Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 977: : If you die, you die

"All the same? What do you mean by that?"

The shadow blood emperor obviously didn't understand what the other party meant. Kuangsha Literature Network

"I can see that you have a deep hatred with Zhang Mofan, and our leader Zou Yan also has a deep hatred with Zhang Mofan. In that case, why don't we unite and deal with that Zhang Mofan?"

The old man in gray said.

Zhang Mofan hid in the dark, listening to the conversation between the two, his face also showed anger: "This old man of the Barbarian Tu nationality, really dangerous, unexpectedly wants to unite with the blood demon to kill me."

"Hehe, we want to kill Zhang Mofan, but we don’t need your help. You human warriors, all of them are very dangerous. Moreover, this time our blood demons invade your Eastern Zhou holy land, you will perish sooner or later, even that Zou Yan , Will die in the hands of our young patriarch."

The Shadow Blood Emperor sneered.

"Hmph, your blood demon race is disguised, it's nothing more than looking for the Ten Thousand Demon Baby. It seems that this Ten Thousand Demon Thunder Penalty Hammer is here, and I am here today, you never want to get the Ten Thousand Demon Thunder Penalty Hammer."

The gray-clothed old man immediately became angry when he saw that the Shadow Blood Emperor didn't give him any face.

"Elder Mang Kunming, this shadow blood emperor is very powerful, and can turn the surrounding area into a dark area for killing. Be careful."

Man Cang reminded.

Man Kunming nodded, naturally he wouldn't be careless. There is no one in a million to become the blood emperor.

The Shadow Blood Emperor saw that the savage **** was about to make a move, but he smiled and said, "Why do you rush to make a move? Today, our purpose is the Thunder Penalty Hammer. The Thunder Realm in front is very terrifying. The demon thunder punishes the hammer."

"Do you want me to join forces with you to break through the Thunder Realm?"

Elder Man Kunming said.


The Shadow Blood Emperor nodded and said: "Moreover, even if it is not the Thunder Penalty Hammer, it is a very powerful magic weapon. It may be a genius treasure. When the time comes, it depends on who can grab it. "

"Don't think about it!"

Man Cang roared loudly: "Elder Man Kunming, this guy killed our four clansmen, we don't want to cooperate with him."

"It's just a few tribesmen. If you die, you will die. What we are after is the immediate benefit, right?"

The Shadow Blood Emperor grinned.

Moreover, he could guess that even if he killed the Mantu tribe, the elder of the Mantu tribe in front of him would still cooperate with him.

Elder Man Kunming pondered for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, I will accompany you to take a look."

Cooperating with the Shadow Blood King is undoubtedly seeking the skin of a tiger, but many adventures are won from danger.

After the two sides negotiated, they made a leap and went to the distant seat again.

When Zhang Mofan saw this scene, he secretly sighed: "The true power is the kingly way. Just now, the Shadow Blood Emperor wanted to kill that Man Cang. As a result, the two cooperated again."

With a sigh, he followed up to see what was going on.

Soon, he saw the Thunder Field in the distance, and immediately stopped and hid behind a mountain.

"I don't know if Xiao Ba will make a move. This time, I must stay with them."

Zhang Mofan secretly thought.

If he is alone, he may not have any thoughts, and at best seize the opportunity to **** some treasure.

But now, he was really intent on killing, especially the Shadow Blood Emperor, who actually wanted to kill his relatives and friends.

However, when the Shadow Blood Emperor returned to the vicinity of the Thunder Territory, he saw his subordinates falling to the ground one by one, completely devoid of vitality.

When Man Kunming saw this scene, he smiled and said, "It seems that there are other masters here. You guys, shouldn't you be weak?"

The shadow blood emperor frowned, looked at one side, and said, "Three, since you dare to kill my subordinates, why are they sneaking?"

"As expected of the blood emperor of the blood demon clan's shadow line, he unexpectedly found me."

Ba Ye walked out from one direction, followed by two tall shadows, naturally the two demon heads of the Domain of Ten Thousand Demons.

Man Kunming saw the two demon heads with shocked expressions on his face, and said, "Could it be that you are the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and Ten Thousand Demon King?"

"Not bad."

The Emperor Wan Yaomo nodded, smiling nonchalantly: "Unexpectedly, your Barbarian Tu people have also become Zou Yan's lackeys."

"You two demon, aren't you willing to follow a hairy boy?"

Man Kunming sarcastically said.

"Zou Yan, can you compare with your eighth master?"

Baye was very upset when he heard this.

The Emperor Wan Yao Mo told him that Zou Yan's true part is the sacred city.

However, a little holy sage, compared with his demon sage in ancient times, there is nothing comparable.

"Could it be that the two of you are the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and Ten Thousand Demon King? You dare to kill my men? It seems that our Blood Demon Race invaded the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The first time, we should have knocked you down. Domain of Ten Thousand Demons."

The Shadow Blood Emperor said angrily.

"Eight Lord, I represent the domain of ten thousand monsters, and I welcome you at any time, but our goal is also the tower of ten thousand monsters thunder punishment. Let us put aside our previous grievances and join forces to break through the domain first. ?"

Ba Ye smiled and said: "Moreover, only a few subordinates will die if they die. What we are after is the immediate benefit, right?"

The Eighth Master almost repeated what the Shadow Blood Emperor and Man Kunming had said.


The shadow blood emperor almost squirted out a mouthful of blood.

As for Man Cang, seeing the watch of the Shadow Blood Emperor, he was very relieved.

"Xiao Ba really has a hand."

Zhang Mofan watched this scene from a distance, with a smile on his face.

But the next moment, he couldn't laugh anymore.

A fierce palm wind whizzed from the back of his head, and Zhang Mofan turned fiercely, and when he found that it was Huang Qingyan, he held it with both hands.

Huang Qingyan did not expect that Zhang Mofan reacted so quickly and immediately withdrew the attack.

Because the fall of this palm will surely alarm those strong men in the distance.

She appeared in front of Zhang Mofan, and said in surprise: "It's actually you again? You are really not afraid of death, you came here."

"Hey, thank you for helping me just now."

Zhang Mofan squatted down, moving inwardly, but didn't dare to recognize Huang Qingyan.

If he recognizes Huang Qingyan at this time, Huang Qingyan's son may not give him a good look.

After all, Zou Yan is now covering the sky with one hand. He must wait until his cultivation base is truly strong, and the time is ripe before he reveals his share.

Without strength, everything is in vain.

Moreover, for him, being able to get along with Huang Qingyan as a stranger is already full of satisfaction.

"I advise you to leave."

Huang Qingyan said indifferently: "Once discovered by those people, no one can save you."

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