A press conference brought the things that had been cooling down to a climax once again, and what followed was another misfortune by Father Wu.
In addition, in the past few days, some people have begun to doubt Wu Jinghao because the big V followed suit.
“How’s the investigation going?”
Wu Jinghao gave Wang Xin the evidence from the systematic investigation and asked him to conduct further investigation.
As expected, it was indeed Wu’s father who bought two aphrodisiac drugs in a row last month, and the effect of the second drug was significantly increased.
This caused the death of that cheap brother.
“Next, we just need to find out if he didn’t take the initiative to eat this.”
All this is finally coming to an end, and Wang Xin can relax after working for several days.
“Actually, it doesn’t matter whether you take the initiative or not. As long as it proves that it has something to do with him, then Fisherman will understand.”
“It’s you, I see that you have lost a lot of weight in the past few days. You look like an elite assistant.”
What he said made Wang Xin angry, as if he was not an elite before?
“Of course it’s better to be thinner, and I haven’t stopped you. Just be healthy’ “.”
The next morning, Dad Wu’s miserable video was still on the trending searches.
There are many people who sympathize with him under the comments. Filial piety is a topic that no one can escape.
But Wu Jinghao didn’t care, since that man was putting on airs in front of everyone.
Then I have to expose his hypocrisy myself.
In the afternoon, Wu Jinghao’s press conference was held as scheduled. Also present was Han Fei, who had been on vacation recently.
“Thank you for coming. The purpose of everyone’s coming is the same. And I will make a long story short.”
Played Wu’s father’s cold and violent behavior towards Wu Jinghao and his mother, breaking the image of the one who always loves his wife and son outside.
The second is also a well-known one, Father Wu’s cheating. An outside son is actually older than his own son, which only shows that this marriage was a mistake from the very beginning, and that happy family was a scam.
Because Dad Wu wanted to fill the vacancy left by his eldest son, there was a financial loophole. This was also the reason why he was eager to think about transferring the stock.
After the first session, basically all of Father Wu’s crimes were confirmed.
There are videos, audio, files, and pictures.
The second thing Wu Jinghao wants to clarify is that person’s death.
As soon as the evidence was projected on the virtual phantom, the reporters below finally couldn’t sit still. One by one, they pointed long guns and short cannons at Wu Jinghao and Han Fei.
“¨. I don’t have anything to say, the evidence is here. Those who have eyes can see it. As for those who believe in nonsense or close their eyes, I really have nothing to do.”
The press conference was completed within 20 minutes. Wu Jinghao simply answered a few questions and then left.
But those things on the Internet have nothing to do with Wu Jinghao personally. If someone is still unwilling to believe it, no matter how it is proved, there is no way to make him believe it.
“Let Wang Xin take care of it, we wait quietly for the arrival of good news.”
Han Fei was also a little apprehensive. Although she knew the result, she still hoped to have a little luck.
The day after tomorrow is the film festival, and the results will be known soon.
For Han Fei’s first time, Wu Jinghao specially asked a famous designer to design a dress for Han Fei.
“This is the blueprint, take a look at it and preview it first.”…

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