Film And Television Company Bankrupt? I Sell Toys And Bring The Dead Back To Life

18: Yo-Yo Is Popular Abroad! ! 【Ask For Collection】

Tai Ling Elementary School.

"Zhao Yunlong, I will definitely defeat you!"

"Qian Duoduo belongs to me!"

A young boy in school uniform, Ding Shigou, said loudly.

Standing in front of him was a young boy in the same school uniform, Zhao Yunlong.

Zhao Yunlong has pretty features and good looks, and is surrounded by little Lolita in school uniforms.

Real little loli.

They are all fifth grade primary school students.

Ding Shigou has an ordinary appearance and is a chubby little boy. He only has a few playmates around him.

Regardless of age, people, especially women, are naturally beautiful creatures.

Ding Shigou quietly looked at a certain little girl and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't cheer for Zhao Yunlong.

Little girl: Qian Duoduo.

Ding Shigou and Zhao Yunlong both like Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo happens to like yo-yo.

So there is today's duel: whoever loses will leave Qian Duoduo.

"Zhao Yunlong, take action!"

Ding Shigou took out the Ferris wheel he had saved up for a week and said loudly.

The melon-eating crowd watching nearby saw the PB Yo-Yo, and most of the students showed envious expressions.

PB yo-yos are slightly expensive, and their parents only buy ordinary yo-yos.

"Afraid of you??"

Zhao Yunlong slowly raised his arm, and Fire Warrior S looked particularly eye-catching.

Ferris wheel S: 188 soft sister coins.

Fire Warrior S: 388 Soft Girl Coins.

The appearance has never been compared, and the equipment has not been compared.

The two yo-yoed each other.

Ding Shigou lost completely.

"Brother Long, you are so amazing~~"

Qian Duoduo rushed to Zhao Yunlong Huaili.

Ding Shigou: O__O...! ! !

The little friend's eyes were dim, and his ears rang: "Snowflakes are fluttering~~The north wind is blowing~~".


"Hand over the yo-yo!!"

The outcome of the battle has just been decided.

The head teacher said solemnly with a sullen face.

Teacher Yan Xia strongly dislikes the "Yo-Yo wave". The students don't study and just exchange yo-yos every day.

Countless yo-yos are confiscated every day.

The head teacher left, carrying a dozen yo-yo toys in his hands.

This scene happened to be filmed by a passerby and sent a message, which immediately caused a violent sensation.

There are tens of thousands of imitators of a certain sound.

Yo-yo is gradually becoming more and more popular, and more and more masters are playing it.

To sum up: "The King of Fire" was shot too conservatively.

Lin Feng naturally came across related videos.

He was not interested in dueling among elementary school students, but he was very happy when the teacher confiscated the yo-yo.

Usually teachers confiscate toys and return them at the end of most semesters.

Elementary school students who want to play with yo-yos have to buy them again. Shinhwa Toy Factory made a lot of money with tears.

The hot summer has set off the era of yo-yo craze.

The external network oil pipe exploded.

In the hot summer, players posted videos of playing with yo-yos on YouTube, and the one with the most views has exceeded 100 million views.

Video comments number in the hundreds of thousands.

[Oh, can someone tell me what kind of toy this is? Looks like fun! ! 】

[Is this some kind of competition? Why have I never seen the competition tools in the hands of students in Yanxia? ! 】

[My friend, that’s called ‘YOYO Ball’, a toy designed by Lin Feng in Yanxia! Oh, by the way, there is also a tokusatsu drama related to Yanxia! ! 】

【YOYO ball? It looks great. I want to buy it. Where can I buy it? ! 】

【Lin Feng? God, I remember him! I still have a Raysodeng remote-controlled racing car from Shinhwa Toy Factory at home! ! 】


YouTube videos are not only popular with yo-yo playing videos, but also with many clips from "The King of Fire".

There are only scattered fragments.

Who dares to upload the full version? The legal department of Shinhwa Film and Television Company is not for nothing.

In particular, Aquamarine has a strong awareness of copyright protection, and no one dares to commit suicide... Uploading edited videos does not violate copyright law.

When Waiguoren came into contact with "Huolishaonianwang", his enthusiasm for buying yo-yos skyrocketed.

Yo-Yo currently has no global agents.

Wai Guoren had to find a purchasing agent if he wanted to play with the yo-yo.

An ordinary yo-yo in Yanxia costs fifty soft sister coins, and Waiguoren costs at least five hundred soft girls coins, which is a full ten times price difference.

Waiguoren YouTube is scolding the world.

Players in Yanxia discovered it and started a personal show.

Numerous tycoons have released the entire series of yo-yos to the Internet, arousing the envy of countless crooked players.

The popularity of Yo-Yo has swept the world, and foreign TV stations held an emergency meeting to discuss the purchase of the broadcast rights of "The King of Fire" and the agency planning of Yo-Yo toys.

Lin Feng naturally values ​​foreign markets.

The comprehensive potential of Yo-Yo's overseas market exceeds that of individual countries.

Who doesn’t want to earn more soft girl coins?

Lin Feng is waiting.

Wait for the person in charge of the foreign TV station to come to your door.

Taking the initiative = losing the initiative.

Losing the initiative = "Huolishaonianwang" sold at a high price.

Lin Feng logged into his personal blog after a long absence.

It seems that apart from promoting movies, TV series and toys, Weibo has almost no updates.

This update is naturally related to toys: It’s time for the I series Yo-Yo to debut, take advantage of the peak of popularity and traffic to cut a wave of leeks...

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Note: Mengxin has no overseas shopping experience, so I asked the accountant where I work. emmm, he said that the ten-fold difference is not an exaggeration. If the data is really outrageous, readers can leave a message in the book review area, and they can correct it after reading it. By the way, are there really no readers who can leave a review? Mengxin thought that he was a single player, wuwuwu~~~

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