Finally Waited Until The Night Of The Genocide, Picked Up Attributes And Opened Mangekyō

Chapter 94 Obito Declares War, Suggestion: Exchange Your Eyes!

Just after Obito left, Chiba appeared on the lake.

No one knew that Chiba had already stamped Gedo Statue with the Flying Thunder God.

He carefully felt the remaining Chakra and touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Five Tails has been obtained by Obito, I'm afraid it won't be long before Ten~Tails will be revived."

[The power of tailed beasts (9/10) needs to gather the power of nine tailed beasts and Gedo Statue - all inspired]

When Akatsuki organized the arrest of Seven Tails Jinchūriki before, he also rushed to get the power of the seven-tailed tail beast.

All that's missing now is the power of the Gedo Statue.

But even though Gedo Statue was beaten so badly in the last battle with Nagato, it didn't drop.

"Could it be that the drop requirement has not yet been met?"

Chiba guessed in his mind that it might be necessary to wait for Gedo Statue to fuse the power of all tailed beasts and start to transform into Ten Tails before dropping the power of Gedo Statue.

He took a deep breath and looked a little dignified.

If the Ten Tails were truly revived, it would be a complete Six Paths class, or even the strongest Six Paths class.

Even with his current strength, he dare not say that he can win.

After all, he has never seen the real Six Paths class, so he can only infer from the plot in his memory.

After Madara's resurrection, Naruto is the perfect Jinchūriki, Sasuke is the eternal eye, absolutely super Kage-level!

But Naruto Sasuke couldn't even pull a single Rinnegan's Six Paths Madara.

But when Naruto Sasuke got the power of Six Paths and became the real Six Paths level.

The strength changed drastically in an instant, and the two teamed up to suppress Six Paths Madara.

It just doesn't make sense!

"Obito must not be given the full Nine Tails!"

Chiba thought a little cautiously.

He didn't want to overturn at such a time.

Thinking of this, Chiba immediately made a Wood Clone and went to Cloud Shinobi Village to look at Naruto.

【Pupil power: LV6 (67086/10W)】

Chiba took a look at his pupil power attribute and looked forward to it.

Indra and Ashura's Chakra should also be awakening soon.

At that time, the speed of opening Rinnegan by yourself will be greatly increased.

"It's time to go to Sasuke and Itachi and see if I can add a little Hitomi!"

In the meeting place of the Five Kages Conference.

The voices of the dispute are getting louder and louder, there is too much hatred among the five great ninja villages, and the five shadows can't trust each other at all.

Suddenly, a toad appeared next to Jiraiya, holding a scroll in its mouth and placed it in front of Jiraiya.

Jiraiya's heart skipped a beat.

He recognized that this was the contact toad he had left for Itachi, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Hastily opened it to take a look, and suddenly his face became extremely ugly.

Raikage and the others suddenly fell silent and looked at him.

"What's wrong, Hokage?"

Jiraiya took a deep breath and looked at the crowd and said:

"Itachi just got the news that Uchiha Obito has transplanted Rinnegan, and also used Jinchūriki's corpse to make Rinnegan's puppet."

"Obito attacked Itachi, Five Tails Jinchūriki was captured!"


The expressions of the other four shadows including Mifune changed drastically.

"Damn, who leaked the news?!"

Onoki stared at the people present with sharp eyes and was a little annoyed.

Five Tails Jinchūriki are people from their village. Although they usually live in seclusion, it is also a kind of heritage.

But now he was taken away.

He looked at Jiraiya, and the first thing he suspected was Konoha.

"The capture of Five Tails Jinchūriki is not a good thing for the Five Tails Ninja Village and the entire ninja world!"

"So it's not the news leaked by someone between us, but the intelligence capability of the Akatsuki organization found Itachi's location!"

Jiraiya was naturally unhappy when she was suspected, but she had to explain.

Tsuchikage snorted coldly, accepting the statement.

But Gokage's complexion became very ugly.

"Let's gather people and attack the Akatsuki organization now!"

Raikage yelled, with a look of urgency on his face.

He learned from Konoha that the Akatsuki organization needs to seal the tailed beasts in order, and it takes time.

But now that Five Tails has fallen into the hands of Akatsuki, Killer Bee is in danger.

Just then, a dark and hoarse voice sounded.

"Don't worry Raikage, your brother is still alive."

Gokage's face changed drastically, and he looked behind Mifune.

Obito emerges from an Uzumaki, looking at Gokage with a mask on.

"Uchiha Obito!!"

Jiraiya and the others immediately became vigilant.

"Bastard, give me back my brother!"

Raikage roared, instantly entered Lightning Style Chakra Mode, and rushed towards Obito.

With a bang, Raikage passed through Obito's body and directly shattered the wall behind him.

"He's really impatient."

Obito said calmly, without even looking at Raikage, he continued:

"I want to tell you one thing. After you understand it, I have something to ask you."

Jiraiya asked, "What's the matter?"

Obito said in a deep voice:

"It's about my purpose, the Eye of the Eye project!"

"What good can the plan of your Xiao organization do? Hand over my brother first!"

Raikage yelled, glaring at Obito.

"Calm down Raikage, listen to what he has to say first."

"Obito, now you can talk!"

Jiraiya said in a deep voice, he was also very curious about Akatsuki's plan and purpose.

Obito thought for a while and said:

"Now that you already know my real identity, I also want to tell you some bad news.

Jiraiya and others' hearts sank.

"The so-called Project Tsuki no Me itself is not proposed by me, I am just a part of this plan, an executor."

"The one who actually came up with this plan and implemented it was, Uchiha Madara!!"

Jiraiya snapped:

"No kidding, Uchiha Madara died long ago in the battle with First Hokage, how could he have any plans?"

If Project Tsuki no Me was proposed by Madara, it would be completely different from before.

Five Kage's complexion became ugly.

"I won't reveal any extra information about Madara's secrets. You just need to know that the reason I survived was that I was saved by Uchiha Madara."

Obito looked at Wukage with a smile and said:

"So, the bad news is that Akatsuki is about to resurrect the real Uchiha Madara!"


His words were like a bomb, everyone changed their faces, and looked at him in shock.

Jiraiya frowned and asked:

"By resurrection, do you mean the Impure World Reincarnation?"

"No, it's the real resurrection, not the half-baked Impure World Reincarnation!"

Obito's words immediately made everyone's hearts sink to the bottom.

During this period of time, the ninja world, especially Konoha's successive major incidents, let everyone understand what level of person Uchiha Madara is.

"Impossible, how could there really be a technique to resurrect people who have been dead for many years in this world?"

Sand Shinobi's mother-in-law Chiyo said.

She herself developed the technique of reincarnation, which can bring people back to life.

But being able to resurrect is only for those who have just died, and it needs to pay the cost of the life of the caster.

"Rinnegan can do it!"

Obito did not refute, but said lightly.

Wuying looked at each other, although they really wanted to refute, but they also believed in it.

Chi La!!

The Lightning Style Chakra on the film skyrocketed, staring at Obito and said in a deep voice:

"Then kill you before you revive Madara!"

"Try it if you can."

Obito said indifferently, seeing that the other party did not move, he said in a deep voice:

"The next thing I want to say is Project Tsuki no Me."

"Let all things become one with Uchiha Madara, that is, become one unified entity!"

Wuying trembled all over, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"What does it mean to be one?" Jiraiya asked.

Then Obito spoke about Uchiha's stele, the power of the Sage of Six Paths, and the Ten Tails.

"Ten Tails?!"

"A collection of all tailed beasts?!"

"Become the Jinchūriki of Ten Tails?!"

"Obito, what the hell are you trying to do?"

Gokage looked at Obito in shock, and they found that things had gone beyond their imagination.

If Obito really has the power of Sage of Six Paths, it will be the end of the ninja world!

"After becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki, Madara's Rinnegan will be strengthened, and he will use it to perform certain spells!"

Obito said in a low voice.

"Some kind of technique? What kind of technique? What do you want to do?!"

The bad premonition in Jiraiya's heart became heavier.

Obito exclaimed:

"It's the big illusion of projecting your own eyes onto the moon, Infinite Tsukuyomi!!"

"Madara will cast illusions on all the people that exist on the ground, control all humans, and unify the world!!"

"It is a world where there will be no quarrels, no disputes, and everything will become one with Madara!"

"That's what I call Project Tsuki no Me!!"

Raikage growled angrily:

"Don't be stupid, I won't hand over the world to you!"

Jiraiya said in a slightly angry voice:

"Obito, do you think this illusory peace makes sense?"

"Yes! Peace and hope not found in the real world will be realized in the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi!"

……ask for flowers…

Obito said loudly, staring at Jiraiya and saying:

"Give me the Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and help me execute the plan, or it will turn into a war!"

Jiraiya sneered:

"Don't even think about it, I won't hand over Naruto!"

Others also opened their mouths to refute.

They will not live under Madara's illusion in the future.

Obito had expected this, and said in a deep voice:

"Alright then, I hereby announce that the Fourth Ninja World War is about to begin!"

Wukage was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him with a frown.

"The Fourth Ninja War?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Even if you and Madara are stronger than us, but you still want to launch a big war based on the number of people in your organization?"

Obito smiled lightly and said:

"You underestimate Rinnegan too much, but I still have a hundred thousand troops in my hands."

"It's more than enough to start a war!"

Wukage was taken aback.

What is the concept of a hundred thousand troops?

Almost more than the sum of the number of ninjas in the five major ninja villages.

Even people standing next to each other occupy a considerable amount of land area.

Not to mention the need to support these people.

"How is this possible? If there are such a large number of people in the ninja world, it is impossible for us not to find them!"

Ohnoki couldn't believe it.

"When you are on the battlefield, you will know whether it is true or false."

Obito said and disappeared in place.

After the meeting with the Five Kages, an agreement was reached very smoothly.

Form a joint ninja army to defeat the Akatsuki organization and resist Project Tsuki no Me.

Afterwards, the kages of the major ninja villages began to go back to prepare, and the Five Kages talks officially ended.

At this time, Chiba has found Sasuke and Itachi.

The two are in an abandoned building in the Iron Kingdom.

Both Sasuke and Itachi were silent.

But in order not to let Sasuke hesitate any longer, Itachi directly gouged out his own eyes.


Two Mangekyō Sharingan were held by Itachi and handed to Sasuke.

The corner of Sasuke's mouth twitched violently, and he closed his eyes in pain.

"Sasuke, don't hesitate, we are running out of time, hurry up and transplant my eyes." Itachi urged.

Sasuke took a deep breath when he heard the words, then opened his eyes and took it.

Just then, Chiba suddenly appeared.

"You two brothers actually did such a thing secretly?"

There was a smile in his voice, which made Sasuke and Itachi immediately alert.

[Pick up 3000 points of pupil power]

Chiba glanced at the system, his pupil power had broken through the 70,000 mark, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

"You are not welcome here, please leave!"

Sasuke hurriedly stood in front of Itachi and shouted, looking very nervous.

"Chiba, what are you doing here at this time?"

Itachi asked vigilantly, feeling a little anxious.

Now that he has even dug out his eyes, it can be said that he is at his weakest, so he can't help but feel a little worried.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you two, on the contrary, I have a very interesting proposal here.

Chiba looked at the Mangekyō in Itachi's hand and laughed.

"The condition for opening the Eternal Eye is to transplant the Mangekyō Sharingan of close relatives, especially brothers."

"Then what if the two of you brothers exchanged eyes?"

After the words fell, Sasuke and Itachi were stunned.

"Exchange eyes?"

Sasuke swallowed, his eyes flickering.

Even Itachi couldn't help taking a deep breath, his heart pounding.

"Chiba's proposal might actually work!"

No one wants to lose power, especially a strong man like Itachi!

And after meeting his parents and temporarily reconciling with Sasuke, his desire to die has been relieved a lot.

He wants to live!

It's just that before, because of Madara's eye-opening process, he directly ignored this possibility.

The reason why Madara didn't do this back then was because his younger brother was already seriously injured and dying.

There is no point in doing this!

But he and Sasuke are in a completely different situation now.

It was the two brothers who got into the dead end before!

Itachi couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He didn't expect that he almost made such a big mistake.

Sasuke had already figured it out at this time, and his face flushed with excitement.

"Exchange Mangekyō, Itachi and I may be promoted to Eternal Eye!"

Thinking of both of them becoming Eternal Eyes, Sasuke wanted to laugh excitedly.

One Uchiha Madara already dominates the ninja world.

Now they are about to give birth to two pairs of eternal eyes.

By that time, Uchiha will stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world!

"Itachi, let's exchange eyes two!".

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