Finally Waited Until The Night Of The Genocide, Picked Up Attributes And Opened Mangekyō

Chapter 61 The Horror Of Metamorphosis Orochimaru, Sharingan And Wood Style

"Xianglin, get ready to evacuate!"

Kimimaro said solemnly.

Xianglin knew the seriousness of the situation and nodded.

"Things are not good, Naruto, can you still fight?"

Naruto was a little worried when Sasuke lifted him up.

Although Biao Lianhua is only the first gate to open the Eight Inner Gates, the side effects are still not small.

Now it is obvious that a powerful enemy is attacking, and the little Sakura is a burden. If Naruto loses his combat power, it will be miserable.

Naruto moved his body and scratched his head in doubt.

The side effect of opening the door has disappeared.

He even felt that his condition was better than before.

"no problem!"

Looking at the worried Sasuke, Naruto grinned.

Sasuke was about to speak.


The wind roars from the depths of the forest!

And getting bigger and bigger.

"Bai! Shoot!"

"Water Style·Water Chaos!"

Kimimaro reminded while sealing seal.

"Ice Escape · Ice Wall!"

Bai made a move immediately, making hand seals.


Kacha Kacha...

Just as the water flow appeared, it was instantly frozen by the ice escape.

In front of the three of them, it condensed into a thick ice wall more than ten meters high.

"Is this the limit of Blood Succession?!"

The three of Sasuke were taken aback.

They didn't expect Xianglin's teammates to have such a master.

The ice wall also protected the three of Sasuke.

All six were unharmed.

But their expressions did not relax, but became vigilant.

Judging from the power of ninjutsu just now, the enemy is definitely a strong man.


A figure appeared on the ice wall.

Orochimaru glanced down at the six of them.

"Three Tomoe Sharingan was turned on, as expected of Itachi's younger brother.

He glanced at Sasuke for the first time, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

As for Naruto little Sakura, he didn't care.

But when he saw the three of them, a cold light flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

Mist ninja!

He will never forget the experience of dying in Mist Ninja Village four years ago.

If it wasn't for his own arrangements in advance, he would be resurrected from the curse seal.

I'm afraid he really died that time.

Later he again Impure World Reincarnation Third Kazekage understood the horror of that battle this time. 24 Just listening to what Third Kazekage said, he felt terrified in his heart.

Chiba's powerful strength shocked him and fascinated him even more.

For four years, he never thought about beating Chiba.

Revenge came second, the kind of power he craved for Chiba.

So he re-discovered the information and materials of First Hokage cells and Sharingan that he had studied.

Four years of continuous experimentation in a more brutal and bloody way.

First Generation cells, former experimental subjects Yamato's cells, Danzo's cells, Chongwu cells...

After countless failures, Orochimaru succeeded!

He finally transplanted First Generation cells and Sharingan into an experimental body.

And occupied the body of the strongest experimental body born in his hands.

Strength goes one step further!

More importantly, the conclusions and information he obtained in the experiment made him tremble even more.

Even thinking about it now, Orochimaru couldn't help being a little excited.

"Senju and Uchiha, the legendary Sage Body and Sharingan can be perfectly combined!"

It's a pity that the Senju clan has completely declined.

So he targeted Sasuke, Uchiha's weakest member.

"As long as I get Sasuke's body, I can go further!"

Orochimaru's eyes couldn't help being a little fiery.

That greedy gaze was like substance, making Sasuke feel cold all over.

"Who are you?"

Sasuke shouted angrily, Orochimaru's eyes made him very uncomfortable.

"In no time you'll know who I am!"

Orochimaru stared at him sullenly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Sasuke's pupils shrank sharply.

In his field of vision, Orochimaru could be seen rushing towards him with terrifying speed.

Even if he turned on Three Tomoe Sharingan, he could only see an afterimage.


Sasuke's face changed in surprise, and he kicked out, sending Naruto and little Sakura flying.

He himself also used the reaction force to quickly back up, and his hands began to form seals.

"Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!"

He locked eyes on Orochimaru's direction and spewed flames.

the other side.

"It doesn't seem to be coming for us, let's go." Kimimaro said in a deep voice.

As soon as Orochimaru made a move just now, he knew that this was a strong enemy.

Retiring is the best option.


Orochimaru moved quickly and stopped after dodging Sasuke's Fire Style.

He turned his head to look at Xianglin and the other three, his expression was extremely cold.

"Want to leave? Stay and be my experimental subject!"

He has not forgotten that there is also an ice escape ninja here.

As soon as the words fell, Orochimaru rushed directly to the three of Xianglin.

But Xianglin and the other three were already on guard against him.

The three looked at each other and instantly transformed into a battle formation.

Kimimaro and Shiro stood in front, and Karin stood behind them.

Kimimaro's hands quickly formed seals and closed abruptly.

"Water Style·Explosive Water Shockwave!"

Crash la la la...

Kimimaro lowered his head and opened his mouth to spit out, a huge water column instantly formed into the sky, bringing the three of them high into the sky.

A large amount of water flowed out continuously, forming a huge lake in a blink of an eye.

When Chiba was instructing the three of them back then, he once mentioned that if you don't want to be restrained, you need to learn some other methods.

So the three of them basically learned some other abilities.

And in order to cooperate with Bai's ice escape.

Both Kimimaro and Xianglin have specially learned the Water Style that can create a large amount of water system environment.

In this water system environment, the power of the ice escape increases dramatically.

"Ice Escape·Great Magic Mirror!"

With Bai's shot, all the water flow was frozen.

A huge ice area with a diameter of tens of meters and a height of three to four meters appeared in the huge forest, covering the ground.

The world changes in the blink of an eye.

Naruto Sasuke and the two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

so strong!

"Shoot together!"

The two nodded at the same time, rushed onto the ice with little Sakura, and stood together with Kimimaro and others.

The three of Kimimaro took a look and didn't drive them away.

The strength of the enemy is unknown, joining forces now is the best choice.

"Good ice escape, very valuable to collect!"

Orochimaru appeared on the ice, he licked the corner of his mouth, and said excitedly.

"Ice Escape·Ice Thorn!"

Bai gave a low drink.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless sharp icicles rushed out of the ice around Orochimaru's feet.

Siege Orochimaru from all directions.

Orochimaru stomped his feet and jumped into the sky instantly.

But countless ice thorns are still chasing after him, piercing upwards from below.

Orochimaru twirled and twisted in the air, stepped on the ice thorns to move his body from time to time, and he was not injured even once.

"Let's go!"

On the opposite side, Kimimaro and Naruto Sasuke looked at each other and rushed forward.



"Dead Bone Pulse!"

The three of them each took out their own methods and rushed up while Orochimaru was being chased by the ice thorns.

Brush, brush, brush!

A series of icicles appeared under the feet of the three of them and rushed out.

In an instant, the three of them came to Orochimaru's side in the air, and they launched their own attacks fiercely.

Naruto's Rasengan attacks Orochimaru's upper body.

Kimimaro's bone knife pierced Orochimaru's lower body.

Sasuke attacks from behind.

Buzz buzz! Chakra spun rapidly.

With the chirping sound of piercing the air, the bone knife waved in an instant and turned into a phantom, piercing like a piece of bone knife.

Chirp chirp chirp... a thousand birds sing wildly.

There is also the attack launched by Bai's ice escape from below.

Orochimaru has nowhere to rely, this is an attack with no dead ends.

Naruto et al. are confident.

"Nice attack.

Orochimaru sighed in admiration.

Although apart from Kimimaro, Naruto and Sasuke's attacks are still a bit naive.

But it has also been able to make him aware of the sense of crisis.

But facing a crisis, Yin Snake immediately put on a cold smile.

"Then let me show you my new toy."


Directly opposite Orochimaru, Kimimaro and Naruto were shocked to see that Orochimaru's eyes turned into Sharingan.

For an instant, Orochimaru's insight surged.


He kicked out, unexpectedly dodging Kimimaro's bone knife at a terrifying attack speed, hit him in the chest, and kicked him away.

Steady and ruthless!

At the same time, Orochimaru avoided Naruto's attack with a slight twist of his body.


He grabbed Naruto's wrist holding Rasengan, driving his body down.

Sasuke's chidori brushed past his shoulder.

Orochimaru yanked out his other hand and grabbed Sasuke's arm as fast as lightning.

In just an instant, he deciphered the attacks of the three of them.

And also captured Naruto and Sasuke.


Shiro on the opposite side caught Kimimaro who flew back backwards, and the two looked at Orochimaru in shock.

Those who have been mentored by Zi Shi are naturally very familiar with the writing wheel.

They even learned from Terumi Mei that there should be only four pairs of Sharingan in the world today.

That's why they were shocked.

"Why do you have a Sharingan?!"

Sasuke looked at him in shock and questioned loudly.

He knows everyone who owns Sharingan, and there is absolutely no such person in front of him.

Seeing Sasuke's shocked look, Orochimaru couldn't help feeling a little proud.

At the same time, he was feeling in his heart that Sharingan is really easy to use.

The sharp increase in insight at that moment can allow him to exert his strength to the greatest extent.

Whether it is attacking or dodging, it has become much easier.

"Now is not the time to tell you."

Orochimaru sneered, threw Naruto out casually, and held on to Sasuke.

The prey has arrived.

Sasuke felt a chill in his heart, he could feel that this person had absolutely no good intentions for him.

It must not fall into his hands.

"Hey, who the hell are you and why do you have Sharingan like Brother Chiba."

Kaoru stared at Orochimaru curiously and asked.

"Brother Chiba?"

"What is your relationship with Uchiha Chiba?"

Orochimaru's face suddenly turned cold, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, and he turned to look at Xianglin and asked.

Sasuke sensed his emotional change, and suddenly sneered:

"The three of them are considered Master Chiba's disciples, even me!"

"If you're scared, let me go!"

A cold murderous intent erupted from Orochimaru's body, he stared at him and said hoarsely:

"Afraid? I wish I could kill him!"

"But although Chiba can't be killed, the disciple who killed him must feel bad for that guy."

Orochimaru had a killing intent on his body.

Sasuke's complexion changed, and he secretly felt bad.

"It turned out to be Chiba's brother's enemy, then you should die!"

Kaorin pursed her lips, and gave Orochimaru a fierce look.

I saw her lightly pressing the ice with both hands, drinking in a low voice:

"Sealing Technique‧Sealing!"

Immediately, numerous spells appeared under Orochimaru's feet.

buzz buzz!

The terrifying restraint instantly held Orochimaru firmly in place.

Sasuke felt a release from Orochimaru's hand and was happy in his heart.

He kicked on Orochimaru's body, and his body bounced off, rolling in the air and landing.


In a blink of an eye, Kimimaro rushed forward with a bone knife in his hand.

He cooperated tacitly with Xianglin and Bai.

It had already started before Xianglin started.

And Sasuke also sensed that 860 had an opportunity, and almost just landed on the ground, he kicked hard, rushed out in the opposite direction, and followed Kimimaro closely.

"It turned out to be a sealing technique?! Damn it!"

Orochimaru's face was a little ugly, he knew he was careless.

But he had never seen this kind of sealing technique.

"Ice Escape · Frozen!"

click click click!

Orochimaru felt that his feet were being frozen, and the speed of this freezing was still spreading upwards.

On the opposite side are Kimimaro rushing towards him in a violent posture and Sasuke with a fierce face.

"If the body is frozen and crushed, the body will be useless!"

A ruthless look flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

A low, inhuman growl sounded from his throat.

Wood Style·Tree Root Burial!

Orochimaru's arm protruded violently, and a huge branch rushed out in an instant, stabbing out at an extremely fast speed.


Sasuke yelled in horror.

Kimimaro's pupils shrank sharply, and he was too fast to dodge.

Dead Bone Pulse!

Kimimaro growled in his heart, and instantly formed a bone shield in front of him.


With a dull bang, Kimimaro was instantly thrown backwards by the impact, and hit Sasuke, and the two slid and pushed away on the ice together.

Kimimaro didn't care about the injuries on his body, he looked at Orochimaru in horror, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Wood Style!"

"Troublesome, even Wood Style has come out!"

Xianglin and Bai were also taken aback.

They once heard Chiba comment on the Blood Succession Limit of Ninja World.

Sharingan and Wood Style tied for first place.

Not to mention the legend of Senju Hashirama, the god of ninjas, who doesn't know the horrors of Wood Style.

"You mean it's the Wood Style secret from First Hokage?!"

Sasuke was taken aback, his eyelids twitched wildly.

Who the hell is he being targeted by?

run now!

The three of Xianglin also had the same idea.

Enemies of this level are definitely not something they can fight against.

On the opposite side, Orochimaru's face was extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect that even Wood Style was exposed.

"Kill to silence or wait for the next opportunity?"

Orochimaru hesitated in his heart.

The few people on the opposite side, especially Bai and Kimimaro are not weak.

If they keep defending blindly, I'm afraid he won't be able to take it down for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a large amount of chakra fluctuations.

Both Ninjutsu and Chakra have a lot of strength.

"Konoha's people are here, it seems that we can only give up this time."

Orochimaru sighed inwardly.

Now he is not ready to launch the Konoha destruction plan, so he can only evacuate temporarily.

His body sank slowly, eyes fixed on Sasuke.

"Sasuke, just wait, we will meet soon."

Sasuke and others looked at Orochimaru who left suddenly in astonishment, a little inexplicably.

"Why did he leave suddenly?".

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