Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

139: Thank You Taylor, You’Re Welcome Zoffie! ! [Please Order In Full]

Myth Paradise·Armor filming crew.

Lin Feng receives a special guest: Gao Shan.

The director of Susu TV Station has the same position as Li Chamo and Zhang Long.

When Armor Warrior is about to come to an end, Gao Shan deliberately goes to the set to look for Lin Feng, which is a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

Especially since he deliberately concealed his whereabouts, his colleagues had no idea that he had come to the Mythical Paradise.

Gao Shan stated his purpose: to purchase the exclusive rights to broadcast Lin Feng's new drama.

Susu TV Station purchased film and television dramas several times in succession, losing not only the ratings data, but also the reputation it had worked so hard to accumulate.

Film and television productions have failed one after another, resulting in very few viewers in Susu province supporting their own TV station.

They are even willing to watch dramas from He Province that they don’t understand, and are unwilling to lock the channel on Susu TV Station.

Gao Shan was anxious.

After serving as the director of Susu TV Station for decades, he will only be a few years away from retirement.

After working hard for most of your life, who wants to spend the last few years without peace.

You may even be punished by your superiors, and if the consequences are serious, you may be kicked out of the circle.

Huh? The latest purchase of exclusive broadcast rights for the tokusatsu drama "Mighty Knight" was not Takayama's original intention??

Who cares about this.

When Gao Shan becomes the director of Susu TV Station, he will be responsible for the ratings of Susu TV Station.

Others only look at the ratings data and are too lazy to investigate the reasons, especially when the reasons lie with them.

Gao Shan is a perfect scapegoat.

In order to ensure the ratings of Susu TV station, Gao Shan personally went to Shinhwa Paradise to seek cooperation.

Hot summer, all over the world.

Lin Feng's film and television works directed and written by him have attracted much attention.

Even with his name on it, the ratings for the premiere were ridiculously high.

The works of the new generation of directors are popular all over the world, and currently only Lin Feng can do it.

He doesn't care about the high ratings abroad, he only cares about the domestic ratings.

Know the purpose.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The new work of Shinhwa Film Company... If nothing else happens, we will be filming the Ultraman series."

The sound falls.

Gao Shan's expression suddenly changed.

When He Province TV broadcast "Ultraman Tiga", the average ratings were as high as 11%.

Gao Shan 083 has fantasized more than once about how good Susu TV would be with such ratings.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect that he would actually come across it.

Gao Shan left the mythical paradise happily.

The price offered by Susu TV Station is quite good, and the price offered by Toilet TV Station is not much higher than his.

The most important thing is the favor owed by Gao Shan.

Who can guarantee that Gao Shan’s connections will not be needed in the future?

During the filming of the Iron Man movie, Li Chamo used his connections to get a real tank.

Can ordinary people have this ability?!

Gao Shan has not yet returned to Jiangsu Province, and has been approved by Lin Feng. The official blog of Susu TV Station has been updated.

[Susu TV: Lin Feng's new work "Ultraman Nexus" will premiere on Susu TV soon. Fans please look forward to Shinhwa Films' second "Ultraman Series" work. 】

Not long after Weibo was updated, it caused a huge sensation on the entire Internet.

[Holy shit! The second part of the Ultraman series is about to be released? Did Lin Feng Dog Thief write the script so quickly?!]

[Unbelievable! I guess I will watch the second "Ultraman" special drama at the end of the year at the earliest. Who would have thought that I would be able to watch it on Susu TV soon... Lin Feng is worthy of being famous in the entertainment industry. Popular!!]

[Ultraman Nexus? The name sounds so weird! When will Shinhwa Films update related pictures? I really want to see what he looks like!?]

[Here it comes! My favorite Ultraman special drama is finally here. As a viewer from Suzhou, I can finally see Susu TV station competing!!]


The fans were as lively as the Chinese New Year.

All the major film and television companies were stunned: Armor Warrior is about to end. According to the normal pace, Lin Feng, the dog thief, shouldn't go all out to shoot the "Emperor" movie?!

What the hell, the new tokusatsu drama is decisively connected to Armored Warriors.

The toy market does not intend to leave any opportunities to other film and television companies.

Ultraman Tiga's achievements are too terrifying.

Double achievement: regardless of ratings or profits from peripheral toys.

Name the UR Shenguang Wand Toy.

Lin Feng makes a lot of money.

The major film and television companies were eager for Lin Feng, the dog thief, to take a break. They took the opportunity to release new special dramas from their own film and television companies, and then released new toys to slowly divide the player market.

Gan, Lin Feng is simply the reincarnation of the production team's donkey.

Since he started filming film and television works until now, he has almost never had a break, and he only has a few days of rest.

Lin Feng's rest period was short and he didn't have time to seize the player market.

Toilet TV.

Zhang Long was stunned for a long time while looking at the hot search for "Nexus Atman".

Finally, he sighed deeply.

This is the case with business cooperation. If you act too late, others will snatch away the good things.

Interests determine transaction cooperation, not previous cooperation, but subsequent cooperation is yours.

Zhang Long's intestines turned green: He should have contacted Lin Feng earlier.

With the exclusive rights to broadcast Ultraman Nexus, Toilet TV's ratings will definitely be stable.

No one underestimates the "Ultraman" series. The quality is not compromised, and the ratings and achievement data are absolutely exploding.

Li Chahei was exceptionally calm.

Lin Feng promised that he would have new animations to be precise.

As the TV station that premiered "Ultraman Tiga".

Li Chamo deeply understands how terrible the ratings of the 'Ultraman' series of tokusatsu dramas are.

The exclusive broadcast of Ultraman is ridiculously rich, and the funds given by He Province TV Station are far from enough.

Li Chayi is very optimistic: he can buy the exclusive rights to broadcast animations, which is a much better win than other film and television companies.

Ultraman Nexus has aroused heated discussions among fans all over the Internet... and YouTube.

Lin Feng, the person in charge, seemed very calm and raised his arm to make a gesture.


Deputy Director Zhou Zansheng said loudly.

Xu Minci and Li Xiangyang were walking on the street.

Xu Minci was carrying the snacks she just bought.

Li Xiangyang's expression suddenly changed: Wang is alert.

"Xiang Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Minci frowned slightly.

The special effects of light flicker, and the four ancient ferocious beasts descend.

The Black Emperor used them to defeat other armored warriors with 100% victory, but he chose to use them against the Emperor Man.

Xu Minci was knocked unconscious on the road.


Li Xiangyang roared.

Energy beams shuttle through the universe, and the armored warrior Emperor Man arrives.

Emperor Xia looked at Xu Minci for a moment, then locked his eyes on the four ancient ferocious beasts.

Bang!!! Bang!!!

Bang!!! Bang!!!

The dull sound of attack resounded.

The four ancient ferocious beasts screamed in agony.

Emperor Xia obviously has the consciousness of Li Xiangyang, and is afraid of accidentally hurting her in the battle, so he will knock all the monsters away.

My emperor slowly squatted down and released the skill of changing scenery.

The scene changes to a square in Shinhwa Paradise.

The Emperor Man fought four of them one at a time, and easily defeated the four ancient ferocious beasts.

Shadow secret base.


Black Emperor's expression became ferocious.

The four ancient ferocious beasts were his last trump card. Who would have thought that they would all be killed by Emperor Xia?

"Didn't lose!"

"I haven't lost yet!"

The Black Emperor opened the last bag of tips left to him by the Shadow Protector.

[IOU: I gave everything I had in exchange for money that didn’t belong to me] (bhde) Black Emperor’s expression suddenly changed, and the scene of the desolate time and the signing of the contract came to mind.

"What...this is nothing!"

"I don't know! I don't admit it! I don't count!"

The Black Emperor came up with a set of three denials.

"If you can make an oath, you must fulfill your wish."

"No one can save you now. This is what you personally swore."

The shadow protector floats in the sky, and the green light effect looks particularly depressing.

The five shadow guardians forcibly took over the Black Emperor's body.



The silver-purple electro-optical special effects flash crazily.

The Black Emperor disappeared.

The synthesis of five shadow guardians: No. 55·Black Monster.

The strongest villain boss in the Armor Warrior TV series.

"This is the last battle!"

"We want the hateful armored warriors to know how powerful we are!"


Terrible laughter resounded.

Five supernatural beasts are forcibly mixed together. The surface of the supernatural beast flashes thin lines of electric light special effects.

A certain street area.


"The dean's last words: Let the armor summon people to unite!"

Xiao Song said slowly.

After unremitting efforts in analysis, he got the answer that was closest to the answer.


Kunzhong was stunned, "We are very united now."

The five armor summoners have gone through so many hardships, and they are particularly united with each other at this moment.

The thorns of Bei Sanshui are particularly mild.

Xiao Song shook his head: He guessed the answer, and no one knew the dean’s specific intention.

While everyone was communicating, the sky suddenly darkened.

The scene where the black monster appears is naturally not as exaggerated as the evil god Gatanjie.

The special effects of the dark sky scene still have an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

"Look quickly————"

Kunzhong discovered the black monster standing on the top of the iron tower.

"That guy?!"

Xinnan's eyes trembled violently.

The first episode of Armor Warrior: Dreaming: The supernatural beast monster that appeared in the dream was it.

"So you are the ultimate supernatural beast!"

Xinnan said slowly.

The black monster flew rapidly, shooting purple energy beams from its body.

Human cities were severely damaged, and the scene was as terrifying as hell descending.


Five armored warriors summon people to transform, and drive their exclusive mounts to pursue the black monster.

"The armored warrior who doesn't know whether to live or die!"

"How dare you chase us!"

"Kill him! Kill them!!"

There are shadow guardian heads on the surface of the black monster's body. To put it simply, one body and five heads speak.

The black monster gathers energy.

Releases purple energy bombs and super exaggerated purple light.

The five armored warriors used the aircraft to dodge quickly, but the black monster seemed even more exaggerated, flying a little faster than them.

Human cities are shuttling and fighting, and funds are burning like crazy.

The special effects of the original drama looked very fake, and Lin Feng's special effects pursued visual quality. It is no exaggeration to say that the special effects money is enough to make a low-cost animation work.

Lin Feng naturally doesn’t save money by making money from Armor Warrior peripheral toys.

Aunt Dong often does this.

The enhanced form of a certain power-up item appears, and the special effects of the first transformation can even compete with Western blockbusters.

Well, only for the first transformation.

After all, in order to sell toys, toys are sold, and money can be saved naturally.

Sometimes you even just play the sound effects, and then switch the camera when inserting the props, and then switch again

Come back and the transformation is complete.

Auntie Dong won’t even show you the special effects.

The final battle was quite exaggerated, with several people fighting from a human city into space.

The moon floats behind, and the lines on it are clearly visible.

The black monster unleashes its ultimate move: countless meteor-like energy rays attack crazily at the five armored warriors.

The five armored warriors were brutally suppressed. The most dangerous thing was that the armored warriors did not have enough energy.

"If you had given me the power to defend the planet!!"

"Please also let me at least have the ability to protect these friends!!"

"I am willing to sacrifice myself!!"

"Light, did you hear that!?"

"Give me strength!!"

Xinnan shuttles and flies towards the sun.

"You finally understand the meaning of unity!"

A heavenly voice sounded.

This scene is quite similar: Thank you Taylor, you're welcome Zoffie.

Gorgeous light effects bloom in the universe, and the armored warrior Emperor Man makes a strong appearance driving the Emperor's Horse.

The black monster fought hard, but to no avail.

The five sure-kill copybooks of gold, wood, water, fire and earth have arrived.

The Emperor's Man holds the Emperor's Shield and Aurora Sword and releases various ultimate moves to kill the Black Monster.

The dark sky finally became bright.

The Emperor's Man dissipated into five armored warriors.

Flame Dragon Man seals the Black Monster card.

The final scene shows the core characters having dinner at Xingfu Dumpling House.

"Big bad brother, take a picture."

Yang Mi's little feet wrapped in white stockings were jumping up and down, and her little hands were holding the crew's shooting equipment.

Lin Feng stood in the middle.

Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, Liu Yifei, Gu Linaza, Shang Ban Jin and other women surrounded him.

Other characters stand at the rear.


Note: I specially reviewed the last two episodes of Armor Warrior. The children who watched Armor Warrior have grown up, and they feel nostalgic. .

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