The Junior Hunting Tournament is about to start, and the head coach just chose to inspect the children in the family today to see how the children in the family are competing.

He walked majestically, with wide eyes and a majestic countenance, and everyone saw him, like a junior high school student seeing a dean or a principal, and they all silently stopped.

In addition to being responsible for the training of the escort team, he also supervises the annual family youth training, regardless of whether you are the son of the patriarch or the grandson of the elder, all of them are treated equally, and it is inevitable that he will be beaten and beaten, and he will suffer for a week with back pain, disobedient, poor performance, and greater punishment intensity, so few people do not complain secretly afterwards, and the children also call him the old devil behind their backs.

The crowd quickly moved out of the way, and the head coach walked straight between Xiao Ze and Xiao Mingyu, no matter who it was, he had to reprimand.

"No matter who makes the first move, if you want to fight, go to the ring, this field is specially used for training, you don't know, knowingly committed, the crime is added to the first degree, as a young master level, reckless and wrong demonstration, the crime is added to the second degree, now you will be punished for lifting the stone lock, thirty pounds before a quarter of an hour, I will personally supervise. Under the

majestic order, the two had no choice but to obey the order.

Everyone gave up the position of the stone lock, where the stone lock is of different sizes, the smallest is ten catties, the largest is three hundred catties, except for the one that is used, all are placed regularly and neatly.

Xiao Ze and Xiao Mingyu walked over side by side, still disagreeing with each other, each snorted coldly, and took out a thirty-pound stone lock one after another.

Thirty pounds is not too heavy for them, but it is still a test of patience to hold on for a quarter of an hour.

The two of them were two meters apart, stood with their feet apart, each spit a mouthful, bowed down and grabbed the stone lock from the ground, grabbed the lock handle with both hands, stretched forward 90 degrees, and lifted it steadily, and the timing officially began.

The head coach looked around the two of them, and when he walked to the back, he kicked each of them in the knee socket, and the two of them went from standing upright to zama.

At first, both of them could raise a level, and their arms could be straightened and steady, but as time passed, their arms would be sore, and they would be sore, Xiao Ze was okay, and he had been holding on steadily, after all, the previous self-discipline and self-improvement exercise effect was not in vain.

Compared with Xiao Ze, Xiao Mingyu is a little inferior, especially in the last period of time, when his arm gradually changed from soreness to numbness, his muscles seemed to be spasming.

During the punishment period, he always had to look at Xiao Ze obliquely, and when he saw that Xiao Ze was steady, he panicked, but he could only grit his teeth and insist, even if his arms trembled in the end, he would not give up.

"Hmm. Towards

the end of time, the head coach nodded with satisfaction when he saw that both of them could successfully complete the performance, especially for Xiao Ze, and there was an appreciative look in his eyes.

"Alright, it's over.

With the sound of the head teacher's voice, Xiao Mingyu directly let go, the stone lock fell to the ground with a bang, he just wanted to squat, but found that his knee hurt so much that he couldn't stand it, and he couldn't get up in that posture, as if his body was constipated and held on to the wall and suffocated a bubble of.

"He's here to

!" "Haha!" someone

in the crowd shouted naughtily, causing everyone to stop reining in and laughing.

Xiao Mingyu's face turned red, and he looked around in disgust, and he couldn't suppress the expression of scolding the street.

His subtext: Who would say anything cool? You will do the same if you are punished!

But when he looked back and saw Xiao Ze, he was embarrassed.

Xiao Ze belonged to Sven's slowly squatting, put down the stone lock steadily, didn't even get a trace of dust, and then knew the depth, stroked his knees with both hands, squatted back an inch, squatted back a foot, repeated three or five times, straightened his waist and stood up, shook his neck again, stretched his arms, twisted his waist, and quickly relieved his fatigue.

When the head of the sect saw it, he rarely put away his solemn expression at this time, revealing a hint of a smile.

"Awesome, steady

!" "Beautiful, praise

!" "This almost a month is really not in vain! I also want to learn from him and insist on exercising every day

!" "I envy this physique, I also want to be self-disciplined and self-reliant!" Everyone

couldn't help but praise one after another, you said, I said, it sounded good, but in Xiao Mingyu's ears, it was a little "dirty".

"Uncle Shentu, may I ask if the punishment is over, can I leave?"

Xiao Ze clapped his hands and asked the head of the sect, although he is not a member of the Xiao family, he also has a high status in the Xiao family, and he is older than Xiao Zhan, so he should be politely honored.

"Yes, but remember, punishment is not the goal, it is for you to remember for a long time, and you are not allowed to make the same mistake next time. "The head of the head of the church is rarely preaching.

"Yes, Xiao Ze must keep it in mind.

Xiao Ze first nodded politely in response, then looked at Xiao Mingyu, who was bending his knees, put his hands behind his back, and said eloquently

: "I said, your fighting spirit is not very good~

" Xiao Mingyu's face was pale, and he could only shout as he looked at the back of Yang Yang who left, and could only shout: "What to pretend! I will return it to you sooner or later!".

After speaking, he also left amid the pointing and ridicule around him, which was different from what he had originally imagined, and he did not take away the pleasure of revenge, but was once again disgraced.

For Xiao Mingyu's behavior of not greeting and disrespecting his superiors, the head of the head of the sect had to return to his face and shook his head when he left.

"I didn't pay attention to it before and I didn't find it, the gap between these two cubs in all aspects is quite big..."

A few days passed like floating clouds.

On this day, it is finally time for the Junior Hunting Tournament to kick off.

Early in the morning, the city went door to door, and all the teenagers and girls who were going to participate in the competition were full of energy and high spirits, and they would go to the square in the center of the city according to the specified time.

Xiao Ze got up at dawn and prepared, self-disciplined first exercised, and then waited for Xun'er's arrival.

At about the same time, Xun'er came, but her face seemed to be a little bad, and she was much less energetic than the usual sunshine.

"Are you sick? Or did you not have a good rest yesterday?" Xiao Ze asked with concern.

"I slept soundly and kicked the quilt last night, accidentally blew a cold wind, dyed a trace of wind chill, woke up in the morning and eliminated the cold, and drank hot ginger soup, but..."

Xiao Ze understood at a glance that this little sister-in-law was at the age when a girl was going to come to her aunt, and looking at her bloody face, it should be right, and it was probably the first time to come, because Xun'er looked like she had never been anxious before.

"Oh, it's not okay if you're not feeling well, don't participate in this hunting competition, go back and have a good rest, I'll let Cuihua Rosé and them all go over and take care of you more."

Xiao Ze took the initiative, he knew that Xun'er was unable to move now, and he was embarrassed to open his mouth.

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