However, in order to get some face first, Galeo still sneered sadly: "In another year, you two wastes will also have to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony, and if you can't pass it then, you will be assigned to a remote place by the family to hone it, and it is estimated that there is no great hope of returning to Utan City in the future, and I will be the future head of the Galie family, so from this point of view, you really look pitiful!Hmph~"

Xiao Yan and Xiao Ze just smiled when they heard this, and at the same time made the same action and shrugged their shoulders.

One person is fine, both of them are like this, they don't seem to put Galeo's words in their ears at all, and immediately make his eyelids twitch, I don't know why, as long as he sees this brother calm and calm, he will be full of anger, two waste, pretending to be a fart in front of me?

Of course, he doesn't know the confidence of the two brothers.

The two traversers got together, one relied on the ancient medicine to get old, and the other relied on the luck system, not to mention his role in the opening dungeon, even if the big boss Soul Emperor now learns, it is estimated that he will cry and wash and lie in the coffin and wait for death, this is still a fart?

"I'm really fed up with you two brothers, then let's wait and see!".

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Galeo said coldly, and then flicked his sleeves fiercely, and wanted to leave with someone, taking two steps, he remembered something, and turned back with a sneer: "By the way, I heard that your Xiao family was forcibly divorced by the woman, isn't it?

Xiao Yan's eyes were gloomy, which pot is not opened, but the brothers were calm, but Xun'er wanted to fight for Xiao Yan, and was pulled by the brothers together, Xiao Yan shook his head at Xun'er and said: "It's just a mad dog, he keeps barking at you, do you still want to yell at it?" "

But he said that this is too much!" Xun'er, who has always been calm, also lost his temper and turned into a cold fairy, indignant.

Seeing that the faces of the three were gloomy, Galeo finally found a hint of revenge, and did not leave, but stood there holding his chest, nodding his toes, with a playful smile, intending to continue watching the show.

"You can't live by doing your own evil, people like him won't be able to do it for long, we don't need to be too serious, let's go. Xiao Ze persuaded Xun'er, and the three of them left.

After temporarily extinguishing the fire, the three of them continued to search for a first-level wood-based demon core for Xiao Yan, and finally, in front of a stall, the three of them found a bloodstained green crystal.

"Finally found it. "Xiao Yan is a little more relaxed.

"How much does this stuff cost?" Xiao Ze asked the stall owner.

The stall owner was a mercenary man with thief eyebrows and rat eyes, and he smiled: "The guest has good eyesight, this is the magic crystal of the first-order demonic beast Wood Swallowing Fox, which is the best in the first-order magic core, in order to get it, our Sharptooth Mercenary Regiment has been guarding for three days and three nights, killing five Wood Swallowing Foxes, before such a piece is opened, if you like it, you only need to pay five hundred gold coins, hehe~

"" Five hundred gold coins are expensive, as far as I know, the market value of the first-order magic core is around four hundred and fifty gold coins, I sincerely buy it, do you want to take a look and give it cheaper. Xiao Yan took the initiative to bargain.

He has little money now, so he plans to save a little.

The stall owner didn't expect that this young man who didn't look very old would have some understanding of the market of the demon core, so he rolled his eyes, hesitated slightly, and then said: "Since you sincerely want it, then the minimum is four hundred and seven, and it can't be less, and our brothers have to live too..."

Xiao Yan looked at the stall again, and next to the place where the magic crystal was placed just now, there was an old black iron sheet, rusty, and some unwashed loess attached to it, which looked like something that had just been dug out of the soil.

Since Yao Lao personally spoke, Xiao Yan should naturally do it, although four hundred and seven is a bit expensive, but if he also gets the black iron piece, it will be considered earned.

In the middle of the bargaining between the two, Galeo came to mix blindly again.

"Anyway, it's also a young master of the family, and you still bargain with others when you buy such a broken thing? It's really not cold, I want something, tell him to put it down for me quickly, this is five hundred gold coins."

Galeo first made a mockery, and then asked his subordinates to throw a bag of gold coins on the stall, the stall owner was stunned at first, and hurriedly picked up the bag and looked at it, feeling that the weight was about the same, and immediately overjoyed, and looked at Xiao Yan, who was still a little embarrassed, but he didn't seem to have the intention of handing it over, so he wanted to take the initiative to snatch it back.

Of course, Xiao Yan would not hand it over easily, he was dissatisfied: "This thing is obviously my first fancy, you are doing business here, how can you not know the truth of first come, first come?"

The stall owner smiled treacherously, and pretended to apologize: "I'm sorry for this guest, I set up a stall just to make money, whoever gives more I will sell whomever he wants, he bids five hundred, and you are too expensive, then I must give priority to selling him, you are considerate and considerate, don't delay me in business, just return the things to me!"

After saying that, he wanted to take back the green magic crystal in Xiao Yan's hand for the second time, but Xiao Ze took the first step to get it, "What an unruly stall owner, he is really mercenary." The

mercenary man didn't pretend anymore, his face stiffened, and the villain said: "Hehe, what this young master said just now is right, if you two can't afford it, put it down quickly, I will sell it for five hundred gold coins today, if you can't afford it, hurry up and hand over the things and leave!"

Galeo led a group of people to watch, and immediately laughed.

"Haha, the stall owner is right, if you can't afford

it, put it down!" "Is this still the young master of the family?"

"It's really poor and sour!" "After all, it's two children, and the New Year's money must be kept to buy sugar gourds

to eat!" "Haha! That makes sense! The little kid should go buy candy to eat!"

At this time, Uncle Payne came over with someone again, and he sternly scolded Galeo and the others, "What are you going to do? Do you have to stir up trouble with me today?" Galeo

was not in a hurry, and asked with a frown: "Captain Payne, there should be no rules in this city that prohibit competing for bids, right? Besides, your young master is not sure whether to buy it or not, I will buy it first, and you tell the big guys to tell me, is there anything wrong?"

Uncle Payne wanted to say something when he heard it, but he stopped talking, looking at Galeo was speechless, and the anger on his expression subsided a lot, he really didn't expect to be told by the other side about the rules and give the general.

It's not easy for him to participate now, but if the two young masters suffer under their noses, if this is passed on to the family and known by the patriarch, how can it be good...

So he turned his snub at the stall owner, who broke the invisible rules, reversed his word, and caused such a good thing.

The mercenary man was startled by Captain Payne's evil gaze, and at this time he knew that the two teenagers in front of him were actually the young masters of the Xiao family, so he also changed his ugly face, and he was reluctant to honestly put the gold coin bag back in his hand.


Galeo raised his eyebrows and glared at the mercenary man, full of threats.

The mercenary man looked at it, his neck shrank, and the eggplant wilted like frost, and both sides were obviously not easy to provoke, what can be done?

Galeo said: "You just sell me today, you don't have to be afraid, if the people of the Xiao family embarrass you in the future, you can go to the Fang Market of my Galeo family in the east of the city, mention my Galeo's name, and you will be exempted from a month's commission."

When the mercenary man heard this, he immediately came to his senses again, and after a little hesitation, a layer of determination appeared on the traitor's face, "Cheng! The thing will be sold to Young Master Galie today!"

There was an uproar all around, this mercenary man gave up the deal with the Xiao family in front of the Xiao family, which can be regarded as a betrayal, a blatant job hopping.

This time, the mercenary man straightened his spine and spoke, looked at Xiao Ze and stretched out his hand: "In the future, I will no longer be in Xiaojiafang City, and there is no need to be polite to you! Young Master Xiao, hurry up and return the things to me!"

After speaking, he deliberately glanced at Captain Payne arrogantly, so angry that Payne's fist clenched, and the guards were eager to put him down immediately and kick him with a back ring.


Xiao Ze still refused to compromise, raised his hand to stop the scene, attracting everyone's attention.

"Since I got the things first, I definitely won't hand them over, so I will sell them to me for six hundred gold coins.

When the mercenary man heard this, his eyes lit up again, and he added a hundred gold coins at this time?

Because it doesn't matter whose market it is, the monthly commission is only fifty gold, and the young master of the Xiao family can make him more money after calculation, as for where to set up a stall in the future, he still has a third-party choice, but the price is heart-wrenching, but he doesn't dare to act easily, because the young master Galie next to him, he doesn't dare to provoke easily, this person is no better than Xiao Yan and Xiao Ze, and it is rumored behind his back that he is a ruthless and unscrupulous person.

"Young Master of the Xiao family, I..." The mercenary man was very embarrassed.

"Then seven hundred!" Xiao Ze continued to raise the price, he just couldn't get used to seeing Galeo proud here.

"Huh?" Everyone

exclaimed, how can

this be one hundred and one hundred? Xiao Yan had already raised his eyebrows just now, and this time he couldn't stand it, so he grabbed his brother and interrupted: "Brother, let's calm down, don't be rash!" and said in a low voice: "Besides, we don't have so much money in our hands now!" Xun'er

didn't speak, anyway, the price was not very high, and she took the initiative to make up for it later, and at this moment she just wanted to fight for Xiao Yan.

Xiao Ze gently pushed Xiao Yan up, and said mysteriously: "Don't worry, brother, we have money!"

said, took out two black cards in his hand, secretly displayed them, and said to Xiao Yanxian: "See, two are full!".

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