However, Avril Carly also asked Lin Feng to be more careful in recent times.

The developer of Kongxian would probably laugh at Lin Feng.

After all, what Lin Feng did recently also made Avril Carly very speechless.

And the boss of Kongxian Developer will definitely keep this matter in his heart.

He is the kind of person who has a small belly and a small intestine.

Lin Feng sneered after hearing this.

He doesn't care about chicken intestines.

Whenever this person dares to go against him, Lin Feng will dare to let him know how powerful he is.

Lin Feng also sneered here.

But at this time, Lin Feng also left here at an extremely fast speed.

Because he believed that there would be no accidents on his side.

And no one will target him.

At this moment, the people at Kongxian Developer also thought about it carefully.

The only result of their current research.

That is to ask the boss of Kongxian Developer to personally go and announce the news that he has no power over Lin Feng.

How about Lin Feng? Lin Feng is a very useless person.

As long as Lin Feng can be degraded quickly.

Then they might be able to let Lin Feng know how powerful he is.

At that time, Lin Feng and other things will be just a bunch of clouds.

There is simply no ability to compete with them at this moment.

The boss of Kongxian Developer really didn't expect that these people's ideas were so extreme.

If he did this, his relationship with Lin Feng would directly collapse.

Although he said that he had had such thoughts, he never said it out loud.

At this moment, the boss of the Immortal Control Developer in front of him also wanted to try the method mentioned by his subordinates.

After all, the solution has been revealed.

And he forced them to say it.

Then I belittle Lin Feng a lot.

Didn't Lin Feng recently announce a big movie title called "Ultraman Gaia"?

He came to the bottom of the movie and the Lin Feng dating software.

A quick put-down will do.

He can also buy large amounts of water troops.

Now he also directly gets through the phone calls of those trolls that he often cooperates with.

These sailors also learned that the boss of Kongxian Developer was planning to take action again.

Doesn't this mean giving them money again?

They were also driving their cars like crazy.

I found the boss directly and he said to the developer.

"Now that you have come all the way to call us here, who are you targeting.

I hope you can make it clearer to us here.

We definitely use money to do things. "

The boss of Kongxian Developer has long known that they are a group of desperadoes.

Do anything for money.

He also waved to everyone and said.

"Everyone, have you heard of the movie "Ultraman Gaia"?

What I want to do now is release this movie.

I also want the movie’s rating to drop quickly.

I would rather belittle Lin Feng.

I wonder if any of you here can help me. "

These people also laughed.

Of course it is possible to help the boss of Kongxian developer.

However, they must also consider the money and labor in advance.

He also told the boss here.

I also need a lot of money here.

Because "Ultraman Gaia" just released by Lin Feng was actually watched by many, many people.

They were also more than willing to watch.

So it is necessary to add more money here.

Otherwise, they would definitely not be happy.

When the Kongxian developer heard this, he was also a little embarrassed.

Kongxian developer said as always.

"Everyone, are you helping me just for money?

Can everyone stop being so vulgar?

And when have I missed your money?

This is indeed what the boss said.

But in this environment, no one will make a loss-making transaction.

The Kongxian developer also nodded and asked them to do this.

As long as there are enough navy forces and the results are better, he can give these people more money.

It all depends on their effectiveness.

If Lin Feng lost one billion, he would give 10 million to these people.

When the sailors heard this sentence, they felt like they were getting blood.

He opened his computer directly and belittled Lin Feng a lot.

But they forgot one thing, and that was to use some means to modify their own network address.

They didn't modify it at all.

If a casual person investigates, he can find that this is the handle from the developer of Kongxian.

……Please give me flowers…………

Then think of some of the recent connections between Kongxian Developer and Lin Feng.

You can know that this may be malicious competition.

However, at this moment, Lin Feng in front of him also saw that Avril Carly was indecisive here.

And say nothing.

He directly patted Avril Carly on the shoulder and said to him.

"What's wrong.

Why do I see you so confused? "

Avril Carly now also discovered that Lin Feng didn't even know about things on the Internet.

He is deciphering some of the opponent's attack methods and the geographical location of the attack.

If you want to find him, you will come directly to Lin Feng.

Let Lin Feng take a look at this series of problems in computers.

Lin Feng discovered that someone actually wanted to joke with him.

Lin Feng also slammed the table in front of him here.

Then he also said to these people in the field.

"Everyone, who did this?

quickly tell tell. "

People like me can't believe it either.

Some people dare to belittle Lin Feng in a large amount.

And this was clearly done by the navy.

They have been in the film and television and entertainment circles for so many years.

They still know what the navy is like.

Lin Feng asked Avril Carly to check for him now.

See who is spreading rumors about himself out there.

If he finds out, he will definitely make this person pay a certain price.

Avril Carly was also tapping quickly on her computer.

Even if Lin Feng didn't say anything, he would help Lin Feng check it out.

He just turned the page and discovered these people night after night.

Surprisingly, they all come from one place.

This place is Kongxian Developer.

He also told Lin Feng the secrets he found out.

He also said to Lin Feng in front of him.

"Now take a look at the location we found here.

Lin Feng was also extremely shocked after seeing the developer Kongxian.

He never expected that the person targeting him would be the boss of Kongxian Developer.

He was probably dissatisfied.

Lin Feng now also wants to find this person in person and discuss it.

But they were blocked here for a long time by Avril Carly and others. .

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