Charlotte Linlin's complexion became very gloomy, and she spoke directly.

"You have many chances, but for me, I only have this one chance."

"I still say that. Must succeed."

"Otherwise, none of the members of the World Government who came to my Ten Thousand Nations Domain today will leave here alive.

The dark-skinned man looked forward, only to see Charlotte Linlin's eyes were bloodshot, and even her body was trembling slightly.

At this moment, Charlotte Linlin has basically been completely crazy for a few days.

She used her whole life to build a huge kingdom and established the Charlotte family.

But today, the family established by Charlotte Linlin will completely collapse, and even she herself is in a situation where she will die at any time.

"Eight Six Seven" Chiba on the other side is still moving forward slowly, with a calm look on his face.

Hancock standing next to Chiba was full of excitement, and his heart was full of old clothes.

"Soon we will be completely wiped out, the Four Emperors Pirates?"

"I didn't expect that I could personally participate in such a big event."

"It's terrible, how strong is Chiba-sama?"

Hancock was in the first battle scene from the beginning to the end, so he watched the whole scene of Chiba's shot.

No matter which monster of the Charlotte family he faced, Chiba Yiping didn't release the second move at all.

Everyone, including Katakuri, died under Chiba's first move.

This is enough to prove that the strength gap between them and Chiba is huge, and the two sides are not at the same strength level at all.

Meanwhile, news agency chief Morgans is replaying Chiba's every move, even his expressions, through a camera phone.

Everyone in the world saw the plain look on Chiba's face, and completely ignored the Charlotte family.

On a small island in the distance.

Whitebeard couldn't help laughing, and said.

"It's clear that Chiba doesn't care about that Charlotte Linlin guy. It's getting more and more interesting."

"You say that Charlotte Linlin guy can survive a few tricks in Chiba's hands."

Diamond Joz opened the mouth and said.

"It depends on whether Charlotte Linlin will go straight into the disease state?"

Once she enters the craving state, then Charlotte Linlin's personal strength will become very strong.

But this state appears, need to go through some coincidences.

Marko, the phoenix on the side, said.

"But that guy Charlotte Linlin still has some degree of education in his hands, he can always hold on for a while, it is impossible to lose directly at the beginning.

There was a look of approval on the faces of many people.

After all, Charlotte Linlin is one of the Four Emperors no matter how you say it, and the way to rise in the past was achieved by relying on her own strong combat power.

The red-haired Shanks couldn't help but smile and said.

"At this point, we'll know right away how long Charlotte Linlin can last."

"Of course, the most important thing now is, will the Charlotte family really be caught like this?"

Whitebeard and Shanks looked at each other, seeing the suspicious look in the fourth eye.

They knew very well what kind of person Charlotte Linlin was.

Therefore, they also understand that Charlotte Linlin in this state will never admit defeat easily.

The Charlotte family will not be easily overthrown in this state.

The Holy Land Mariejois Palace.

Spandam's face was extremely ugly, looking at the picture in front of him, he spoke.

"My lord, this guy Chiba is basically about to pass the level."

"I didn't expect the guys from the Charlotte family to be such trash!"

"If they can be of some use, our plan is absolutely impossible to be forced to start so hastily."

Masuya Yasuki took a slow breath and said.

"Things have come to this point and we have no way out."

"I hope our plan can achieve the final success smoothly."

At the Naval Headquarters base at this time, a large number of infrastructure projects are still going on.

But at any rate, many senior marine generals basically have a place to deal with their corresponding affairs.

Under such circumstances, everyone gathered together to watch the final battle of extermination of one of the Four Emperors pirates.

Buddha Sengoku said with a complex face...

"I never thought that the Four Emperors Pirates would disappear completely in this way.

"According to our plan, after the disappearance of the Whitebeard pirates, it should be a beginning."

Garp on the side also spoke helplessly.

"But no matter what, we have finally accomplished a goal we have set in this life."

"It's a pity we couldn't kill all the Four Emperors crew with our own hands."

Crane Vice Admiral said helplessly.

"It is a blessing for us Marine to have such a result.

"What worries me the most now is how the world government will treat all this in front of us."

When hearing this, the faces of everyone in the field immediately became serious.

Everyone knew very well that no matter what, it was impossible for the World government to live in complete peace with Chiba.

From the moment the members of the Four Emperors Pirates died, everything has been completely irreparable.

Marine Admiral Sakazuki spoke.

"If the world government undergoes earth-shaking changes, will it affect our development?"

"You know, a lot of funds for the construction of the base this time, but the World government we raised by ourselves didn't pay attention to it at all."

When hearing this, the complexions of the many Marine Vice Admirals present began to turn ugly.

In a sense, Marine has always accepted the leadership of the World government 5.4.

Marine is also one of the strongest military guarantees of the World government.

However, for some reason, in this world, the government directly abandoned all their requests, and even had the idea of ​​directly breaking the boundaries with them.

Marine Admiral Kizaru said helplessly.

"Obviously! The fact that we were completely defeated in the last war has long been remembered by people all over the world."

"I'm afraid our Marine doesn't have much majesty above the sea."

"Therefore, it is normal that the world government no longer values ​​us."

When hearing this, everyone in the field fell silent.

As long as the current Chiba exists for one day, these Marines will never be able to re-establish their authority at sea. .

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