The disciples of the four major sects are all very arrogant, it is impossible for Zhang Mofan to fight for the soul fruit, and it is even possible to kill Zhang Mofan.

Therefore, Yun Chang was a little pleased to see Zhang Mofan entering the stone temple.

Hearing Yun Chang's words, Black Yan's face changed slightly. As for Ling Qishan, he also whispered: "Black Yan, the sword idiot cut off the Thunder Bridge to prevent everyone from entering. This method is indeed good, but he is alone. How to **** the soul fruit from those four geniuses?"

These four geniuses, Zou Mian need not say much. Although Zou Yan's younger brother, under Zou Yan's aura, Zou Mian's light is a little weak.

However, leaving Zou Yan aside, Zou Mian is also considered one of the best geniuses, and in the future, it is very likely that he will be the top candidate on the Tiantian List and become a popular candidate on the Zhoutian List.

And the recklessness of the Zong Sect, let alone the three disciples of the Zong Sect.

As for Jing Luli, he is one of the best geniuses in the Momen Jing family.

Plus the Confucian Lu Qiu, the genius of Lu's family.

These four geniuses, although they are all at the level of two souls and three souls, but the fighting power that their eruptions can be very terrifying.

And Zhang Mofan, a martial artist who drew a soul, was destined to be eclipsed in front of these four geniuses.

Black Yan's face was extremely ugly, as if he was shocked.

This sword idiot had just joined their Immortal Sword Sect, so he encountered such a disaster?

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have let Jianzhu come here.

A group of disciples of Hei Jianfeng also looked like earthy faces. At the beginning, they were still intoxicated with joy, because among the top ten sects, only one of his disciples from the Immortal Sword Sect entered the stone palace.

However, this disciple, how can he enter the stone temple?

Just as they were talking, Jing Luli, Lei Mang, Zou Mian and Lu Qiu walked out at the same time.

Upon seeing this scene, Yun Chang laughed and said, "Hahaha, the sword idiot kid didn't come out. He must have been killed by four geniuses."

Black Yan and the others froze in place one by one, only four people came out, and there was no need to guess what Zhang Mofan would end up with.

Then, they urged the qi, turned into qi ropes, and threw them directly to the opposite side. The disciples of the four major sects directly grabbed the qi ropes and suddenly pulled them, pulling all four of them over.

"How did you get?"

Lu Huan, who is the number one in the Confucian School Ranking, asked.

"The five of us divided the spirit fruit equally, and one person got one thousand-year spirit fruit, two thousand-year spirit fruit, five hundred-year spirit fruit, but I was lucky, and I got two more thousand-year spirit fruit."

Lu Qiu said.

"Five? Aren't you four?"

Lu Fu asked inexplicably.

Lu Qiu smiled and said, "Of course there is also a sword idiot, and he also shared a share."

This sentence made the audience bewildered.

Yun Chang, Yuan Yuan and the others were puzzled. At first they thought Zhang Mofan had been beheaded by four geniuses. However, the four geniuses not only didn't kill Zhang Mofan, but even split the soul with him?

Is this a mistake?

"What's going on? What the **** did the sword idiot do? You actually split the spirit fruit with him?"

Lu Ban looked dazed and asked in confusion.

Lu Qiu raised his head and smiled and said, "This fellow Jianlun is not easy. If it weren't for him just now, the four of us might not be able to go to the top floor smoothly."


Everyone was surprised again.

In that case, doesn't it mean that Zhang Mofan covered them, but what strength is Zhang Mofan? It's just a soul-stirring one, at best the Holy Spirit scale is a little higher.

However, it is impossible to have the strength to cover the four geniuses?

Yun Chang is unacceptable. In her opinion, even if Jianzhu is talented, it is only a casual cultivator, and in front of the geniuses of the four major sects, it can't be on the stage.

However, the facts told her that this sword idiot had covered the top geniuses of the four sects, and the five even divided the spirit fruit.

"Four geniuses, the sword idiot of our sect, why haven't they come out yet?"

Black Yan straightened up and asked loudly.

"He said that he wants to break through the two souls, so he will retreat in the stone temple for the time being. Please wait patiently here, and then accept him."

After Lei Mang finished speaking, a group of disciples at Zonghengmen left directly.

As for the disciples of the Yin-Yang Confucian School and Mo School, they all left.

Since they have obtained the soul fruit, there is no need to stay here.

The altar master who worshipped the altar heard that Zhang Mofan had covered the four geniuses, and even divided the spirit fruit with the four geniuses, and was completely angry.

The more Zhang Mofan showed his powerful talent, the more he felt as if he had missed something.

He cast his gaze on Yun Chang and said angrily: "Yun Chang, this is a good thing you did. I lost such a genius to worship the gods. I will definitely report it to the leader."

Yun Chang bit his scalp and said, "The witch altar master, this is the end of the matter, and it is irreversible. Now, what we have to do is to kill the sword fan and **** the soul fruit."

"Kill him?"

The witch altar master is puzzled.

"Master of the witch altar, this sword pool now has a deep hatred for us. Once he really grows up, he will definitely not let us worship the gods. Therefore, we will not stop doing two things and kill him."

Yun Chang said.

"Hmph, this is your own mess. I won't help you clean up. If you didn't kill the sword idiot, don't come back."

The witch altar master gave a cold snort, and left with a group of disciples under him.

Since Jianlun could not join them to worship the gods, then naturally there was only destruction.

Yun Chang and his group of disciples also said loudly, "Let's go too."

One after another, except for the people from the two peaks of the Immortal Sword Sect did not leave, all the others left.

Without the four major sects, Immortal Sword Sect is the real boss, and those masters of the ten major sects will not ask themselves to be boring and provoke the Immortal Sword Sect.

"Hey, Ling Qishan, have you seen it, how strong are the geniuses we have recruited?"

Black Yan smiled and said Hmph, you are really lucky, just wait here slowly, let's go back first. "

Ling Qishan looked upset and left with a group of disciples under his hands.

In the hidden place on the side, Yun Chang took a group of disciples into ambush, waiting for an opportunity. Naturally, they could not really leave, but waited until Zhang Mofan appeared.

"Listen to you. When Zhang Mofan appears, and when He Yan and the others are about to pull Zhang Mofan over, we will shoot directly and cut off the qi rope to let him fall into the thunder river."

Yun Chang whispered.

However, just as he had just finished speaking, five figures suddenly flew in the distance, and each figure seemed to have the strength of the seven souls.

Black Yan immediately spotted five people, and their faces were also jealous.

I saw that the headed man suddenly exuded an aura of bullying, and directly sacrificed a long sword. Without a word, he hacked away at the group of Black Yan.

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