"Uncle, aunt, hello, my name is Zhang Xiaoshan." Although the atmosphere felt a bit strange, Zhang Xiaoshan still greeted Father Zhong and Mother Zhong politely.

"Well, since you're here, come in and sit down." Father Zhong said expressionlessly.

Zhong Mu just looked at Zhang Xiaoshan but said nothing. She just pulled Zhong Xiaoqin to her side, intentionally or unintentionally stopping the young couple from holding hands. Zhong Xiaoqin, a good girl who always listens to her parents, winked at Zhang Xiaoshan secretly and smiled apologetically.

Zhong Xiaoqin's home is not big, about 70 square meters, with two bedrooms and one living room. The decoration and furnishings are antique-style, giving it the feel of an old intellectual's family.

Zhang Xiaoshan had never seen anything before, so he naturally sat down opposite Zhong Xiaoqin's family of three, opened his suitcase, and said with a smile: "Uncle and aunt, it's our first time meeting. I have prepared some small gifts. I hope you like it."

Father Zhong was still sitting on the sofa expressionlessly without saying anything. Mother Zhong looked at Zhang Xiaoshan and said coldly: "Don't be busy now. Let's get down to business first. My family is not short of your gifts. By the way, how can you return them?" Wearing a mask and glasses, are you afraid of debt collection?”

Hearing what Zhong's mother said, Zhong Xiaoqin also felt that her parents seemed to have some misunderstanding or prejudice against Zhang Xiaoshan. She was about to speak, but was stopped by her mother.

"Well, it's mainly because my skin is special. I put on a mask and glasses to avoid trouble. It's my fault. It's rude to my uncle and aunt." Zhang Xiaoshan then remembered that he had covered his face and smiled bitterly. He quickly took off his mask and glasses.

"Ah, ah, ah! Xiaoshan, you...how did you become like this? Have you had a beauty treatment?" Zhong Xiaoqin couldn't bear it anymore, shook off Zhong Mu's hand, jumped to Zhang Xiaoshan's side with joy, and faced Zhang Xiaoshan's face kept glaring.

Suddenly, Zhong's father and Zhong's mother stared at Zhang Xiaoshan with their eyes widened. They were really shocked.

Zhang Xiaoshan's fair skin looks like an egg membrane that can be broken by blowing, and it looks even more charming under the light. His long and dense eyelashes are like two small brushes, gently sweeping over the skin with his breathing, and the black jade Her eyes are as warm as a sakura, and her lips are as blooming as cherry blossoms, forming a half-moon arc. They are as gentle as flowing water, and are shockingly beautiful.

One white face covers all ugliness, and Zhang Xiaoshan's face is already very handsome. The three members of the Zhong family secretly thought:

This is too beautiful!

Zhang Xiaoshan's cheeky face showed a rare blush, and he took off the hat on his head. A bare head appeared in front of the three members of the Zhong family, and said with a wry smile:

"This time I went on a mission to Spring City and was struck by lightning in the woods. It turned out like this. Haha, but luckily, my eyebrows and eyelashes were saved."

"Ah, lightning strike!"

Zhong Xiaoqin shouted excitedly. Zhang Xiaoshan was originally very pleased, thinking that she would ask questions with concern, but Zhong Xiaoqin's next words made Zhang Xiaoshan's face turn green. Can he really want such a girlfriend?

"Xiaoshan, I also want to be struck by lightning. Even I'm jealous of your skin. It's so beautiful and it seems to glow." Zhong Xiaoqin said as she stretched out her hand and touched Zhang Xiaoshan's face lovingly. Touch around.

Mother Zhong came back to her senses, and when she saw Zhong Xiaoqin's actions, her face darkened, "Xiaoqin, look at what you look like, do you still have any girlish reserve?" After teaching her daughter, Mother Zhong finally said to her Zhang Xiaoshan showed a smiling face.

Well, this face is too destructive, and women are all visual creatures, so naturally Mother Bell cannot avoid it.

Zhong Xiaoqin stuck out her tongue cutely, and reluctantly returned to her mother, muttering: "So beautiful, I love you, hehe, he is my boyfriend, it would be so honorable to take him out." .”

Next, the atmosphere in the Zhong family's living room suddenly seemed to be much better. After a few discussions about the weather today, Zhang Xiaoshan and Zhong Xiaoqin's parents, whether they had eaten or not, they finally entered the final stage.

Oh, Zhong Xiaoqin has completely turned into a good-looking little girl, she just stares at Zhang Xiaoshan's face with silly joy.

As the head of the family, Mother Zhong touched Father Zhong who was next to her. Father Zhong immediately perked up and started asking the first question: "Xiaoshan, I heard from Xiaoqin that your parents, grandma and sister have all gone. New Zealand, are you planning to settle there?”

"Yes, I sold all the houses in Magic City, bought a small ranch in Auckland, New Zealand, and settled there. The three old people are in good health. Of course, if I need them, they will come back, such as Take care of the kids or something." Zhang Xiaoshan knew what he was saying, so of course he picked up the good stuff and said it. In fact, the incident between the original owner and Linda made his parents heartbroken, so they went overseas to stay out of sight and out of mind.


Father Zhong and Mother Zhong looked at each other, and when Mother Zhong smiled and nodded, they continued to the second question: "What is your job...?"

Zhang Xiaoshan quickly added, "I am now an official police officer. Although I am not a civil servant, I still belong to the career staff."

"Well, yes, my future life is guaranteed." Father Zhong finally smiled on his face.

When Father Zhong wanted to say something, Mother Zhong coughed, and Father Zhong suddenly stopped talking.

Alas, another happy wife-governor, Zhang Xiaoshan observed three seconds of silence for his old father-in-law.

At this time, the smile on Zhong Mu's face disappeared, and the last and most important question began. Zhong Mu sat up straight, stared at Zhang Xiaoshan, and asked in a serious tone:

"Auntie, I am not a person who hates poverty and loves wealth. I don't expect my son-in-law to be rich. As long as he has a stable job, good character and a place to live, it will be fine. And we devils

There is no mention of a betrothal gift, and the uncle and aunt will prepare a generous dowry for Xiaoqin, but..."

At this point, Zhong Mu paused, and Zhang Xiaoshan knew that it was time to take a deep breath. Normally, after saying something nice, it would sound bad.

Glancing at Zhang Xiaoshan, whose expression remained unchanged, Zhong Mu continued: "But I heard from a friend who is familiar with your workplace that you owe a lot of debt and mortgaged the house your grandma left to you. A risky business?

Have you ever thought about it, if you lose, will my precious daughter also have to live the hard life of paying off debts every day with you? Do you think what Auntie said is right? "


Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoshan was slightly startled and said to his mother-in-law, don't lift your hair when you are making up lies. That is the natural body language of the human body when lying. That friend is you. You actually went to the police station to inquire about yourself.

Damn it, what kind of unscrupulous thing has exposed all my old background? Do you do business? You can lose money and make money. Why is it that you have high risks and guaranteed losses but no profit?

Zhang Xiaoshan was confident and did not panic, "Uncle and aunt, I did borrow a lot of money and mortgaged my house. However, I purchased 15 million RMB of Bitcoin at a price of US$68 per coin. You two can see Look at the current price of a single Bitcoin.”

While talking, he took out his mobile phone with a smile, opened an app, and handed it to Father Zhong and Mother Zhong.

Father Zhong and Mother Zhong took the phone and started looking at it. The silly Zhong Xiaoqin also put her little head towards it.

Father Zhong is worthy of being an old intellectual. He said slightly excitedly: "This curve has now risen to 1,230 US dollars, which is almost 20 times."

"20 times, 15 million times 20 times, that's 300 million, my God!" Mother Zhong was shocked.

A series of golden lights flashed in Zhong Xiaoqin's eyes. Although she does not worship money and is not materialistic, what girl doesn't hope that her life can be better, and she doesn't have a little vanity.

Father Zhong rubbed his chest, raised his glasses, and said earnestly to Zhang Xiaoshan: "Xiaoshan, although uncle doesn't know what Bitcoin is, he has also speculated in stocks and knows one truth, that is, pocketing money." For peace.

If you sell it now, it will be almost 300 million, which will be enough for you and Xiaoqin to live in the future. We are ordinary people. It is enough to have enough food, clothing and a house. Of course, this is just my uncle's suggestion. These Bitcoins are yours. It's up to you to sell them as much as you want. "Hearing Father Zhong's words, Zhang Xiaoshan couldn't help but feel a little moved. When he could see the linear appreciation of Bitcoin with his own eyes, there were really not many people who could remain rational in the face of such a huge wealth.

Although Zhang Xiaoshan had some opinions about Zhong's father and Zhong's mother raising Zhong Xiaoqin as a mother's daughter, it seems that the old couple just loves and cares too much about their daughter. Zhong Xiaoqin's character is weak and has no independent opinion and does not know how to treat her daughter. Others say no because of her parents' comprehensive care.

"Uncle, if you don't tell me, I have already had this plan. This time when I return to the Magic City, I plan to sell these Bitcoins as soon as possible and leave the money to prepare for the future life of Xiaoqin and I." Zhang Xiaoshan said sincerely.

"Okay! The young man has ability, vision, and a contented heart. I have made the decision and agree that my precious daughter will date you." Father Zhong was comforting for a while and cheered repeatedly.

Mother Zhong did not stop her this time, nor did she blame her husband. Instead, she stood up with a smile and said to Zhang Xiaoshan: "Xiaoshan, you just got off the plane and haven't eaten yet, so Auntie will prepare a meal for you right now. "

"Xiaoqin, you sit with Xiaoshan for a while, and I will go and help. If you are happy today, I will also show my hand."

Father Zhong followed Mother Zhong into the kitchen, leaving only the young couple in the living room, gazing at each other.

Zhong Xiaoqin ran to Zhang Xiaoshan, secretly grabbed his hand, and said with a smile: "Hehe, I finally passed the test. I was so nervous just now, for fear that my mother would not agree with me being with you."

"Haha, who am I? There is no mother-in-law that I can't handle."

"You said you could, but you were still out of breath. By the way, where is the gift you promised me?" Zhong Xiaoqin smiled and stretched out her little hand.

"I've prepared it for you. Close your eyes."

"Yeah!" Zhong Xiaoqin smiled and closed her eyes gently.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now and see if you like it!" Zhang Xiaoshan took out a pendant and helped Zhong Xiaoqin put it on.

Touching the pendant on her neck, Zhong Xiaoqin ran to the mirror and took a look again and again. The flawless green jade pendant was classic and graceful but also exuded a very expensive aura.

Zhong Xiaoqin suddenly smiled and said, "Xiaoshan, thank you for the gift you gave me. I like it very much." After that, she kissed Zhang Xiaoshan gently on the cheek.

"Why are you being polite to me? As long as you are happy, Xiaoqin, I hope you will wear it no matter what time." Zhang Xiaoshan said seriously.

"Okay, I will wear it all the time, because this is the first gift you gave me." Zhong Xiaoqin did not ask why, but replied in the affirmative.

Zhang Xiaoshan did not tell Zhong Xiaoqin that the function of this pendant was mainly unexplainable. This was also thanks to Pala, a good comrade. The raw material of the pendant was a palm-sized piece of top-quality jade that Pala wore around her neck.

At that time, Zhang Xiaoshan looked at such a big jade, and wanted to give it to Su Qingzhu or Zhong Xiaoqin, but then he thought about it and thought that it had been worn by Palla. Thinking about Palla who would be incarcerated soon, he always felt that this thing was a little bit... I divided it into four parts and synthesized it twice using the system.

Panel: Telepathy Pendant

Quality: white

Description: A telepathic pendant made by witches in the magical world. The giver can feel various inner emotions of the wearer without distance restrictions.

Consumes 2 ability points.

This thing doesn't seem to be of any use to Su Qingzhu. That tough and straightforward girl will tell Zhang Xiaoshan directly about anything and will not hide it.

But Zhong Xiaoqin is different. This silly girl is always too concerned about other people's feelings. She keeps it in her heart when she has something to do. She just suffers the grievances silently. This pendant is just right for her.

Zhong Xiaoqin couldn't put it down and touched it again and again, jumping up and down to show it to Father Zhong and Mother Zhong.

Alas, women, who are born with the attributes of evil dragons, like this kind of shiny stone, which cannot be eaten or drunk. Zhang Xiaoshan is not interested in these things anyway.

After a while, the three members of the Zhong family ran out. Father Zhong, who was well-informed, said to Zhang Xiaoshan with a surprised look on his face: "Xiaoshan, the jade pendant you gave Xiaoqin is a rare Laokeng, imperial green. , full color, glass jade, are you really willing to do it?"

"How much is this worth?" Zhong Xiaoqin asked stupidly.

"The color of this jade egg noodle is a rich and uniform green, the germplasm is delicate and moist, and the water head is full. This one is the best. Coupled with the extraordinary production skills, I estimate that it will cost at least 10 million. If I find it, I like it. For others, the price may be doubled several times." Father Zhong said.

"Ah~ah~ah, this is worth 10 million." Zhong Xiaoqin looked at Zhang Xiaoshan with stars in her eyes, wishing she could commit herself to him now.

Mother Zhong couldn't help but reveal a little jealousy when she looked at her daughter, and said to Zhong Xiaoqin who looked like a nymphomaniac: "I can't do it, I can't do it, this gift is too precious, Xiaoqin, please return it to Xiaoshan. "

"Haha, uncle and aunt, in my eyes Xiaoqin is the most precious treasure. This pendant is just a decoration. Besides, I got it by chance. As long as Xiaoqin likes it, I will be happy."

Zhang Xiaoshan didn't expect Pala's jade to be so valuable, but he didn't feel sorry for it at all when it was given to his woman.

For a time, the Zhong family was enjoying themselves.

After dinner, the four of them sat around on the sofa and chatted for a while. Zhang Xiaoshan found that Zhong Xiaoqin's parents had done everything well and were positive. He did not treat Zhong Xiaoqin and Zhang Xiaoshan favorably, but was clear and fair, and did not shy away from Zhong Xiaoqin's shortcomings.

Apart from being a little overly caring, Zhang Xiaoshan also envied Xiaoqin for having such an ordinary and harmonious family.

More than two hours later, at the gate of the community, Zhong Xiaoqin took Zhang Xiaoshan's hand and said reluctantly: "Xiaoshan, I have to separate from you again. I really can't let you go."

"Silly girl, we have a long time to come. I will pick you up from get off work tomorrow and we can be together again." Zhang Xiaoshan said.

"No, I don't want to be separated from you."

Zhong Xiaoqin bit her lip and mustered up the courage to say to Zhang Xiaoshan, "How about I move to your place."

"Ah, Xiaoqin, stop thinking about it. We have a long life in the future. When I buy a new house, can we live together?"

I don’t know why, but when he was with Zhong Xiaoqin, Zhang Xiaoshan felt very comfortable and at ease, without any evil thoughts. Otherwise, Zhong Xiaoqin, a simple little sheep, would have been eaten alive by Zhang Xiaoshan long ago. How could he still wait until now? Only to the extent of kissing and holding hands.

"Well, okay! It's all up to you!" Zhong Xiaoqin's tone contained a little bit of resentment...

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