Chapter Thirty-Eight The Pacifist Scrapped, Battle Peach Pill Heartbroken

Although pacifists are tirelessly attacking Li Mu.

But after all, he still relied on some source of strength to act.

He can't go on tirelessly forever.

His energy is limited after all.

And Li Mu has never fought back, so he has been dragging hard.

No matter how strong pacifists are, they will inevitably face the dilemma of being squeezed dry.

At this time, the pacifists were harvested by Li Mu like leeks.

After all, the pacifists began to weaken gradually under Li Mu's exploitation.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 3,000 attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 2000 attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 1000 attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 500 attribute points!"

The drop of attribute points is also visible to the naked eye.

This made Li Mu very angry in his heart.


He thought with some dissatisfaction in his heart.

After all, the more attribute points, the better.

At this time, he still had a little unwillingness in his heart.

He opens the System View panel.

[Strength evaluation: Admiral replacement!].

"Alas, or the strength of the admiral's replacement. "

"It seems that it is still some time before reaching the strength of the admiral. "

He thought with some loss in his heart.

After all, at this time, he had only one goal, that is, to have the strength of a naval admiral to participate in the Dingshan War.

On top of the war, that is the best time for him to become a strong man.

At this time, his plans were almost entirely for the next war at the top.

"Also, after all, it's just a mecha. "

"There will always be times when the energy runs out. "

He thought a little unwillingly.

But there is no way around it.

After understanding that the mecha in front of him had reached the point of exhaustion of energy.

He also didn't have the luxury of asking for any value these mechs could provide him.

"It seems that the energy in the body is exhausted. "

He said with some disappointment.

After many years, Vegapunk, who can develop such a monster, is also powerful.

These pacifists don't know how much power it takes each time they fire a laser.

And he had been delaying the battle to pick up attribute points, and he knew very well how many lasers these pacifists had fired.

Those forces were actually gathered in such an artificial human body.

In other words, the energy in the pacifist is completely enough to consume the physical strength of a supernova.

But Li Mu Wuchao's physical strength and strength are impeccable.

So even if there are many pacifists, there is nothing they can do about him.

Since there is no use value, he naturally does not plan to continue playing with these mecha.

After all, now this attribute point is so few that it is like dropping on ordinary pirates.

Such an attribute point is far from satisfying Li Mu.

"Oh, is that the case after all?"

Li Mu sighed in his heart.

He decided to go elsewhere and find some way to get attribute points.

Since there is no use value, Li Mu is not keeping his hand.

I saw that the armed color domineering instantly covered his body.

At this time, he was like a god of war, constantly shuttling among pacifists.

His fist easily broke through the pacifist mech shell.

Directly punched through the pacifist in the chest.

The fist passed through the chest, and suddenly countless lines were exposed.

Pacifists also fell to the ground.

After destroying a pacifist, Li Mu had no intention of stopping.

It was pretty cool before, wasn't it?

Now that you can't provide attribute points, it's time for me to take a shot!

He was well aware of the value of pacifists to the Navy.

Every pacifist is worth hundreds of millions.

If he were here to destroy all these pacifists.

I believe that the Navy will definitely have blood dripping in its heart by then.

Thinking about this, Li Mu's heart was even more energetic.

He also punched a little faster.

Li Mu suddenly moved between the thirty-five pacifists.

Suddenly, one after another pacifists fell.

The scene looks spectacular.

At this time, all over the ground were scrapped parts of pacifists.

There were even pacifists whose heads were shot out.

Thirty-five pacifist collectives all lay on boards.

And the pacifist's body is very large, which makes the scene look even more shocking at this time.

My pacifist!"

Orochimaru said in disbelief.

Watching the pacifist fall, his heart was also dripping blood.

At this time, the navy behind Zhan Momomaru had already looked stupid.

They also have some understanding of the strength of pacifists.

They really couldn't imagine that they would be so vulnerable.

"Lie in the groove with one punch!"

"What's going on, didn't you just fight back and forth?"

"What's the situation, isn't it evenly matched?"

The navy said very puzzled.

In their view, Li Mu and the pacifists were evenly matched in the previous encounter.

But for now, it's a complete flash sale.

And it was killed in seconds along with thirty-five pacifists.

The navy had different ideas in their minds, but they all wondered how this guy was so raw.

"Why is this guy so raw all of a sudden?"

"The first time someone saw a book tearing up a pacifist!"

"It's scary, too!"


The navy has long been shocked beyond words.

"It's over, I can't deal with the people above now!"

Orochimaru was shocked in his heart.

The price of a pacifist is hundreds of millions.

The loss of one is painful to death.

Now there are 35 direct losses.

Orochimaru really regretted it.

He very much regretted that he came out to find Li Mu's trouble.

At this time, he recalled the mysterious pirate in front of him.

It is clear that the strength is so strong, but he is hiding in the navy as an ordinary navy.

This led to his carelessness, losing five pacifists and seriously wounding himself.

By this time, he had lost forty pacifists.

It is estimated that the development of the Navy in a year will not produce so many pacifists.

Now he was actually completely defeated at once.

If this matter reached the ears of the high-level, he was a little afraid to imagine how the high-level would treat him.

Although his status is the captain of the scientific force, this is just an ordinary position.

Above him there is Vegapunk, there are five old stars.

They also have the right to manipulate pacifists.

By this time nearly forty pacifists had been destroyed, which Vegapunk estimated had noticed.

Thinking about this, Zhan Momomaru felt a little afraid in his heart.

He didn't know what to do with the top brass of the Navy.

All that remained in his heart was endless regret.


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