Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

11. Jiu'an, Who Has Fallen To The Limit, Is The Main Force To Save Himself?

To know.

Yesterday, Jiu'an Medical failed 9 to 10 and closed at -5%.

Today, the deep water is open, and even the limit-down is normal.

The main force controls it to -6%, which is very expected.

Yesterday, even the retail investors in the car would be scared to pee today when they see this low drive.

For fear of accidentally sealing the limit down.

The trend after the bidding is indeed in line with the psychology of retail investors.

From -6%, the original retail investors still have some luck, thinking about whether they will pull up.

But... the next second, the main force will start teaching how to be a man.

Wanshou Dadan smashed towards the limit-down board frantically.

Seeing this scene, countless people who haven't left yesterday, or those who are playing on the board, are stunned.

"Fuck Nima, this is the dragon head? After nine consecutive boards, it started to kill with A??"

"I slipped, and I ran out of the limit. If I don't run again, I'm afraid it will be a fart tomorrow."

"I've already eaten 20 points, even if I take back 10 points, I still earn it, run away!"

"Damn, I don't believe that this ticket can have a few more limit drops, rushed!!"

I have to say that when it comes to leading votes, there is really a gap between people.

Some people think that yesterday was Dragon Head Shouyin, and they can still do it today!

Some people think that after the dragon's head was overcast yesterday, it is definitely not in line with expectations that it is still open today.

This is how the differences arise.

On the contrary, the main force placed this ticket on the limit-down board, and Ye Xuan's list was all filled.

"Buy 1.73 million shares of Jiu'an Medical, the average transaction price is 13 yuan, the purchase is successful!"

22.5 million, all of them went to Jiu'an Medical.

A total of 1.73 million shares.

It can be said that Ye Xuan's breathing is amazing at this limit!

Originally the main force of this ticket.

I'm going to make a template of dragon head yin and dragon head back.

Today's drop limit is the last wave of wash.

Others don't know, but can their dog masters not know the performance of Jiu'an Medical?

This is a proper bull stock!

Note that it is a big bull stock, not a big demon stock! !

For some reason, the performance of Jiu'an Medical has increased by dozens of times.

Even a quarter's net profit can be higher than the current stock price.

Just rushing to this, you can see the main force's willingness to do more.

Now this limit-down is just a washout on the way up.

But apart from the main force, no one knows this.

Around 10 a.m., the limit-down board was suddenly pried open.

And it's still a big one to pry open.

This scene shocked everyone.

Especially those retail investors who are hanging on the daily limit are beating their feet one by one.

"I knew that this kind of ticket would not be killed by A, wouldn't it be pulled up?"

"Damn, it's a big loss if you hang up and run."

"This falling limit plate is pried open. It is estimated that the main force is saving itself. Brothers, run as fast as you can. Yesterday put such a large amount, and it is really meaningless to play this kind of stock!"

"I don't envy how much I earn for a ticket with my head on my trouser belt!"

"There are hundreds of millions of orders hanging on the limit-down board, and all the main players have been eaten. Do you still have the confidence to take the second wave?"

"Who knows, I'm staying away now anyway."


No wonder these retail investors are worried.

The trend of Jiu'an Medical's stock price is completely a very unconfident trend.

Whenever it rebounds to the moving average, which is about -6%, it is pressed down by a large order.

How to see how it looks like the main force is pulling up and shipping.

At this price, you can definitely make money no matter how you ship it.

But if it hits the limit, it may become a stampede, and you won't be able to make money.

in retail groups.

Several people were also chatting while looking at Jiu'an Medical.

"Didn't the prophecy emperor say that this ticket can be doubled by 8 times, and the little crocodile has to go from 500,000 to 4 million, why did it fall like this today?"

"Who knows, maybe, this ticket was deliberately suppressed below the average by the main force today, so let's collect money!!"

"Hahahaha, the main force is too good, and you dare to raise money at this height. Is it really possible to rush to more than 80 yuan?"

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the main force of this ticket must be saving himself, and he still has the goods out."

"For the prophecy emperor's name, I decided to buy one hand, just to give the prophecy emperor a face!"

"Damn, isn't more than 1,000 yuan money?"

Ye Xuan looked at the chat of these people in the group and shook his head helplessly.

However, it's not their fault.

If it was me before, I am afraid that I would see a nine-joint board release a super huge amount of tickets, and the next day will be sideways underwater, dare to buy it?

The result is probably not dare.

On the contrary, the little crocodile did not appear for a day today, and there was no water group.

He stared intently at the fluctuations in the plate.

You must know that he was full of warehouses and full of studs yesterday.

As a result, I took a daily limit today, 2.55 million, a day of 250,000 less.

His heart hurts.

Although the back pulled up a little, it was not much better, and it still oscillated underwater.

The little crocodile wanted to cut the position many times, but he remembered Ye Xuan's words again.

"Damn, I don't watch the disc, go to the park!"

The little crocodile remembered the park he went to when he was depressed.

He decided to trust Ye Xuan one more time, and if he didn't succeed, he would become a benefactor.

If the 2.55 million is really going to collapse, then his funds will never come back.

Simply, don't look at it.

In fact, even Ye Xuan used the knowledge he had learned, that is, the only remaining K-line, trading volume, and various theoretical knowledge.

He also felt that the ticket could not go further.

That's exactly what happened.

If Jiu'an Medical is not driven by its real performance, then at this point, the main force must be sealed by the limit-down.

No one wants to get out of the car.

But because of the performance, then the future of this ticket is promising.

The word limit down has also become a pull-up wash after the down-limit.

The time came to 1.30pm.

Jiu'an Medical, which had been shaking underwater for a day, suddenly had a large order of 10,000 hands and started to ignite.

The counterattack has begun!

ps: Thanks again for the 2,000 V reminders of the boss, the boss is too fierce!

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