In the distance, Obito and Jue, who were watching the battle, were stunned.

"This is Kamui?! How is this possible?!"

Obito watched in horror the way Chiba dodged True Several Thousand Hands.

Absolutely equally shocked.

Black Zetsu White Zetsu began to discuss one by one.

"What exactly is going on?"

"That feeling and phenomenon is absolutely unmistakable, it is Kamui!"

"But isn't that Obito's pupil technique?"

"I don't understand, but have you noticed a strange phenomenon?"

"What's wrong?"

"Chiba's pupil technique seems to be more than two kinds!!"

Black Zetsu said with some shock.

Obito was shocked, and suddenly woke up, trembling:

"One is the ability to see the future, and Amaterasu and Kamui that he just cast.

"That means Chiba has three pupil skills!!?"


After speaking, Obito couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

But the next moment Black Zetsu denied this claim:

"Impossible, a pair of Mangekyō can have at most two kinds of pupil skills, this is absolute!"

"The moment Mangekyō opens his eyes, one kind of pupil technique will be born in each of the two eyes, and there can be no third kind."

"So... hiss!!"

After Black Zetsu ruled out impossible options, he only thought of one answer.

But this answer scares him even more, even fear.

Obito's eyes were full of shock, and he even said with jealousy:

"Sharingan has three basic abilities, Insight! Copy! Illusion!"

"Although Mangekyō is more complex, it can also be seen as the evolution of these three basic abilities.

"Just like Chiba's predictive ability, it is the evolution of insight."

"So his other Mangekyō's pupil technique is most likely also an evolution of the basic ability.


Obito gritted his teeth and spit out two words, feeling a little unbelievable.

And looking at Chiba's situation, it is obvious that it can copy other Mangekyō pupil techniques, as if it is superior to Mangekyō.

Obito couldn't help being a little jealous.

"Hey, if this is the case, then Chiba's pupil technique is too foul."

White Zetsu bluffed and exclaimed.

Black Zetsu sighed, and said in a heavy voice:

"Perhaps this pupil technique does have limitations in terms of pupil power, but we knew it too late.

"He has transplanted cells from First Hokage, and pupil power is no longer Chiba's shortcoming!"

In fact, he wants to say that Chiba may have broken Mangekyō's curse, and possessed Mangekyō who is also blind like Indra.

Obito shuddered suddenly, and growled in horror:

"If it is a copy, then there must be a prerequisite that he has seen it with his own eyes!"

"He saw me cast Kamui, so he copied Kamui!"

"But he's also seen Itachi cast Amaterasu, and even fought Tsukuyomi once! He also saw Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods just now!"

"Precognition, Duplication, Kamui, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Distinguished Heavenly Gods!"

"Hiss!!! Chiba probably already has six pupil techniques now!"

After speaking, Obito himself was taken aback.

He and Absolute glanced at each other, feeling a little dizzy.

Now the two can be sure that Obito is definitely not Chiba's opponent.

And because of the particularity of Kamui, maybe Nagato can't do anything about Chiba.

Not even Madara!

Obito, who was confident in Madara before, is also a little uncertain at the moment.

The two looked at each other, and in the end it was Black Zetsu who said in a deep voice:

"In short, the most important thing now is to complete the plan!"

Obito nodded, looking around fourteen weeks.

He felt he couldn't wait any longer and had to get his Sharingan back now.

He feels a bit insecure with Kakashi!

on the battlefield.

A look of surprise suddenly flashed in Chiba's eyes.

He turned his head to look at the corpse of Orochimaru who had just been cut in half, and a figure was crawling out of the corpse's mouth.

It is Orochimaru!

To his surprise, he still sensed the aura of Sharingan and First Hokage cells from this Orochimaru's body.

Although I used to get Orochimaru Flow Body Replacement Technique, Chiba didn't use it.

But looking at it now, he seems to have underestimated this ninjutsu.

The body of the dead Orochimaru had genuine Sharingan and First Hokage cells on it.

But Chiba clearly remembered that he had completely killed the corpse at that time.

It's just slowly dissolving and dissipating at the moment.

It seemed like everything had been transferred to the new body.

Immune to death to some extent?

Chiba was a little shocked.

Not just amazed with this ninjutsu, but even more amazed by Orochimaru's talent.

Orochimaru Flow Body Replacement Technique is just one of them.

Also First Hokage cell research and Sharingan fusion.

All of them are new achievements that shocked the ninja world!

"This fellow Orochimaru really can't be overestimated."


Chiba stared at Orochimaru with fiery eyes.

Orochimaru, who had just woken up, met his eyes and his scalp went numb.

He is too familiar with Chiba's eyes, because he often looks at those geniuses with this kind of eyes.


Orochimaru didn't expect that he would be targeted by others one day.

"What do you want to do?"

Orochimaru looked at him vigilantly, he knew how exaggerated Chiba's speed was, so he didn't dare to move.

"There is something I want you to help me research, and you can follow me in the future."

Chiba stared at him and said seriously.

Orochimaru looked at him blankly, the corners of his eyes twitching.

He wanted to say no, but he really didn't want to die again.

His current body is too precious, and he has no confidence in making another one in a short time.


Under Chiba's gaze, Orochimaru finally agreed with aggrieved.

Chiba grinned.

"Don't worry, no one will dare to bully you if you follow me!"

After finishing speaking, Chiba turned his head and looked in the direction behind him.

There Senju Hashirama was exuding a terrifying murderous look, staring at Third Hokage's body.

"Uchiha Chiba, you killed a Hokage!"

"It's just a personal grudge!" Chiba said calmly.

"But he's Konoha's Hokage!"

"Uchiha was exterminated during his reign!" Chiba said calmly.

Senju Hashirama took a deep breath, knowing it was useless to talk.

"Anyway, monkeys are all Hokage, and they are also my descendants. I have reason to avenge him!"

Chiba nodded, raised his finger to him with a cold expression.

"Then it's your turn next!"

The two looked at each other, then moved at the same time.

Senju Hashirama suddenly retreated and jumped off the heads of True Several Thousand Hands.

In the air, he clasped his hands together and drank in a low voice.

"True Several Thousand Hands!!"


Another huge True Several Thousand Hands appeared, slightly smaller in size, but undoubtedly more intact.

And Chiba and Orochimaru were on top of the giant head of another broken True Several Thousand Hands at this time.

"Stay away!"

Chiba glanced at Orochimaru, then stomped frantically towards another True Several Thousand Hands.

Mandate of Heaven Kamui· Hollow!

"Turning Buddha on top!!"

Senju Hashirama let out a yell.

Thousands of fists blasted out at the same time, landing on where Chiba was.

The space has been distorted.

But Chiba was unscathed.

He didn't have any fancy moves, just jumped from one True Several Thousand Hands to another True Several Thousand Hands so brightly.

Then he hurls a few Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!

In an instant, the Kunai in the air formed a shuriken rainstorm, covering First Hokage overwhelmingly.

Tuk tuk tuk!

A row of Wood Style forms a high wall to block Chiba's attack.


Chiba directly the Flying Thunder God appears above the wooden wall, overlooking Senju Hashirama.

A cold light flickered in his eyes, and Mangekyō spun rapidly.

Pupil surgery time!

The future emerges!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Chiba's eyes are fixed, and it feels a little tricky.

First Hokage in Sage Mode is too strong.

Whether it is strength, speed, instinct, perception or reaction ability, he can almost keep up with him who has predicted the future.

Chiba took a deep breath, and continued strengthening if that wasn't enough.

"Sage Mode!"

Chiba clasped his hands together, hum!!!

Massive horrors of celestial Chakra flocked towards him.

In an instant, Chiba entered Sage Mode, and the fairy eye shadow emerged.

"How could he enter Sage Mode so quickly?"

Senju Hashirama felt something was wrong watching this scene.

Why does it feel so much like me?

Could this kid be learning from me?


Chiba let out a low growl, and his figure suddenly disappeared!

Before the original phantom disappeared completely, Chiba had already appeared beside Senju Hashirama.

Almost at the same time, Senju Hashirama punched Chiba at the lethal part of the neck.

But the next moment his pupils shrank.

A bolt of lightning spewed out from Chiba's mouth the moment it appeared.

“Fiery Lightning Howl!!”


Senju Hashirama punched Fiery Lightning Howl, and his entire arm was blown away in an instant.

If this is his body, there may be a possibility of resistance.

But Impure World Reincarnation's body simply couldn't adapt to this level of fighting.

Chiba's eyes flashed, and he took two steps forward suddenly.


Senju Hashirama started to fall back the moment he was injured, but Chiba was faster and had more distance.


Chi la!

Chiba stretches out his palm straight to the heart of Hashirama.

The moment the palm was stretched out, lightning instantly shrouded it, forming a thin and sharp long and thin knife.


The long knife pierced Senju Hashirama's heart without fail.

Senju Hashirama stared blankly at this scene, his eyes filled with unwillingness and doubt.

Chiba's attack is too steady and ruthless!

In short there is nothing wrong with it!

This precision reached the point where he was shocked.


Confetti started flying.

Senju Hashirama's body froze.

"Let's play again later!"

He said a little unwillingly.

"There will be no next time!"

Chiba put a hand on his shoulder.

Senju Hashirama was almost completely immobile at the moment, and he looked at Chiba with a bad feeling.


call out!

An Uzumaki appeared in Chiba's eyes, and a terrifying suction force tore Senju Hashirama madly.

"Not good!" 947

"He's about to be exiled to a different space!"

Senju Hashirama was terrified, but unfortunately he is still recovering at the moment.


Senju Hashirama stared intently, but could only watch helplessly as he was sucked into Uzumaki and disappeared into the ninja world.

"where is this place?"

Senju Hashirama stood in the simple and uninhabited space with a dignified expression on his face.

There are many different spaces he knows, and it doesn't seem like there are people here.

After glancing around, Senju Hashirama relaxed.

But the next moment, he looked at his fingers in a daze.

At this time the thumb on his right hand was gone.

Senju Hashirama suddenly remembered, just now his right fist was shattered by Chiba, and the confetti seemed to be partly not sucked in.

He couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, and roared in grief and indignation:

"Uchiha Chiba, you give me back my thumb!"

Outside Chiba is grabbing Senju Hashirama's finger and sealing it seriously.

How could he refuse something that was in his favour, leaving an opening for Senju Hashirama.

After doing this, Chiba finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a big battle, he was also very tired.

At this moment, there are towering giant trees all around, and two thousand-meter-level monsters, True Several Thousand Hands.

There's also a Nine Tails that growls constantly.

"Wood Style, what a terrifying ability!"

Chiba looked at the verdant forests and said with emotion.

If Senju Hashirama hadn't done something, these trees might have survived alone.

"Let's deal with the battlefield first!"

"Wood Style · Birth of the Tree World!"

Chiba clasped his hands together, watching with some excitement that the thick branches entangled the two True Several Thousand Hands under his control, frantically absorbing the Chakra in Senju Hashirama Wood Style.

bang bang!!

Two True Several Thousand Hands disappeared.

Chiba pouted and continued to deal with other places.

The terrain changed by the two was re-modified by Chiba, and greenery was added.

It's just that the Wood Style of Senju Hashirama was swallowed by the Wood Style of dry leaves, and turned into dead wood and eventually dissipated.

Only Chiba's Wood Style is left to form a green forest here.

The earth kept rolling, filling up the potholes on the ground, and completely erasing the traces of the battle.

It seems that this place was originally a forest.

Except for the lack of animals, it is almost the same as a normal forest.

As for the Wood Style around Konoha, Chiba didn't take care of it and let them handle it by themselves.

Chiba turned and walked towards Nine Tails.

He said that if Nine Tails were to be shoveled back, he would shove it back.

Never break your word!!.

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