Father Wu watched his company’s stock price fall again and again, although he felt distressed, but considering that he didn’t own any shares now, he was secretly happy for his wise choice.
“Look, this is Lao Tzu’s wisdom. You should study hard. The stock has fallen so badly. What can you do with all the stock in your hand? Why not cash out like me.”
Soon Father Wu couldn’t laugh anymore, because Wu Jinghao took over these shares and became the company’s first shareholder logically.
“What! It’s not that short-seller company that bought my shares? Why is there still him?”
Father Wu called the person from the short company. As a result, a reminder of an empty number came from the opposite side, and he knew that he had been cheated.
“Look, you lost your wife and lost your army. You gave the shares to others and returned the money to that prodigal son, and you still think that you gave him less. In the end, who can you blame when you fetch water from a bamboo basket?”
He knew that being raised outside since he was a child was not a logical young master of the Wu family. Watching Wu Jinghao live in such a big house every day, the food and clothing are 100 times better than his own, and there are people around him to serve him. There has been a sense of imbalance since I was a child.
But now, my body is getting worse day by day, but Wu Jinghao is getting better and better. Sometimes I really feel powerless.
After Wu Jinghao finished dealing with this kind of matter, he was going to return to China.
On Wang Juan’s recommendation, Han Fei also chose two notebooks, and planned to return to China to study them carefully.
“These two characters are relatively difficult to control, but fortunately, the lineup of these two characters is very impressive.”
“As for the previous role, there are a lot of big names, and there are all kinds of capable actors. I’m not afraid that you won’t learn it, but I’m afraid you won’t steal it.”
“The latter one is that the director is very good. It can be said that there is no one who has acted in his plays who can’t act. You can break a vase into a good seed.”
“So no matter which role you play, you must grasp it well. I hope you can enter the audience’s field of vision through acting, not through other means.”
What Wang Juan said is absolutely correct. Han Fei only made one movie, but the public entertainment seems to know about her. This kind of knowing is not a work, but some gossip, even family fun.
“Sister Juan, I understand, I will definitely work hard.”
As soon as she got off the plane, Han Fei heard deafening cheers.
“Why is this traffic company with so many fans? You can hear it right after getting off the plane.”
Wang Juan poked her head out to have a look, but she didn’t expect to be fans of Han Fei and Wu Jinghao.
Han Fei found it strange. She only knew that he and Wu Jinghao were well-known nationally, but she didn’t expect to have so many fans.
“Really? Sister Juan, don’t lie to me.”
But when Han Fei and Wu Jinghao walked out of the airport and saw so many helpers, Han Fei knew that Wang Juan was not lying to him.
One of them took the lead in shouting some slogans, because the scene was too chaotic, Han Fei didn’t hear clearly.
But Wu Jinghao got a piece of good news from fans.
“You have nominated this year’s Best New Actor.”
Han Fei didn’t consider that there were so many people coming, so she didn’t choose to go through the VIP channel. Now it seems that she underestimated the fans. .

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