yin Rou: "Yin Rou, go to the foot of Dousheng Mountain to meet my seniors."

"Your brother?"

Yin Rou was slightly startled, and immediately walked out of the villa and came to the foot of Dousheng Mountain.

Sure enough, there were three young warriors waiting there. Previous pageReturn to listAdd to bookmarkNext page

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