The densely packed soldiers quickly put all the ammunition in the ammunition depot on the deck.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of violent roaring continued to sound, and the huge shells flew directly into the distance.

Under such circumstances, the entire sky seemed to be filled with black shells.

Seeing this, Hancock's body trembled slightly.

"Master Chiba, do we really need to dodge this level of shell blockade?"

Although Hancock has mastered the military power of the entire country, it is the first time he has seen such a luxurious way of fighting with artillery shells.

Moreover, Marine is very sophisticated in terms of equipment configuration.

Because of this, Hancock was a little scared at first.

After all, even if it is a fruit ability user, when faced with such overwhelming shells, it is impossible to dodge them all.

In addition, at this moment, the shells they faced were specially prepared by Marine.

A faint smile appeared on Chiba's face, and he spoke.

"It's time for the fireworks again."


Chiba's body quickly came to the midair, and then slowly opened his right hand, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Chiba did not choose to use the higher-level Shinra Tenjin.

Because he just wanted to watch a firework at the moment, so he didn't need to make any big troubles at all.


An invisible pressure immediately swept forward.

Then, the densely packed God of Explosion immediately came to mind in the field.

All the shells exploded in mid-air at the same time.

No matter how excellent the Marine's equipment is, when it encounters extreme pressure, it will naturally be unable to keep flying, and thus directly destroyed in mid-air.

Meanwhile, Chiba himself doesn't have any desire to stop.

Back on the small sailboat again, Chiba's forward speed immediately became very fast.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the small sailboat that Chiba was driving at this moment seemed like an arrow leaving the string.

When I saw this place, many Marine warships seemed to be facing a big enemy.

"Level 1 defensive combat state, three consecutive bombardments".!"

With the completion of preparations for many World government warships, Qianye slightly shook his head and said.

"Are you so ignorant? Then I don't need to continue entangled with you."

Swish Swish!!

The long knife in Chiba's hand swung forward continuously, and then a dense network of sword energy appeared in front of him.

The entire network of sword qi is directly covering the front.

Then, under the state of astonishment on the faces of many World government members. A large amount of sword energy directly covered their ships.

Boom! Boom!!

The sound of violent roar continued to sound even more, and each warship directly turned into many fragments and sank into the sea water.

All the ships that originally appeared at the port of Cake Island disappeared in an instant.

Chiba's powerful move directly broke the trap carefully prepared by the World government.

The many pirates who were watching this scene couldn't help but start screaming.

"Can a Marine warship of this size be unable to withstand Qianye's advancing time?"

"What is this move of perseverance called? Why is there so much sword energy suddenly?"

"So quickly, the strongest man in the history of the sea, this move he showed off, actually wiped out more than 100 warships?"

When seeing this, everyone in the revolutionary army also looked excited.

Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, spoke after pondering for a long time.

"Unfortunately, Chiba did not choose to agree to join our revolutionary army, but fortunately his reputation can bring us some great positive benefits.

There are no impenetrable walls in this world.

Therefore, people from the World government went to the project islands to visit Chiba, and the news that he escaped unharmed has already spread all over the world.

You must know that even many high-level marines do not have any status and possibility of talking in front of Chiba.

However, Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, led his second-in-command to do all this.

This means that Chiba recognized their revolutionary army to some extent.

Sabo on the side couldn't help laughing and said.

"Everyone in the world knows that Chiba is bound to go to war with the World government."

"So, in any case, our planning has become much better prepared.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long Long, took a deep puff of his cigarette and said.

"In any case, the final battle to conquer the fortress still depends on ourselves,"

"Only by continuously strengthening our own strength can our final plan be successful.

Even so, many cadres of the Revolutionary Army were also very excited and couldn't help themselves.

The stronger the fighting power Chiba displayed, the more obvious the help to their revolutionary army.

During this time, the number of people who will join the revolutionary army in the future has become more and more.

Everyone understood that the cause of the Revolutionary Army was about to succeed.

Entering the world at this time, the government has fallen into an unprecedented weak state.

On the other side, Charlotte Linlin at the port looked at the scene in front of her, and her face became very ugly.

~ A bunch of trash who can't get on the table. "

"The cannonball network that has been prepared for so long can't play any role in front of Chiba. It's ridiculous."

"Did they all disappear within a single meeting?"

"The final battle is still up to me."

Charlotte Linlin took a deep breath.

At this time, many members and soldiers of the Charlotte family were all watching from afar.

This was specially ordered by Charlotte Linlin.

In any case, Chiba must be dealt with by her.

The existence of other people, for Charlotte Linlin, is undoubtedly a kind of restriction and balance.

At the same time, many cadres of the Charlotte family were also watching Chiba approaching with great concern.

Charlotte Bree spoke slowly.

"So this time our bot lane family will disappear completely?"

Pudding nodded, Taguchi said.

"The World government's plan has failed, how can they help us stop Chiba?"

Charlotte Smoothie, one of the four stars, took a deep breath and said.

"We couldn't have pinned our hopes on the World government."

"How strong can those idiots be after losing the combat effectiveness of Marine's top management?"

As a member of the Four Emperors pirate group, people's intelligence sources are naturally very abundant.

Everyone knows that some time ago, Marine built the headquarters base entirely relying on their own efforts to obtain resources. .

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