In the pitch-black night, a dark human-shaped object on the hill was trembling constantly, with electric arcs flashing on it and a slight crackling sound.

After a while, the human-shaped object stopped shaking, the arcs and sounds disappeared, and the dark forest became quiet again, leaving only the sound of the whistling wind and the swinging leaves.

After a long time.

Poof, the human-shaped object exhaled a puff of thick smoke from its mouth, and muttered: "Oh my God, you struck at the wrong place. Fortunately, I was lucky, but I was almost taken away by you in one wave."

I looked at the sanatorium in the distance and no one noticed it. Yes, thunder and lightning hitting the woods is a natural phenomenon. Who would have known that a thunder was summoned by someone's crow's beak.

Zhang Xiaoshan, who was a little confused, heard someone talking on the watchtower of the sanatorium.

"That lightning strike seems to have been hit by something. You can see it's still smoking."

"I looked like a monkey, and the one who was struck by lightning screamed. That sound was definitely that of a monkey."

"Haha, you watch first, I'll go pick up the monkey."

"Well, I didn't expect you still have this kind of love. Bring it back to save it?"

"Hey, who's in the mood to save it? I'm just thinking about grilling the monkey head and I don't know if it's delicious."

"Damn, you Thais are really awesome, you dare to eat anything. Forget it, Brother Pala caught you off duty and carefully broke your legs."

"That's right. Then wait until the change of guard in the morning to pick it up again. Hericium is a great supplement. The taste, hehe!"

Well, you are the monkey, and your whole family is a monkey. When I recover, I will send you to the West to see the ancestors of monkeys. Zhang Xiaoshan is extremely dissatisfied with someone treating him as a monkey.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoshan was in excruciating pain everywhere in his body. Fortunately, there was still a slight numbness that relieved the pain. He grinned and moaned for a long time. After the severe pain disappeared, Zhang Xiaoshan stood up unsteadily.

When the breeze blew, Zhang Xiaoshan's clothes and disguise turned into pieces of black lint and fell in all directions, and he suddenly felt chilly.

Damn, the birds are exposed.

Zhang Xiaoshan hurriedly took out the spare clothes from the system warehouse and put them on, lying on the ground, preparing to summon a natural disaster for the second time.

The power of this sky thunder is a bit weak, and it didn't even take me away. It seems that I need to find another way to summon it. The most important point is that the name of the target of the attack must be said first, so as to avoid hurting myself.

I saw Zhang Xiaoshan began to summon in a rambling voice:

"For God's sake, please open your eyes. This sanatorium is doing things that are causing harm to the country and the people. Let's have an earthquake and collapse it. Oh, if the earthquake doesn't work, it's easy to accidentally injure me. A meteorite from outside would be a good idea..."

After cursing continuously for more than half an hour, Zhang Xiaoshan's mouth was dry. He raised his head and looked at the clear night sky. Not to mention the meteorites, there were not even any birds. Could it be that the meteorites were too high-end and the crow's mouth was not strong enough? ?

"Meteorites are not good, but a self-destruction in a drug manufacturing factory is not bad. I always heard from my colleagues in the police force that someone made drugs and sent away my whole family. I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and I don't know what the situation is."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "boom", and the main building of the nursing center shook violently, and then a small mushroom cloud more than ten meters high rose into the sky.

Boom boom boom~

Boom boom boom~

There were more than a dozen explosions in a row, and the sky in the distance was dyed red.

The originally peaceful health care center seemed to come alive for an instant. People wearing white coats, hospital gowns, and work clothes suddenly appeared, no one knew where the cat was. There were a hundred or so people cheering.

Shouts, howls, and calls for help reached Zhang Xiaoshan's ears along with the subsequent deafening explosions.


Zhang Xiaoshan was jumping up and down with excitement. From the doctors to the patients, there was not even a good person at the gate of this sanatorium. Zhang Xiaoshan had already known it clearly.

After watching the real-life version of the fire rescue for a long time, Zhang Xiaoshan finally heard through the first-level listening ear. The person in charge of the drug manufacturing factory called Parra.

"Brother, something happened here in the factory."

"Ah, what happened? The police raided the factory? Do you really want your whole family to die? How could you call me at this time!"

"Oh, brother, you misunderstood. It wasn't the police who raided the factory. It was our factory that exploded for no apparent reason. I guess another boy was smoking in the factory."

"Don't be so loud when you talk, I'm shocked. Go and rescue the goods and raw materials. They are worth more than 400 million. Tell your brothers, I will give half of the money to everyone. I Come right over."

After hearing the news he wanted, Zhang Xiaoshan quickly made a video call to Su Qingzhu.

Thanks to Pala, a mobile company signal tower was installed in this place where rabbits don’t poop, and the 4G network speed is soaring.

The video was quickly connected. Su Qingzhu rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at the dark phone screen in confusion, "Xiaoshan, what's going on in the middle of the night? I have to go to training tomorrow morning."

"Hey, I'm giving you a big gift, look." Zhang Xiaoshan smiled and pointed his cell phone camera at the blazing nursing home.

"Ah, where is this? Why did you run into the forest, and what happened to the burning place? Are you sick? Show me this at night, and say it's a big gift for me!" Su Qingzhu was Zhang Xiaoshan disturbed the anger of the sweet dream,

Teng suddenly came to his heart.

"Baby, listen to my explanation, this is a huge achievement..." Zhang Xiaoshan shouted in vain.

Listening to Zhang Xiaoshan's narration, Su Qingzhu's eyes were filled with tears. She knew that Zhang Xiaoshan did all this for herself, and she also understood how much danger Zhang Xiaoshan took, and he would lose his life if he was not careful.

At this moment, Su Qingzhu felt warm in her heart, feeling that she had found the man she could trust for the rest of her life. She could no longer control her emotions, and crystal tears fell down her cheeks.

"Xiaoshan, is it worth it for you to do this?"

"Everything is worth it for you. You are my woman, no one is good for you. By the way, Parra will be here soon. You'd better contact Director Abu and Wang Sida as soon as possible.

This time is a good opportunity for someone to seize the stolen goods. When the time comes, you have made a great contribution, and you can just be transferred back to the Magic City. After all, the purpose of transferring you to Spring City is to capture Pala! "

Su Qingzhu also knew that she would be able to return to the Magic City to stay and fly with Zhang Xiaoshan in the near future. She was in such a good mood that she didn't even notice that more than half of her bodysuit had fallen off.

Uh-huh, hah-huh,

Looking at the infinite scenery in front of Su Qingzhu, Zhang Xiaoshan swallowed unconsciously, his eyes glowing green, who can bear this?

She's so big, so fair, and so erect. It seems like this girl eats papaya regularly. I didn't expect that Su Qingzhu, who usually looks smart, capable, and heroic, has such a cute and sexy side. I love her!

Su Qingzhu calmed down her excitement and was about to say something, when she saw Zhang Xiaoshan's portrait of Brother Pig with a drooling look on his face.

"Does it look good?"

"Well, the pearls are round and jade-like, so big and white, I like them." Zhang Xiaoshan couldn't wait to get into the screen of his mobile phone.

"You are so shameless." Su Qingzhu pulled up her pajamas and said coquettishly.

"Hey, everyone loves beauty. It's mainly because you are so beautiful."

Hearing Zhang Xiaoshan's praise, Su Qingzhu gave Zhang Xiaoshan a charming roll of her eyes, but she still felt a little secretly happy in her heart, "I...forget it, hang up first, I will report to the director immediately."

"Qingzhu, you can only tell Director Abu and Wang Sida, and don't tell anyone else, no matter who they are. By the way, I'd like to remind you that Deputy Director Sha has a relationship with drug trafficking groups, but don't tell anyone else except me.

In addition, Parra will probably get here before you. I will take the video evidence and hand it over to you directly when you come. This credit is a gift to you. "Zhang Xiaoshan told Su Qingzhu when he hung up the video.

Through eavesdropping in the past few days, Zhang Xiaoshan knew that Deputy Director Sha was the big umbrella behind the drug cartel. Of course, he would not fail to be vigilant.

"Okay, be careful." Su Qingzhu looked at Zhang Xiaoshan doubtfully and wanted to say something, but she chose to believe her man, and finally turned it into an instruction and hung up the video.

Looking at the fireworks show flying in the sky, Zhang Xiaoshan took advantage of the night and walked towards the health center. Hey, taking advantage of the fire is a good tradition that needs to be maintained at all times, just in case he can collect something useful.

The first-level skin allowed Zhang Xiaoshan to blend into the surrounding environment quietly. Coupled with the crowds of people running around the explosion site to rescue, Zhang Xiaoshan easily blended into the nursing center.

The explosion site was a mess, with broken bricks and tiles and broken limbs everywhere. From time to time, there would be a small explosion, causing rescuers to scream.

what's the situation?

Seeing the drug dealer rushing into the fire scene to rescue him regardless of his own safety, Zhang Xiaoshan was stunned with his eyes wide open. Is this still a ragtag group of drug dealers? Definitely comparable to the Huaxia fire officers and soldiers who are world-famous for their bravery and fearlessness.

After taking a look at his unique clothes, Zhang Xiaoshan found a gap, got into the west annex building, and started his treasure hunt.

Maybe the drug dealers had gone to put out the fire. The auxiliary building was very quiet. There were only a dozen or so rooms. Zhang Xiaoshan quickly searched the first floor, but except for a few 45mm pistols, he couldn't find anything else useful.

Arriving at the second floor, there was still not much gain. When passing by the toilet, he unexpectedly heard two people talking inside. Zhang Xiaoshan slowly leaned over. Yo ho, they were actually old acquaintances. It was those two who wanted to eat his head. My brother.

"Aru, it's not good for us to do this. People outside are participating in the rescue. The boss has said that no matter how many goods are snatched, half of them will be used as bonuses. That is a huge sum of money."

"You are stupid, so don't be unhappy. There are at least a hundred brothers outside who are rescuing. Who will pay attention to the two of us? Wait a moment and the boss will come. If we go out and show off, won't everything be ok? You Didn't you hear there were explosions outside? I'm not in the mood to be a hero."

"Hey, you Thais are still smart and listen to you. My mother is waiting for me to get rich and introduce me to a Vietnamese wife. I don't want to die here."

Yes, what I said is that the drug dealers outside are trying to rescue the goods as if they are risking their lives. It turns out to be the temptation of the bonus, Zhang Xiaoshan thought to himself.

Gently turning the toilet door handle, damn, these two guys were cautious enough and actually locked it. Zhang Xiaoshan decided to let them go first, so as not to open the door and make any noise. This would affect the overall situation. If there was a shootout, someone would definitely be there. Reporting to Parra, given Parra's cautious character, might scare away his main target.

You are lucky, I will repair you after I finish cleaning up Para, and let you know how tragic the consequences will be if you want to eat my brain.

Climb to the third floor. There are only three rooms here. One of them is equipped with a security door. Listen to the noise.

, there was no one inside, he opened the door with the master key, took out a small flashlight and took a photo.

Haha, Zhang Xiaoshan was overjoyed. Sure enough, his efforts were not in vain. There were three rows of shelves, neatly filled with long guns, short cannons, grenades, and the most exaggerated one, there were two needle missiles. According to preliminary estimates, it can be said at least. Arm a reinforced company.

More than ten minutes later, the proud Zhang Xiaoshan slipped out of the annex building and ransacked another annex building again like a cat and a tiger. This time, the harvest solved the financial problem that had been plaguing Zhang Xiaoshan.

Drug dealers still have a lot of cash. RMB, US knives, and Hong Kong dollars are all piled up in the vault. How much is specific? Zhang Xiaoshan decided to continue counting when he has time. Now that the secondary goal is achieved, he is waiting for Parra's arrival.

More than ten minutes later,

In a dark corner, a drug dealer wearing beige overalls ran past with a fire extinguisher. Suddenly, two big hands quickly stretched out from the darkness, grabbed his neck and twisted hard. With a click, the drug dealer's body fell limply. On the ground, he was quickly dragged into the darkness.

After a while, Zhang Xiaoshan, wearing work clothes, joined the crowd of people rescuing goods. Fortunately, the rescuers on site all had dark and dirty faces, and no one noticed Zhang Xiaoshan, an outsider with malicious intentions.

At night, in Room 2202 of Ode to Joy, Qiu Yingying fell into Fan Shengmei's arms as soon as she entered the door and started crying. Fan Shengmei hugged Qiu Yingying and asked with concern: "Don't cry. If the fruit shop's business is not good, it will be temporary. There will be a transition. It's due." After returning to the Magic City after the New Year, Qiu Yingying sighed every day when she came back, telling Fan Shengmei that the fruit shop she and Supervisor Bai opened had lost money and that many fruits were spoiled.

Fan Shengmei thought that there might be too much fruit thrown away today, which was why Yingying was crying so sadly, so she tried to comfort her. She knew in her heart that the biggest reason for the poor business of Qiu Yingying's store was that there was no good purchase channel. Will Guan Guan come back and ask her to help.

Thinking of the conversation with Guan Guan on the first seven nights, Fan Shengmei blushed a little.

When Guan Guan came back from Liu Lin on the night of the seventh day of the lunar month, Fan Shengmei was planning to persuade Guan Guan to leave Liu Lin. Guan Guan happily told her: "Sister Fan, Lin Zi and I are going to open a fruit company. The company has basically already Once it’s ready, we can open it after the cold storage is completed.”

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