Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

125. On a bloody Monday, the world plummeted, only Ye Xuan made a lot of money!

The market crashed!!

3373 points were opened from the auction, which represented the situation of collapse all day today.

Many people are on the limit-down board when they open today!

For example, people who buy energy stocks don't have to think about it at all, and the bidding is always at the limit from beginning to end.

In this case, why not just lie down?

And some who are not lying on the limit plate, see this situation, they also directly press the limit plate and run out!!

Everyone knows that today will be a terrifying multi-kill and multi-kill!!

The blood is flowing into a river, the market is really bleeding into a river!!

"Good guy, today's collapse is really strong!! 99

"It's been stopped and run, goodbye brothers!!""

"Clearance Clearance, this big market - is going to kill!!

"Nothing, this big plate is nothing!!"

"The big A gapped and plunged through the year line, which means that there will be no big market in the next year!!"

"I got it, I bought 3 tickets specially, and they all lay on the limit-down board!!"

"What's your ability to drop the limit of 3 votes? All my special stocks are lying on the floor!! Even the special Maotai is lying on the floor, I am convinced!! 35

"Who is smashing the market today!! 35

After the auction, the auction will open at 9.30!

In the next second, the market continued to plummet!!

3373 o'clock is not the end point at all, after the opening, it will evaporate at dozens of o'clock!!

Visible to the naked eye, the stocks that did not fall on the limit were collectively smashed to the limit.

And the lowest point today was 3191.88 points!

Prophecy Emperor Leek Group.

Sun Tingting made a lying face: "It's numb, it's really numb, I bought 2 tickets, and they all fell to the limit!"

The little crocodile is also stupid: "Today's market is so extreme, the market has collapsed by more than seven points, I'm really convinced!"

Group friends: "It's a loss, it's a loss, this big plate is like eating shit!!'

Friends: "Fortunately, there is Mr. Ye's public fund to hedge, otherwise it will be really cool!!"

Group friends: "No wonder I haven't seen Mr. Ye's position move recently, and I haven't seen it on the Dragon Tiger list, maybe Mr. Ye already knew that he couldn't play recently!!

Group friends: "I've decided that as long as I don't see the institution with a 100% success rate on the Dragon Tiger list, I won't buy a single ticket!!"

Amoy stock bar hot money group.

Even the hot money are crying all over the place.

The big plate is not good, and the grapefruits are not good either!

Alliance Leader Zhang was dumbfounded: "It's too difficult! Today is really too difficult!!"

Brother Zhao: "I just lie flat. Today, 2,000 stocks fell by the limit, and the market has plummeted to below -8% now, and I vomited!! 35

Dropped out of school to speculate in stocks: "It now seems that the prophecy emperor who is fighting on Yingjiang's side is really awesome. He has expected this situation a long time ago, otherwise how could there be a feat of quadrupling the public fund in 2 days? !""

Stocks to support the family: "It's numb, and the emotional leader tactics don't work anymore, and now it's all in the dark, the darkest moment!!

Brother Sun: "Don't panic, just lie flat, the market collapses like this, no one can survive alone! Except for President Ye! 99

A hospital in Shanghai.

When Mr. Ge heard that the market gapped and plummeted by more than 5 points, it collapsed to about −8%.

He sighed deeply.


All gone.

The last hope is gone.

9 billion, all turned into ashes.

Today, the big A collapsed, and the hot money of retail investors was numb.

Even the institutions are stupid.

All emo!

The village chief is not feeling well either.

He looked at the situation like a stock market crash today, and his heart was very anxious!

But no matter how anxious he is, there is absolutely no way he can stop this kind of catharsis.

The only thing to rely on may be Ye Xuan's record in Eagle sauce.

The village chief called Ye Xuan: "Xiao Xuan, what do you think about the collapse of the market?"

Ye Xuan was also a little surprised when he received a call from the village head.

It seems that this wave of sell-offs, the village chief is not feeling well.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and said: "At present, the big A's slump is due to the impact of commodities. In addition, the increase in the first half of the year is too large, the profit margin is too large, and the eagle sauce has contributed to the decline in value. Killing one kill may be a good thing for the future."

After that, the two chatted for a while.

Among them, the village chief is most concerned with Ye Xuan's movements.

Ye Xuan smiled and broke the news: "Of course the bet eagle sauce also collapsed, looking at the situation of Big A today, I'm afraid I made the right bet again.

0.... ask for flowers ·

Bet right.

According to the collapse method of Big A today, just pass it on, and the Eagle sauce will also collapse!!

After the close, the decline of Big A was finally fixed at 3209.91 points, a decline of -8.49% throughout the day, and evaporated nearly 300 points.

Individual stocks are more than 2,000 limit-down.

To put it simply, people are numb today and money is gone!

Inside Xuanyuan Capital.

Maybe only Ye Xuan's family is making crazy money now.

And he doesn't make money by shorting Big A himself at all.

All of them are beautiful knives!

This is very admirable!


After the big A closed, the stock markets in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe and Asia opened.

It also suffered a rare crazy plunge!!

Seeing this situation, Ye Xuan laughed.

When the world is plummeting, it is difficult for Yingjiang to make a red plate alone, right?

Seeing this situation, Du Xiaoxi excitedly hugged Ye Xuan in the office: "Mr. Ye, you bet right again, we are going to make blood again!!"

Ye Xuan hugged Du Xiaoxi, felt the little white rabbit, and smiled at the same time: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, where is this going!

In the evening, the Eagle Sauce stock market opened.

As soon as the market opened, the Dow collapsed.

In less than 6 minutes, the Dow collapsed by 1100 points!

This is also the biggest one-day drop in the Dow!

And Ye Xuan's heavily shorted votes happen to be the weighted stocks in the Dow!

face Google, Netflix, Nvidia, which one is not the main target of the Dow!

Make money!

It can only be said that today is another day of making money.

And this kind of explosive profit is not the same as usual.

Usually others earn, you earn, may not feel anything.

But when someone loses money, you make money.

This feeling is absolutely amazing!!

Today, the traders of Xuanyuan Capital have this feeling!!

One word: cool!

Ye Xuan is also not stingy: "I have made a lot of money recently, my brothers have almost doubled, come on!

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