Chapter 6 Kemi the Fishman, Charros Saint shoots!

In the auction hall, people held their breath and looked at the fish tank pushed up in front of them with great anticipation.

And the auctioneer Dix saw that he had whetted everyone's appetite, and also directly ordered his subordinates to lift the red cloth.


As the red cloth on the top of the fish tank was lifted, the contents were officially revealed.

None other than Kemi the Fishman.

Her short green hair is very playful and cute.

The upper body is only wearing a small vest with a star printed on it.

Because she was in the water, her lower body was a red fishtail.

At this time, being watched by everyone like this, she looked very flustered.

His face was extremely pale with fright, his eyes widened, and he was terrified.

With the appearance of Kemi the Fishman, the auction house also fell into a state of boiling.

At this time, countless people in the field were extremely excited, after all, they came to participate in this auction for this mermaid.

"Sure enough, the intelligence is true!"

"I didn't expect that the auction house really got a mermaid!"

People said excitedly.

Draco Charles was also drooling the moment he saw Kemi the fishman.

He really wanted a mermaid.

And the moment he saw Kemi, Xiaoba, the fishman who had been in the Straw Hat Pirates, couldn't sit still.

Xiao Ba looked sad and stared at Kemi on the stage with dead eyes.

There were tears flashing in his eyes.

Kemi is Xiaoba's best friend, and now she is sold as a commodity, and Xiaoba's heart is very uncomfortable.

And the reason why Xiaoba came to the auction this time is also to save Kemi.

But he knows that his strength alone will not be able to save Kemi who is auctioned.

So Xiao Ba told Luffy about it, and he hoped that Luffy could rescue Kemi.

And Luffy was also very moral, and agreed without saying a word.

So there was a picture of the whole group of Straw Hat Pirates entering the auction hall.

At this time, Nami also noticed Xiaohachi's abnormality.

She also understood that Xiao Ba was still worried about Kemi.

Nami is in charge of the Straw Hat Pirates' property, and she knows that they now have a total of 200 million Baileys.

According to the previous auction of the fish man, it is completely enough to auction the mermaid Kemi.

So Nami has a good look.

"Fortunately, I got a lot of treasure on the weird three sailing ships not long ago."

"Totally enough to photograph Kemi."

"So Xiaoba, you don't need to be nervous at all."

Nami opened her mouth to comfort Kohachi.

Sanji threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground and pressed it on Kohachi's shoulder.

"Since Nami said so, there will be no problem."

At this time, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was comforting Xiaoba.

"Hahaha, Xiaoba, don't worry, I'm going to rescue Kemi no matter what."

Luffy also patted his chest and assured.

At this time, Li Mu was in a hidden corner.

He looked carefully at Kemi the mermaid on the stage.

It was also the first time he saw the mermaid species, and he was a little surprised for a while.

"Is this a mermaid?"

He frowned, his gaze falling very intently on Kemi the mermaid.

It has to be said that such a novel species is indeed rare, and it is no wonder that it will attract everyone's robbery.

Seeing the guests on the field, they were very satisfied with the mermaid Kemi.

Auctioneer Dix also hurriedly added fire.

"The value of mermaids must be understood by everyone."

"Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it, that is, our auction house can get it."

"So after unanimous discussion at our auction, we decided to auction this mermaid."

"Everyone just bid directly!"

Dix said calmly.

It can be seen that he has great confidence in the goods in his hands.

With the auctioneer's words, everyone in the auction hall also began to talk about it.

Discuss how much to pay for the mermaid.

But after all, these people are mostly ordinary people.

If they want to take down the mermaid Kemi, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have a chance.

"Taking advantage of the fact that these guys can't react, I will directly pay a high price."

She thought with joy in her heart.

But just when Nami was very satisfied and thought that she would definitely be able to win the mermaid Kemi this time.

"Five hundred million Baileys!"

A voice came from the high-end seats at the front of the auction hall.

This person directly shouted 500 million.

This action made Nami, who was in charge of the property, pale.

As soon as the high price of this came out, the field suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone was shocked by this high price.

Dix on the field is also shining, such an amount has greatly exceeded his expectations, and this is only the first time to shout.

Nami's face was very ugly.

The mermaid Kemi, who originally thought that he could win it steadily, now the price has come directly to 500 million Bailey.

And that's just the starting price.

"This, this, this..."

Nami was very anxious in her heart, but she really couldn't think of any good way.

She naturally knows what a starting price is.

Since the auctioneer said self-auction.

Then the price shouted for the first time is the starting price.

She also understands Luffy's mood when he wants to save his friend.

I am even more fully in favor.

But she never imagined that the price of mermaids would be raised so high.

At this time, he noticed that Nami's face was very wrong.

Luffy and Solon are also vaguely aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Sanji, Solon, Robin and the others fell silent one after another.

Noticed the change in everyone's expressions, as well as the silence.

Xiao Ba suddenly had a bad feeling.

He also sensed that it didn't seem that simple to rescue Kemi.

"Kemi can't be allowed to fall into the wrong hands under any circumstances."

"Even if I fight for my life, I will save Kemi!"

He thought with great confidence in his heart.

Thinking about this, Xiao Ba also walked directly towards the auction table silently.

After all, Kemi is his most important partner, and even if he dies here, he has no intention of giving up Kemi.

I saw that the fishman Xiaoba's eyes were firm, and he walked unhurriedly with heavy steps.

At this time, Luffy also noticed Xiaoba's behavior.

"Little Eight? He wouldn't be planning to rush straight to the stage! "

Luffy thought a little anxiously.

Even Luffy, a guy with a bad brain.

I also know that you can't save Kemi by force.

And Xiao Ba's behavior is undoubtedly sending death.

Luffy thought of this and planned to grab Xiao Ba.

"It actually reached the high price of 500 million Baileys at the beginning!"

"That's too rich!"


At this time, everyone in the auction hall was talking about it.

After all, such a starting price is too high.

Even the entire possession of the Straw Hat Pirates since their adventure is not enough.

Not to mention these ordinary people.


A gunshot is very special.

At this time, the venue was also directly quiet.

After all, it stands to reason that guns should not be allowed inside the venue.

And this person not only carried, but also shot directly in the auction hall.

Everyone was also very puzzled.

And it was no one else who shot, it was none other than Draco's Charles Luo Sheng.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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