Don't subscribe now, or restore it tomorrow. I'm really speechless. I only wrote two real place names and was killed. As soon as it dawned in the morning, Lou Xiaoe and Fatty left the yard and came to a nearby small park. The snow is white, and there are crystal snowflakes hanging on the branches, shining brightly in the morning light. Lou Xiaoge, who was kicked by Liu Lin and was covered in snowflakes, was chasing Liu Lin and stuffing snow into Liu Lin's neck. After a gentle kiss, Liu Lin took out the envelope and put it in Lou Xiaoge's hand. "Sister Xiao'e, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance." Liu Lin looked lovingly into Lou Xiao'e's eyes. "Lin Zi, I also wish you a Happy New Year in advance." He kissed Liu Lin's face and took out a small cloth bag and handed it to Liu Lin. "Go to work quickly. See you after the New Year. I also want to go home to see my parents." Holding back the tears that were about to fall, Lou Xiaoge left quickly. Liu Lin opened the little heavy cloth bag, which almost blinded him, and found six small yellow croakers. Now the price of gold in the pigeon market is 3 yuan per gram, one small yellow croaker is 50 grams, and six croakers are 900 yuan. Now Liu Lin doesn't have to worry. Liu Lin suddenly felt a little sorry for Lou Xiaoge. He could not give her a good marriage. This feeling was too heavy. Hahahahaha, Liu Lin, who had been calling himself a scumbag just now, returned to his true self after walking out of the park, singing songs all the way to the steel rolling mill. "I'm making money, I don't even know how to spend it." It's a holiday tomorrow, and the steel rolling mill started to pay wages in advance this morning. Liu Lin, who was waiting in line, was so excited that his whole body was trembling. "This kid is showing off. He has money for 27.5 yuan, but he still doesn't know how to spend it." Si Zhuzheng, who was not far from Liu Lin, and Didi Gugu, the Widow Qin, were waiting in the back. "Yeah! I can't compare with a chef like you." Widow Qin responded casually, thinking that she hadn't heard that Liu Lin had received a salary increase due to his professional title. Could it be that it was a secret? Hehe, it would have been better if it had been raised. I'm younger, sister. He used some tricks to help her. "Liu Lin, 15 yuan and 2 cents." shouted the accountant who paid the salary. Because I saw Liu Lin for a doctor and I liked this fat man who loved to smile, I gave him a few words of advice: "Dr. Liu, you took too much leave this month and deducted 12 yuan and 30 cents. Young people pay more attention to their work. This money is better than that of an intern." It's still low. Why will any girl like you in the future?" "Thank you sister, I have something to do at home this month, so pay attention next time." Liu Lin smiled and thanked the accounting sister for her kindness, took the money, signed his name and left. . "Huh? His salary is less than mine. Isn't it a waste of time to let him take advantage?" Widow Qin looked at Liu Lin who was walking away with disdain. "This fool lives in our hospital. He sleeps in the house all day long. He has a bad thing and sleeps in the house all day long. That's how he got so fat." Silly Zhu proudly received his salary of 37.5 yuan. shouted. Haha, it made the co-workers next to me laugh. Liu Lin doesn't know whether it's because he's always sleeping in a small world or something. His hearing and vision have improved, his face has become younger, and his body has become better. But his weight has increased, and he is now 175 His height will soon reach 200 pounds. Liu Lin could clearly hear Silly Zhu's mocking voice in the distance. Liu Lin raised his fist. Even my uncle-to-be is not good enough. I will arrange a move for you later. On the way to a cafeteria, Liu Lin stood on the side of the road pretending to wait for someone. Silly Zhu and Widow Qin looked at him with disdain, said hello and passed by, completely unaware that they had already absorbed the wages in their pockets. In the small world, the absorption distance of 5 meters is enough. Of course Liu Lin would not be a thief, he still had a bottom line in his heart, and he would not use the money to give it to Banggeng later. This would also win Shazhu's heart. He didn't just spend all day in the yard shouting that he liked Banggeng. Does your son watch it? When I came to the medical clinic, I first paid my best wishes to all my colleagues, and then went to flatter Director Wang a few times. I left 5 yuan, saying it was New Year's money for the grandchildren of Director Wang's family, and one of Director Wang's two sons. My daughter is older than Liu Lin

. Director Wang smiled and approved Liu Lin's leave. Liu Lin left the factory and went straight to the pigeon market. The Imperial City Pigeon Market is all about supplies. The bosses organize themselves spontaneously and exchange their surplus supplies for each other, or spend money directly. After all, this is the place. There are some things that are rarely seen on the market that can be found here, but of course you need to have money. The government doesn't care about this, after all, most people have been here. There are more than a dozen pigeon markets, large and small, in the imperial capital. Some of them are only open at night, and some are open during the day, perhaps because the organizers are more capable. Liu Lin put on a mask and hat, went to the pigeon market in Qianmen, and started shopping at the entrance of the alley. The business here is very rule-abiding. After all, only with rules can this place prosper. That is asking for death, these days. Buyers and sellers were very quiet, and their voices were lowered when negotiating prices. They were basically pretending. Many people covered their heads with torn sacks and dug two holes. Liu Lin was very happy to see them. I found a bill seller and sold 6 small yellow croakers in exchange for 600 yuan and a stack of bills. After that, I started buying various things. Finally, I gathered all the gifts. I took the bus to Hongxing Commune to give Director Li some New Year gifts and flattered him a bit. I found Cui Dake again, encouraged him, left him some money, and asked him to go to the rented warehouse to deliver goods at 5 p.m. Back in the imperial capital, today's shopping malls and supply and marketing cooperatives are full of people. The day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve. There are laughter and laughter everywhere on the streets. There are also parades singing songs and shouting slogans. The streets and alleys are filled with all kinds of red flags, as if It also dispels the coldness of winter. Liu Lin was looking at her with interest, when suddenly a young girl not far ahead stared at him and gave him a soft "poof", it was Ran Qiuye, this problem cannot be tolerated. Liu Lin walked up to Ran Qiuye with a smile, took out a handful of White Rabbit toffee, grabbed her hand and stuffed it in, and gave a handful of toffee to each of the two girls who were obviously with her. He didn't say a word, and exaggeratedly shouted "ah bah" at the ground. He raised his eyebrows provocatively, turned around and disappeared into the crowd. Only then did Ran Qiuye come to his senses, and angrily raised his small fist and punched the air several times. It was Ran Qiuye's classmate in the movie theater. He was opening candy wrappers and eating sweets while laughing so hard. "You still say you don't know me, and you still say it doesn't matter. Qiuye, you hide it so well! White Rabbit toffee is not cheap, so these three handfuls per pound should be sold out." The classmate calmed down and said, "I'll take advantage of you today."

Of light, don’t forget to thank your brother-in-law for me. "Well, thank my brother-in-law for me too." "Another student who couldn't figure out the situation said. "Wow, wow, I'm so angry. I'll strangle him next time. "Ran Qiuye, who is usually quiet, couldn't keep up her ladylike attitude this time. Liu Lin didn't see what happened to those little sisters, but it was fun to think about it. After receiving the supplies with Cui Dake in the afternoon, they went to find We went to a restaurant to have a meal, and then went to Li Weimin's house to give gifts in the evening. In the imperial capital in June, the rain washed away the memories of the ancient city. The hazy sky was filled with drizzle, so lingering, so entangled. Riding in the rain to the door of Lou Xiaoe's yard, Liu Lin wiped the rain off his face, shook out his raincoat, and opened the door. With his super hearing, he heard a woman talking and laughing inside the house. Liu Lin felt A cold air spread from the top of my head to my back. I stared blankly in the direction of the room. It was Lou Xiaoe and He Yuyu talking. I was thinking about running away and hiding for a while. If I don't hide, I might be killed and barbecued. , both women said that if Liu Lin's body was roasted and eaten, there would be a lot of oil and water. The door to the room opened, and the two little women said with smiles at the door: "What are you stunned for? Come on in, we're waiting for you. "As he spoke, He Yuyu ran over to take over the bicycle in the rain. Liu Lin entered the house cautiously. Lou Xiaoge wiped the water marks on his face with a towel. He Yuyu diligently helped Liu Lin take off his raincoat. He pulled Liu Lin to sit down at the dining table. "How was today's meal? You always said that I am not good at cooking. This time the rain came, so you are in luck." "Lou Xiaoge looked gentle.

looked at Liu Lin. "Come on, drink some wine and warm yourself up. It's quite cold today. You're the only one working at home, so don't get sick." He Yuyu handed Liu Lin a glass of wine, and his tone was extremely virtuous. Liu Lin, who looked confused, was manipulated by the two people like a puppet. He Yuyu fed Liu Lin a mouthful of food, and then Lou Xiaoge fed Liu Lin a mouthful of wine. Could it be that my uncle is so charming that the two of them want each other? Are they competing for favor? Haha, I knew I could do it. "Hmm, this is how it will be from now on. You two get along well and serve me well. Well, this wine is a bit overpowering." Liu Lin was served for a while. I felt that my guess was correct and I was about to establish my status in the family when I suddenly fainted. My last thought was that I had fallen into a trap. The wine was poisonous and I was about to be grilled. Wow, a basin of water poured on Liu Lin's head. Opening his eyes and looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Lin wanted to run away, but found that he was tied to a chair, with his butt naked and his mouth gagged. There were red burning coals in the barbecue grill, large and small knives on the small table, a candlestick with a big candle, and even a saw. Liu Lin looked at the two women who were looking down at him and smiling cowardly. Each of them had a small whip in their hands. His scalp was numb and he thought about whether he should pee a little to increase the atmosphere. "Haha, look at our eldest man, don't tremble. Didn't you enjoy it just now?" "We sisters are so harmonious, we will definitely be able to serve our eldest man well." "By the way, eldest man, didn't you tell us that overseas? An interesting life?" "Little leather whip, small candle." "And the hacksaw you are obsessed with." "With so many kinds of knives, which one does the master like? Come and pick one." "We sisters are still waiting. The elder’s meat is barbecued.” “That’s right, look at the elder’s meat, which is white and tender. It’s more juicy than our skin. It’s just right to help the elder lose weight.” Lou Xiao’e and He Yuyu said each other while talking. He looked at Liu Lin from head to toe with a smile. Wherever he looked, Liu Lin felt that the flesh there was disappearing. Liu Lin has already begun to prepare. If they really start to take action, they will return to the small world immediately. They are not afraid of death. Anyway, they will treat it as a tour of this world. Although he would miss them and miss them, Liu Lin was afraid of pain. People who have not experienced torture have no right to despise those who cannot bear torture. Forget it, just bear with it for a while. The whip and the candle should still be able to bear it. I really love these two little women. Come on, I feel sorry for them. Because my mouth is blocked, I can only pretend to look at death. "Hey, young man, our eldest son, who are you showing this to? Do you think our sisters will be deceived by you?" He Yuyu whipped Liu Lin and Liu Lin. It hurts, it hurts so much, I can bear it. "If I hadn't passed by the old courtyard and wanted to see it, I wouldn't have encountered rain. You would have had enough fun." This time it was Lou Xiaoge who made the move. If I can bear it any longer, can I be gentler? Liu Lin was speechless and could only hesitate, with tears streaming down his face. "You'll still be with Sister Xiao'e on Saturdays and me on Sundays. Are there any other women who need to be with you?" He Yuyu cried while typing. "How can you be a time management master? When you tell a story, I think something is wrong with you, and you still have the nerve to cry." Lou Xiaoge also cried while beating him. Liu Lin was in pain and felt depressed. If he had known that he wouldn't have saved so much money, wouldn't he have been fine if he rented a house for Yuyu? Well, something happens, sooner or later. The more they beat and scolded, the more excited they became. The impulsive Lou Xiaoge picked up a knife as he spoke. The bright knife was getting closer and closer in front of him. Liu Lin was frightened. I sucked and took the rope around me to the small world. A divine dragon swung its tail and passed the two of them. It jumped a few times, opened the door, and ran away. . The two little women were stunned. The rope on Liu Lin's body was gone. Liu Lin, who looked so nimble and unhuman, jumped like a monkey and ran out. They looked at each other and quickly chased out, only to see a white body coming out of the wall. "Ah, my foot is broken. Why did I hit someone while riding a bicycle?" Liu Lin's voice came.

come over. "Ah, you gangster, you're shameless, it's you, don't run away." This time it was a woman's voice. Lou Xiaoe and He Yuyu ran out of the yard and saw a woman sitting in the rain with a bicycle lying beside her. Liu Lin's figure had long since disappeared without a trace. The two women smiled bitterly and helped up the fallen woman and said in unison: "I'm sorry, he was my man just now. What's wrong with you?" "Is that Liu Lin your man? You both said so?? I'm a little confused. Why isn't he wearing any clothes?" The woman was a little dizzy. The woman was Liang Ladi. The child's wound was inflamed and she was sent to the hospital for treatment. She really had no money, so she had no choice but to brave the rain and borrow money from her ex-mother-in-law who lived nearby. Just when he was thinking about how to speak, a naked man flew out of the courtyard wall and directly

Hit. A quick glance revealed that it was Dr. Liu Linliu who promised compensation but ended up asking for leave. Seeing the woman in front of them who called Liu Lin's name, with a heroic face and delicate features, Lou Xiaoe and He Yuyu thought that this could be the case. Now that they knew each other and bumped into someone else, the two women invited Liang Ladi into the yard and helped Liang Ladi, who was soaked all over, clean up, and the three of them started talking. As for Liu Lin, his worries were in vain. He was walking naked on the street. He would probably be arrested soon and he would be punished. Only then would the two of them be happy.

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