Chapter 17: Admiral Yellow Ape appears!

On a small island in the Chambord Islands.

The huge warships of the Navy just arrived.

The yellow ape landed on the shells of the warship.

"Oh yes! Is it convenient to ask for directions? "

The yellow ape, which was originally still on the shell, instantly appeared next to a passerby pirate.

At this time, this passerby pirate was almost frightened stupid.

And who is it who asks for directions with yourself? It's Admiral Yellow Ape!

At this time, the battle between the supernova and the pacifists continues.

After knowing that the Qi Wuhai in front of him was not as terrifying as imagined.

Supernovae also began to attack boldly.

Urki relied on great force to restrain the actions of pacifists.

Becky and Apu rely on long-range attacks to carry out their attacks.

Drake, Bonnie, Hawkins, etc. are constantly pinning them around, attracting the attention of pacifists.

Reduce the pressure on several people fighting ahead.


With another sonic attack from Apu, the pacifists finally couldn't hold it up and fell.

Seeing this, the supernova who had been restraining hurriedly rushed forward, and it was a fierce output to the pacifists.

Although Bonnie's abilities don't work, as a supernova, she doesn't just rely on her abilities to eat.

Her physical attacks are still very strong.

I saw her fists and feet constantly attacking.


All fell to the pacifists.

And although Drake was an undercover agent in the Navy, the defeat of pacifists was already inevitable at this time.

He doesn't spare any effort either.

Launch a fierce offensive directly towards the pacifists.

The ability to grow ancient fruits was fully exerted by him.

The claws of the dinosaur-transformed constantly attack the pacifist.

Great harm was done to pacifists.

The originally incomparably solid skin was also cut open by a sharp blade.

Urki punched to the flesh with all his might.

Bang bang!!

Every punch was like falling on a piece of iron.

After these hand-to-hand combat supernova attacks fell, the pacifists were also shot out.

At this time, the three of Becky Apu Hawkins saw this and directly activated their abilities.

Suddenly, shells, sonic waves, and crow attacks fell on the pacifists.

The navy gasped.

They always have a bad premonition.

Under such a serial offensive, can Qi Wuhai still be able to bear it?

Although the pacifist defense is very strong.

But it can't stand the successive offensives of supernovas.

With a creak, the pacifist finally lost consciousness.

The pacifist's originally bright eyes were now completely gone.

Under the sunglasses is a pair of eyes that have lost their light.

At this time, several supernovae were also panting.

It seems that eliminating the pacifists in front of them still consumes a lot of their physical strength.

"Finally... Kill... Him! "

"There are no accidents now!"

"If you can still get up like this, then there is really no way."

Bonnie gasped.

Under this continuous attack, most of her physical strength has been used.

And she felt like the attacks were all falling on Bassolomi Bear.

The navy, who was fighting in the first battle, widened its eyes when he saw this scene.

People are numb

How can Qi Wuhai have such strength?


"They really solved the Nanabu Sea?"

"That's Lord Bartholomy!"

The navy said in disbelief.

Although the navy was reluctant to believe it, the fact was that the pacifists were defeated.

At this time, the pacifist lying on the ground had not moved for a long time.

"The strength of the Seven Wuhai? Is that all? "

Bonnie whispered in bewilderment.

"Oh, but that's it!"

"I don't know what that group of people have to boast about this lackey of the Navy!"

Urki said indifferently.

It was as if defeating the Seven Wuhai in front of him was a simple thing for him.

"It is!"

Apu also agrees with everyone.

After defeating the Qiwu Sea in front of him, everyone did not take the Qiwu Sea to heart.

Although the strength of the Qiwu Sea is recognized in this sea.

But in the end, it is under the hands of the world government.

It is clear that he is a pirate but loyal to the world government, which makes everyone who is also a pirate very dissatisfied.

But due to the strength of the Qiwu Sea, most pirates can't help them.

Drake sweated awkwardly.

"Haven't these guys seen it yet?"

He really couldn't help it, and complained in his heart.

As an undercover agent in the navy, he had long known that what he was seeing was just the fake Qiwu Sea.

is a humanoid weapon pacifist of the Navy.

And there is more than one such humanoid weapon navy.

That is, there happens to be only one here, otherwise it is not so simple for them to solve it.

Becky, who had been thinking at this time, came to the fallen pacifist and looked carefully.

Glancing at the pile of parts popped up from the pacifist, he couldn't help but take a breath.

He realized that there could not be parts on Nanabukai's body.

Combined with the fact that they defeated the Bartholomi Bear who was the Nanabukai so easily, he came to the final conclusion.

"You don't really think that this guy is Qi Wuhai, do you!"

Becky said very deeply.

At this moment, Becky was very annoyed in his heart.

Sure enough, isn't the Qi Wuhai so easy to defeat?

Hearing Becky's words, everyone was attracted by his words.

Only then did the supernova come to their senses.

After seeing the parts on the pacifist and the electric arc, they also understood.

The Qi Wuhai in front of him is just a transformation person.

What they defeated was not the real Nanabukai.

Everyone had different expressions, feeling unworthy of the previous joy.

It turns out that what they spent so much effort to defeat was just a fake Qiwu Sea?

Bonnie was the first to recover from her frustration.

"Anyway, let's kill these navies first!"

A cold gleam flashed in her eyes, and she said immediately.

At this time, the navy has long lost its fighting spirit.

The courage that he had gained from Qi Wuhai with great difficulty also turned into a bubble at this moment.

Looking at the supernova approaching step by step, the navy even lost the desire to fight.

At this time, Li Mu, who had been watching from the naval camp, was stunned.

"Groove! I'm not going to be killed by this group of supernovae! "

He thought with some concern.

After all, he was wearing a naval uniform at this time.

It can also be regarded as a member of the Navy.

And although he has obtained the domineering tricolor, the various attributes have also been greatly improved.

But his current strength is not strong.

At least in the face of supernova knowledge is completely inadequate.

At this time, if he goes on like this, he is likely to be disposed of by a supernova.

"Oh, oh, even pacifists have been killed!"

"You supernovas are really scary!"

At this moment, the yellow ape came.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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