Chapter 16: The situation is over.

I saw several of my younger brothers who were beaten until they were rolling on the ground with their knees in their arms.

In a fit of rage, he pulled the fat director over, pushed him forward, and shouted:"Come on!" and shouted to everyone at the scene:"Whoever helps me catch these two boys, I will reward you heavily."!"

"From now on, anyone who wants to film commercials can come to me."

Some people were motivated by profit, and several of them joined the melee.

Yang Yu and Xing Ye could only show off their power for about ten minutes. There was a steady stream of people behind them, and their physical strength had been reduced by more than half.

Several of the younger brothers clearly felt the strength of these two people's punches and kicks. It was falling.

It was also due to lack of physical strength that I staggered back a few steps.

At least I stabilized my heels and did not fall.

But there were various signs that the two men were tired. There is strength in numbers, as the saying goes, there is strength in numbers..

He fell down this time, followed by the next one, until all the opponent's physical energy was exhausted.

What happened? He was able to catch these two guys.

Yang Yu's panel information, although his physical energy is more than 800. That is, it is slightly higher than ordinary people. A little more physical fitness. Don’t forget the 500 points. Physical fitness is just the same as that of ordinary people.

It doesn’t mean that he has endless strength and endless tricks.

Uncle Biao hid in the red car and watched the battle. He noticed that Xing Ye and Yang Yu’s physical fitness It was a big waste.

And the opponent came menacingly, with a fierce determination that he would not give up until he caught them.

If this continued, Deng Liyang would definitely succeed.

So he took action, flicking randomly in the air with a finger.

Several younger brothers swung. Holding the iron bar, he rushed forward again.

During the run, the balls of his feet seemed to trip over something. Plop! He fell to his knees.

The whole person was lying on the ground.

His knees were bruised. Due to the relatively large impact force, he had enough forward momentum. , habitually falling forward with even greater force.

Deng Liyang scratched his head quickly and blinked.

Did he see it right? Was he dazzled?

And he took off his brown sunglasses.

He clearly saw his little brother running During the process, his knees suddenly became weak and he fell to his knees. He threw himself on the ground and ate a mouthful of ashes.

How could this happen?

He couldn't believe it.

He was not the only one to see this scene, Yang Yu and Xingye also saw it. Noticed.

The two knew very well that it was definitely Uncle Biao who came to the rescue.

Many younger brothers fell to the ground one after another. It was their turn to take action.

Master Xing grabbed the head of the younger brother on the ground and pulled it back. The younger brother was in pain. Baring his teeth, his expression was painful.

Xingye punched his chest with a left hook and a right punch. He punched hard on the cheek bone. Suddenly the person who was punched had stars in his eyes, turned his head to the side, and fainted.

Yang Yu's physical fitness was better than that of Xing. I am slightly stronger.

By the end of the fight, many people were already exhausted.

Yang Yu knocked down one of them with one punch.

Deng Liyang saw that something was not going well, and dozens of his younger brothers had been knocked to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was over, he could not stay here for long.

He He quickly grabbed his assistant and drove away in his white Rolls-Royce.

As he was leaving, he deliberately rolled down the window and issued a fierce warning.

"Just wait and see. I will definitely come back for revenge!"

Many of the younger brothers were hurt, hurt, and bleeding.

Seeing that their boss was gone and they were leaderless, they still fought hard!

Dragging their injuries, they limped and hobbled, supporting each other. Then, he got into a black Mercedes-Benz and fled.

Ayu ran to them and asked with concern:"Are you two okay? I was scared to death just now. Are you hurt?"

I was very nervous, and at the same time I was very ashamed.

If it weren't for myself, I wouldn't have put the two of them in danger.

And before leaving, Deng Liyang even said that he would definitely seek revenge on them.

I felt that I had implicated them, and I was very unhappy. Bow forward politely

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault"

"Miss Ayu, how can I blame you? This is all about Deng Liyang."

Master Xing saw that he had won the battle. Thanks to Uncle Biao's help, he acted in a good show of a hero saving a beauty.

He beat away these bad guys, how majestic he was!

His smile was bright and his face was full of energy.

"Are you really not injured?"

"Ah, it hurts so much, my hand! My left arm felt like it was going to dislocate."

Ayu didn't ask if it was alright. When asked, Yang Yu's face turned pale, his brows furrowed, he held his left hand and leaned forward.

Mr. Xing, who was opposite him, saw through his poor acting skills at a glance and had a look of disgust on his face.

"What to pretend to be?"

However, this is effective. Ayu believes it is true.

No matter whether the other party is true or false, at least he has driven away those bastards for himself.

"I'm holding you up, are you okay?"

Ayu supported Yang Yu with both hands.

Master Xing was not happy to see this scene.

Since he had the effect, he had to keep up.

"Ouch! Ouch! ah! Why do I feel like my legs are going to give way? I'm unconscious"

"Isn't it?"

This sentence attracted Ayu's attention again.

Seeing Master Xing shaking all over and bending his knees forward, like a seventy-year-old man who was unsteady.

One hand was supporting Yang Yu, and the other hand had to support Ah Xing. The two of them. He rested his head on both sides of her shoulders.

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