Finally Waited Until The Night Of The Genocide, Picked Up Attributes And Opened Mangekyō

Chapter 66 Naruto's Identity Exposed, Kill Danzo! Jiraiya Arrives

"Naruto, Sasuke, come up!"

Chiba looked down at the venue, where Naruto, Sasuke, and small Sakura were staying there.

Sasuke takes Naruto and little Sakura to the roof.

He stared at Danzo with hatred on his face, Naruto was a little confused looking at the crowd, little Sakura stood nervously behind them and dared not speak.

But the faces of Third Hokage and Kakashi suddenly changed.

They already knew what Chiba was going to do when they saw Naruto.

"Chiba, don't get Naruto involved!"

Third Hokage roared sharply, trembling in his heart.

Kakashi's face was also a little cloudy.

The reason why he has not told Naruto his true identity is that he is worried that Naruto will completely lose control after knowing.

Even now he doesn't know whether he should tell the truth.

But at this moment, he was inexplicably relieved.

Chiba ignored him, looked at Naruto and said:

"The next thing to say is related to your life experience, so it is necessary for you to be present.

"My life experience?" Naruto's voice trembled, fearful and anticipating.

He had imagined what kind of people his parents were like countless times, but he never had an answer.

Today, it seems that the wish will come true.

"Naruto, don't believe him, he's a liar, a conspirator! Don't believe him!"

Third Hokage yelled at Naruto with an eager look on his face.

Naruto retorted loudly:

"No, I want to know my own life experience!

"Since you don't want to tell me, Grandpa Hokage, then I'll listen to others."

Naruto's naive look almost made Third Hokage vomit blood in anger.

Chiba wanted to laugh, he looked at Danzo and asked:

"Danzo, tell me about Naruto's identity!"

Then he solemnly introduced Naruto:

"This is the former Hokage assistant, Konoha's senior management, he knows your life experience like the back of his hand."


Naruto nodded hastily, then looked at Danzo anxiously.

Danzo shouted loudly:

"Naruto's father is Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and his mother is the previous Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki!"

Boom 24!

This sentence is like a bomb falling on the entire venue, constantly echoing.

The whole world seemed to quiet down in an instant.

Afterwards, the whole meeting place was fried, and there was an uproar.

"Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage?"

"I used to call him a demon fox, I really deserve to die!"

"He is the son of a hero, why did Third Hokage hide his identity and let him suffer such a painful childhood!"

"Naruto is Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Master Hokage probably wants to protect him!"

"Fart, so many people in Konoha have no other way to protect Naruto?"

Some people yelled, some regretted and cried bitterly, and some apologized for Third Hokage.

But no matter who it is, the emotions at the moment are extremely excited.

Back then Namikaze Minato had a huge reputation before becoming Hokage.

Not to mention saving Konoha after becoming Hokage.

The son of such a person was treated unfairly in Konoha.

They all feel incredible as Konoha Shinobi.

on the roof.


Sasuke looked at Naruto also felt a little weird.

He didn't expect Naruto to have such an identity.

But thinking about Naruto's suffering from childhood to adulthood, Sasuke immediately felt sympathy for Naruto.

At the same time, he looked at Third Hokage with growing disgust.

Little Sakura even covered her mouth, almost exclaiming.

Naruto stared blankly at Danzo, trembling all over.

"My father is the Fourth Hokage?"

There was no surprise or joy on his face, but a little puzzled.

Naruto looked at Third Hokage and asked excitedly:

"Grandpa Hokage, why didn't you tell me that I am Hokage's son?! Made me suffer so much?!"


Although Naruto doesn't have much experience!

But he also knows that if he is Hokage's son, even if he is Nine Tails, his childhood will not be so sad and lonely!

Third Hokage didn't dare to look directly into Naruto's eyes, and said in a low voice:

"I do it for your own good, your father has many enemies..."

"Shut up!!"

Kakashi, who had been trying to hold back his silence, couldn't take it anymore.

Looking at Naruto's painful expression, he was already furious in his heart.

He stared at Third Hokage angrily and said angrily:

"Is it troublesome to solve Naruto's problem?"

"Finding a team of Anbu ninjas pretending to be husband and wife to adopt him is enough for Naruto to live a normal life."

Third Hokage's complexion changed slightly, and he retorted:

"Kakashi, your thinking is too simple. You must let the people in other villages know that you still have the Nine Tails Jinchūriki!"

"Otherwise other villages may take advantage of it!"

Kakashi laughed angrily at him.

"Come in? Can't Konoha use Anbu to make a fake Jinchūriki to temporarily replace Naruto?"

"And Jinchūriki is more dangerous than Minato-sensei's enemy!"

"You're just making excuses for yourself!"

Third Hokage was speechless, unable to speak.

At this moment, Danzo mechanically said:

"The reason why Naruto's background is hidden is naturally to control him better!"

"My idea is to train Naruto to be the strongest weapon in the ninja world!"

"But in this way, Naruto will be under my control, so Nissin is naturally unwilling!"

"But I know he has his own way."


"When the whole world hates and hates Naruto, if he cares about Naruto, he will naturally be trusted by Naruto, even depended on!"

"At that time, the things, people, and information that Naruto can touch will be controlled by Hiruzen.

"Unknowingly, he can easily brainwash Naruto and become the strongest combat force under his control!"

"That's why he is reluctant to tell Naruto's life experience!"

"Because if everyone knows that Naruto's father is Fourth Hokage, although some people will reject Naruto because of the Nine Tails incident."

"But there will be other advocates, and Naruto won't just rely on him!"


After Danzo finished speaking, Japanese movies were in an uproar.

Even Chiba was amazed after hearing it.

I didn't expect Danzo to see this matter in this way, and it was quite reasonable.

Kakashi and the others even changed their expressions.

They hadn't thought about this issue deeply before, but now they all understood it after Danzo said it.

And they might understand what Third Hokage is doing.

But it will never show at this moment.

On the contrary, the eyes that looked at Third Hokage suddenly became extremely disgusted.

Before, they were more or less scruples about Third Hokage's face, but now they all started to curse one after another.

"Third Generation, are you worthy of the Fourth Hokage's entrustment?"

"You don't deserve to be Hokage!"


"You should have died in the battle to seal the Nine Tails back then, so that the Fourth Generation can survive!"

Third Hokage looked at a group of sanctimonious guys scolding him, and immediately vomited blood angrily.


Third Hokage stared at Chiba resentfully.

He knows he's done!

He has committed public outrage, and the evidence is overwhelming!

Even if he can survive today, he will never be able to continue to serve as Hokage.

"To control me? Brainwashing?"

Naruto's head exploded suddenly.

Once Third Hokage had a kind smile and gentle concern.

Thinking of it now, there is only hideousness and terror left.

Infinite anger surged into Naruto's heart, and his expression gradually became ferocious.


Naruto roared to the sky, and the Nine Tails Chakra on his body began to overflow crazily.

Almost instantly, a layer of demon fox clothes formed on Naruto's body surface.

A red tail swayed gently behind him.

Seeing this scene, a smile flashed in Chiba's eyes.

He can clearly see with the Mangekyō Sharingan that the seal in Naruto's body has begun to loosen at this moment.

Then, he looked at Danzo, with a cold killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"Since the matter has been finished, then you are useless!"

Chiba swung his sword across.


A huge human head soared into the sky.

Plop! A headless corpse fell to the sky.

Danzo is dead!


Third Hokage roared in shock and anger.

Orochimaru licked the dry corner of his mouth and stared straight at Chiba.

Although Kakashi and others were taken aback, they couldn't care less about it now.

According to their plan, both Danzo and Third Hokage would die today.

So they don't care about Danzo's life or death.

The most important thing now is to stop Naruto's rampage!

"Naruto, calm down!"

Kakashi hurriedly stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"Calm down? How do you want me to calm down?"

"Evidently I am the son of the Fourth Hokage, but I have to experience such a childhood!"

"It's all your fault!"

Naruto roared, more and more Chakra overflowed from his body.

The second tail appears!

The violent and evil aura emanating from his body shocked Kakashi and others.

Powerful! Scary!

"The seal cannot be lifted any longer!"

Kakashi, Hyuga Hiashi and others exchanged glances.

At this moment, the battle below the venue started again.

Even because of Danzo's words just now, many Konoha Shinobi participants were distracted, causing many people to be injured.

They had to send their hands to the rescue.

at this time.


A figure came down, it was Jiraiya with white hair exuding violent anger all over his body.

His own disciple came, but Third Hokage was not happy.

Because he found that Jiraiya had headsets on her ears, and her face was ugly.

Jiraiya snorted at Third Hokage.

"Teacher, you are so disappointing!"

Third Hokage's heart suddenly turned cold.

He knew that Jiraiya knew about the conversation just now.

Jiraiya looked at Cassie and others and shouted:

"What are you still doing here, you have already got what you want and received the result! This is the end of this matter!"

"Kakashi and Luji stay, and the others go to other battlefields to support!"

Hyuga Hiashi and others knew Jiraiya's character, so they quickly went to Konoha's guest battlefield.

Then Jiraiya looked at Naruto who ran away with a solemn expression.

"It's a little bad, except for Shikai, if the seal is not restricted, I'm afraid more and more Chakra will be released, and eventually Naruto will completely become Nine Tails!"

But Jiraiya isn't worried.

He can still stop this level of rampage now.

As long as you don't stop him!

Jiraiya looked at Chiba with an unprecedented solemn expression.

"The ability to predict the future, even if I enter the immortal

The mode is probably useless, not to mention his speed is extremely fast, this guy is a big trouble!"

Quickly thinking about countermeasures in his mind, he took a deep breath and looked at Chiba and said in a deep voice:

"Uchiha Chiba, I hope you don't interfere with what's going on!"

"In exchange, Konoha will 897 revoke your and Itachi's renegade identities!"

"You are so calculating, you still want me to go back to Konoha." Chiba laughed.

"If you don't want to go back to Konoha, you and Rong can become free ninjas.

Jiraiya's expression remained unchanged, and she said seriously:

"On behalf of Konoha, I can promise you to disclose some of the truth about the extermination of the Uchiha clan after this battle."

Chiba was taken aback when he heard that.

He didn't expect Jiraiya's determination to be so great.

This will have a huge negative impact on the reputation of Konoha, Third Hokage and Danzo.

"No Jiraiya, you'll ruin Konoha by doing this!"

Third Hokage hastily yelled to dissuade him.

Jiraiya ignored him and stared straight at Chiba.

He is very clear that the current Konoha has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

If it is not handled properly, it may be in danger of overturning!

Compared with the life and death of Konoha, a little face is not important at all!

Chiba looked at the impatient Third Hokage and smiled.

"As long as you don't come to provoke me, I won't interfere with other things."

In fact, the main reason is that he knows that it is difficult for him to benefit from Jiraiya.

He has learned Sage Mode in four years, and it is more perfect than Jiraiya.

As for the rest, he didn't care at all.


Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and turned to Kakashi and Shikaku:

"Lujiu seals Naruto's action, Kakashi and I seal Naruto together!"

As he said that, he handed Kakashi a piece of paper with seal art drawn on it.

"Allah... It seems that the drama you have prepared has come to an end."

At this time, Orochimaru, who had been hiding behind Fourth Kazekage, stood up and stopped Jiraiya and others.

"Long time no see, Jiraiya!"

Jiraiya growled angrily, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Orochimaru, I didn't expect you to do such a stupid thing as attacking Konoha!!"

"Since you're here, let's finish it off today!"

Orochimaru's face froze, then he sneered:

"As always, I will only talk big, if you have the ability, come and stop me!"

Before he finished speaking, Orochimaru snapped his hands together.

"Reanimation Jutsu!"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Two coffins floated up from the surface of the roof.

It is engraved with First Generation, Third Generation.

"not good!!"

Third Hokage's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly closed his seal.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"



Several shurikens fell on the coffin, trying to press the coffin down.

But the two coffins still floated up.

"It's so sad, Sarutobi-sensei, you're getting old!" Orochimaru sympathized. .

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