Final priesthood

Chapter 460: Eat something, let’s talk

"Boom! Boom! Boom——"

Inside the primeval forest, two huge figures kept colliding with each other, making a huge and dull impact sound that penetrated the night, as if even the stars hanging in the sky were shaking. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

The terrifying shock wave tore through the turf and uprooted ancient trees as thick as straw, forming dark tornadoes that raged around the center of the battle.


With a loud bang like an explosion, countless light particles and sparks flew, and a figure fell from the air and hit the ground hard.


"After conquering Lu Feng, my follow-up plan can slowly unfold step by step."

A large amount of black energy immediately gushes out, and Lu Feng's whole body seems to become extremely painful.

With a soft sound, the water ball-shaped liquid mixture burst, and Lu Feng's entire body was exposed to the air in the cabin.

Lu Yuan asked Lu Feng.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

He turned to look at his nearly scrapped Wind Raider mecha, and then at the personal terminal on his wrist. His eyes flashed, and he wanted to report what happened here to someone.

A low and threatening voice came from the terminal.

"I'm Lu Qiyuan."

It can be said that all the goals tonight were achieved.

At this time, the ax blade that tore the cockpit was quickly retracted.

Lu Feng raised his head, and in his field of vision appeared a figure holding two axes, with domineering momentum and an indescribable calm demeanor.

"I just don't know what the upper limit of this 'immunity to mental impact' is?"

The few minutes of fierce fighting with the Blue Falcon Type 4, the intensity of the confrontation was so high, it felt as if centuries had passed.

He was getting impatient.

"He's an amazing person."

Turning around, he saw Lu Feng looking directly at him.

Lu Yuan looked at Lu Feng for a while, and finally heard him ask this question again.

The lv2 [Seed of Doom] was used on Lu Feng not long after it took shape.


It was as if it was shrouded in a cloud of cold gray fog, unable to see clearly or get close.

In addition to his mental strength, he has too many skills and means to make up for the gap in hard power and achieve a cross-border leap in combat effectiveness.

The Wind Swordsman mecha leaned on the ground with both swords, half kneeling on the ground.

Unknowingly, Blue Falcon Type 4 had already walked up to him.

The loser is the leader.

After the [Seed of Doom] enters the body of a living being, it does not immediately reach the point where the opponent's words are obeyed. There is a process of slow integration.

"The effect of [Seed of Doom] is better than I imagined."

The only shortcoming is mental strength.

But he was stunned and was fine.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a slender and tall figure standing not far away from him, clad in starlight, looking at him quietly.

So far, the effect is very good.

"I can't prove it. Believe it or not."


When Lu Feng said these words, the black lines on his face and the black energy coming out of his body began to melt into his body bit by bit.

It once reached the tenth level of the Star Spirit, and now it has been enhanced by an unknown amount.

All the things he has experienced in his life are flying through his mind like a revolving lantern.

He gently pressed the communication button to dial Lu Lingfeng, waiting for the final outcome to come.

Lu Yuan said casually: "You know, I fainted during the meteorite incident a month ago.

In fact, the meteorite carries the consciousness of an alien life form.

The lights of the distant mines were visible in the distance. Lu Yuan was riding on the suspended motorcycle. He slowly took out a few pieces of chewing gum and stuffed them into his mouth. There seemed to be flames dancing in his calm eyes.

I touched the meteorite, and the consciousness of the alien life form merged into my body.


It’s just that what I lament is the past scenery that I will never return to.

"Huchi - Huchi -"

Because the flesh and blood cells at the core of his body are too powerful.

"A little bit"

His strength has been restored to a certain extent. After transforming into a mecha body, his combat effectiveness is comparable to level six or even higher level mechas.

This kind of pain is not physical, but more like a brand from the depths of the soul.

But time passed minute by minute, and the expected death did not come.

A lot of knowledge contained in this consciousness has changed me a little bit."

Lu Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard this answer. He was surprised and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

He had a feeling that the thing was really alive.

The alloy at the wound was deeply dented, and the edges were uneven. It looked like the result of being hit and dragged with a blunt instrument.

Just as Lu Feng, who was enveloped in a strange black aura, was answering Lu Lingfeng's questions word by word, Lu Yuan was standing on a treetop dozens of meters away, watching all of this quietly.

I’m going back first, and you should come back as soon as possible.”

It was obviously born out of the Lu family's [Wind Spirit Sword Shadow Style], but it followed a completely different path from the [Wind Spirit Sword Shadow Style] double-axe mecha combat method. It showed a brutal and rough fighting style, and many of them looked like A random chopping move.

He saw the black giant ax slowly raised in the opponent's hand.

Before taking it back, he even pressed down the video call that had just been connected next to Lu Feng.

A large number of light paths floated on the slender and strong body, and clusters of sparks emerged one after another.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

Lu Feng couldn't imagine what kind of treasures were contained in the fused consciousness of "Lu Qiyuan", which could bring about all these incredible changes.

Every time he attacked, the power contained in those axes was astonishingly great, requiring him to exert all his strength to barely resist it.

Lu Feng and the Wind Swordsman he controlled were destroyed.

It’s just that my body constitution is quite special, and your impact on consciousness won’t have much effect on me.”

Lu Feng was a little lost in thought, and muttered unconsciously: "You call this level of transformation a little bit?"

“Okay, I don’t want the third person besides us to know about today’s events.

Lu Feng stood there, watching Lu Yuan's figure until it completely disappeared into the dark forest.

"I have reached the pinnacle of a planet. I am amazingly talented and talented. I am loved by everyone. It's a pity that flowers are blooming because of some accidents. Hey."

After a moment, he answered calmly.

Completely opposite to his frivolous and arrogant appearance before the battle.

"Do you know about consciousness fusion?"

Lu Feng gave up his efforts with an ugly face and slowly stood up from the ground.

I originally thought of fooling Lu Feng casually, but I didn't expect that this guy wouldn't stop asking.

In the cockpit of the Wind Swordsman mecha, Lu Feng was breathing heavily as if he was starving of oxygen.

Lu Feng had already foreseen his next fate.

The tips of the two axes in his hands hung down to the ground, dragging two deep dents on the ground.

After a moment, Lu Feng reacted quickly and asked again with some disbelief: "Whose consciousness can bring you such a change?"

Lu Yuan looked up at the stars, with a sighing and regretful expression on his face.

Lu Feng suspected that the other party had practiced some kind of secret method that could conceal his spiritual power. His true spiritual power level might be even higher than his own.

"Life energy is replenished and the core of the body is restored.

“No, my mental power is indeed as you can see.

These two seemingly completely contradictory characteristics are displayed in the hands of each other in an almost perfect form, and the final result is-

As the opponent's figure approached, there seemed to be a huge and deep shadow rising rapidly from the back of the Blue Falcon Type 4 mecha, gradually completely blocking the starlight above.

The pupils shrank quietly in the next second.

Then he was gently thrown aside by a big hand, and a voice sounded in his ears.

Lu Yuan finished speaking calmly, turned around, left Lu Feng and walked away.

Lu Feng fell heavily to the grass next to him. The cold and slippery unknown object that was forced into his mouth was like a living thing. Before he could react, it "slipped" and slid into his stomach.

"I just wanted to report to you the young master's performance these days, but it was interrupted unexpectedly due to poor signal."

How could he be so casually crushed by the impact of level five or six mental power?

Compared with the two heavy and wide giant axes in his hands, the Blue Falcon Type 4 mecha could not be called burly, but in Lu Feng's eyes at this moment, it was as vast as a dark curtain covering the sky.

Lu Yuan's emotion came from the bottom of his heart.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the entire mecha cockpit shook violently, a large number of warning lights lit up, and then various harsh alarm prompts sounded.

"No need to hide anymore."

There was no expression on Lu Feng's face, and he said in a stiff tone: "Do you think I will believe it?"

Lu Feng frowned, "What do you mean, you are now the result of the fusion of Lu Qiyuan and another consciousness?"

At this time, the young and handsome face was filled with a calm and indifferent look that was particularly unfamiliar to Lu Feng.

The entire mecha body seemed slightly distorted, the originally smooth and perfect lines were completely destroyed, and even the two long swords almost turned into "scimitars", which looked quite miserable.

"Your mental power is not level two"

But the handling of the details is so delicate that one can hardly help but marvel.

In addition, there are many "injuries" on the body of the attacking swordsman, similar to being crushed.

At this moment, Lu Feng's mood became unusually calm.

A strong wind blew in my face, and there was the sound of something falling steadily to the ground.

“It’s not like I’m treating him badly. Although the [Seed of Doom] is evil and domineering, it can also change the talent and potential of the person being implanted.

Tiny black meridians suddenly appeared on Lu Feng's face, as if some evil and strange pattern was imprinted on his face.

This is a typical manifestation of severe mental overdraft.

But he was able to "resist" a certain degree of consciousness impact.

Lu Feng closed his eyes and waited quietly for a moment.

"who are you?"

Lu Feng coughed twice, making a rough and hoarse sound.

His expression didn't seem so painful anymore.

Lu Feng managed to raise his head and met the condescending eyes of Blue Falcon Type 4 looking down from above.

These faint lights illuminate its "scarred" appearance.

She considers him wholeheartedly and is loyal, even if she sacrifices her life for Lu Yuan, she will not hesitate at all.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, and after confirming that there was no problem on Lu Feng's side, he withdrew his gaze, summoned the suspended locomotive from the space capsule, and drove quickly in the direction from which he came.

In just one month, a good-for-nothing with only level one mental strength turned into a master in the field of close combat. He could control mechas and directly crush level five elite pilots like him.

But through the battle with Lu Feng, he discovered that although he was not mentally strong.

"The underworld crow declares death, the elephant god Shura, the blue flame."

But considering that they would still get along for a long time in the future, Lu Yuan thought about it and decided to make up a reason to convince Lu Feng.

Even though Lu Feng has been given the [Seed of Doom], there is absolutely no possibility of him betraying him.

At this time, Lu Feng's heart was completely filled with shock and horror.

His face was ugly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked very tired, as if he hadn't slept in many days.

And it has all kinds of incredible mysterious abilities that are almost as good as those of many powerful races in the universe.

If it weren’t for the fact that no one is available at this stage, I really wouldn’t be willing to use the first condensed [Seed of Doom] so easily.”

Lu Yuan said calmly: "But I am Lu Qiyuan now."


Lu Feng was able to deceive Lu Lingfeng for Lu Yuan just after implanting the "Seed of Misfortune", which shows how powerful the "Seed of Misfortune" is.

Lu Feng's face was twisted, his eyes fixed on the terminal.


Lu Feng instantly caught a certain word in Lu Yuan's words and stared straight at him, "So you weren't the one before?"

Gently and deftly, he pinched Lu Feng's collar and pulled him up.

After entering his body, it quickly merged into his own flesh and blood, and now he doesn't know where it is hidden.

Once that step is reached, Lu Yuan will gain an extremely loyal servant.

believe it or not.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the other party can be attacked by his consciousness again and again. Not only is there nothing wrong, but the offensive is fiercer and fiercer.

The Blue Falcon Type 4 mecha slowly walked towards Lu Feng step by step.

"Lu Feng, what happened?"

Just as his body was twisting violently in pain, the personal terminal on his wrist quietly lit up.

The other party is like a tireless and completely unreasonable beast.

In this process, the [Seed of Doom] will gradually erode the body and soul of the implanted person.

Lu Yuan answered.

Lu Feng was involuntarily pulled out of the Wind Swordsman's body by big hands. As soon as he saw the starlight in front of his eyes, someone roughly stuffed a cold, slippery and sticky object into his mouth.

"Eat this thing. Let's have a nice chat."

Blue Falcon Type 4 paused for a moment, then shook his head.

"Then how do I know that you are Lu Qiyuan who has merged with alien consciousness, and not an alien life that has merged with Lu Qiyuan's consciousness?"

Lu Yuan spread his hands and said he was speechless.

He opened his eyes.

I saw a huge ax blade hovering quietly less than ten centimeters from the tip of his nose, gently landing on the last layer of defense, squeezing the translucent liquid concoction into shape.

The other career panels on my [Soul Devouring. God and Demon Species (Super Mythical)] panel also seem to be loosely unlocked."

"This place is about to become the best breeding ground for me to quickly regain my strength!"

To a certain extent, this upper limit of immunity also represents the upper limit of the opponent's strength that Lu Yuan can fight against.

A huge "wound" extending from the shoulder to the waist almost divided the entire Wind Swordsman in half diagonally.

"Roughly the same."

Lu Feng hurriedly turned over and lay on the ground trying to retching.

Before Lu Feng could react, a big hand stretched out from the gaping hole in the mecha's cockpit.

Until the implanted person's entire body completely changes into the "shape" Lu Yuan wants from the inside out.

But after trying for a long time, I still couldn't spit it out again.

However, just when he was about to press the dial button, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Under normal circumstances, without a full three levels of mental impact, the weaker party would have been shocked to the point of collapse of consciousness and the dissolution of body cells.

"No matter which of these three panels is unlocked, my strength will take a huge leap forward."

"This day is not far away."

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