Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

134. Ye Xuan exploded profit exposure, eagle sauce yellow hair is furious!!

Friday morning.

It's not even 9 o'clock.

Some retail investors have already begun to fantasize in the stock bar of Muyuan Shares.

"Chong Chong Chong, continue the daily limit today!

"Haha, I have already seen the 8-link board beckoning to me."

"If the forecast is good today, it should open about 5 points higher, and then hit the daily limit!"

"Why do I see that in other bars, aunts and aunts call their mothers, and we are the only ones who smile every day?"5

"Seven consecutive boards, if this ticket is monotonous, it is estimated that all the losers will come back, so I must be happy.


Muyuan shares directly hit the top.

This makes retail investors excited.


Is this going to speed up today?

As for the experienced leeks, they suppressed the shock in their hearts and continued to watch the plate.

At 9.20, the daily limit was opened.

Then every minute, the increase began to fall a few points.


Muyuan shares actually opened at a lower price of -3%.

All retail investors were dumbfounded.

This bid has also set the tone for it today.

That is fall!

The funds that ran away yesterday, looking at today's disk at this time, are very happy.

Ye Xuan has not paid attention to the situation on the disk these days.

From now to the end of the year, there is almost no big market for 907.

Only the eagle sauce stock market can make oneself do T, double kill long and short, so as to make more money.

However, after the Muyuan shares were revived, President Qin invited Ye Xuan over and over again, insisting that he come to the company to sit and sit.

no way.

Then go.

This time Ye Xuan did not drive the high-profile Pagani Fengshen, but chose a regular Lamborghini.

But even so, some passersby are frequently turned back on the road.

It's just not as high-profile as Pagani, and it's all kills.

Come to Muyuan Group.

Ye Xuan walked straight into the chairman's office.

Seeing Ye Xuan's arrival, President Qin quickly stood up happily.

"Mr. Ye, it's finally here!!"

"This time, it's really thanks to you that we not only got rid of the swine fever problem, but also solved the cash flow problem. At the same time, the market value has also soared, and the company's cohesion has been greatly improved. 99

"The most important thing is that we have recently integrated some small pig enterprises to help them manage their enterprises more scientifically and efficiently!!

Ye Xuan couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.


As expected (aebd) is an entrepreneur, black can be said to be white.

Obviously it is annexation, but it is said to be integration.

However, in business and business, it is precisely his daring and daring temperament that has long been able to earn the reputation of Muyuan as the king of pig raising!

"Mr. Qin, don't brag. What's going on today, tell me quickly, I'm tens of millions today!" Ye Xuan said directly without meeting President Qin.

"Haha, don't worry, don't worry. After you buy 20% of our company's shares, you are also a major shareholder of Muyuan."

"This major shareholder is not allowed to let all the employees in the factory look at it and admire it?"

Hearing what President Qin said, Ye Xuan finally understood.

Boss Qin is asking himself to come over and pretend to be forceful.

Of course, for him, coming here by himself is a celebrity effect.



The time period when Eagle Sauce opens in the evening.

Ye Xuan was already sitting in the trading room.

In the past two days, according to Ye Xuan's instructions, the traders dived into the Eagle Sauce Pfizer in batches with low inhalation funds.

A full $70 billion.

Even if it is low-suction in batches, day and night, it has accumulated for many days.

And today is the harvest season.

According to market rumors, Pfizer is about to acquire Allergan for $150 billion and merge them.

This is the largest corporate merger in the history of the global pharmaceutical industry.

At the same time, it has also created the world's largest pharmaceutical company.

The name Pfizer may not be familiar, but the medicines it makes are definitely household names!

One of the most well-known drugs is Sildenafil, also known as Viagra, aka Viagra!

According to an authoritative statistic, in the whole world, four "Viagra" tablets are taken by patients every second.

Such a company is a big drawer of money.

Do more of this kind of company by yourself, plus it is a merger of strong alliances.

Looking at the sudden surge today, you can see how good it is!!

In the next 3 days, Pfizer soared +13.8%!

Ye Xuan dived to buy 70 billion US dollars, and finally cleared the position at a profit of 9 billion US dollars.

In less than a month, you can easily make 9 billion US dollars!

Traders have made money.

But they are still excited to see such a huge profit

"Another 9 billion dollars have arrived!!

"It's so cool, it's like stealing money, our big A is indeed a little small in comparison!!

"Mr. Ye didn't want to cause trouble to the village chief, so he didn't sell short securities, otherwise Big A would have tossed Mr. Ye to death!!"

This time after Pfizer's first battle was cleared.

Ye Xuan's total assets also soared to $209 billion.

Of course, many of them belong to the private sector.

In fact, by now, for Ye Xuan, money is already a number.

However, he is more and more fond of the joy brought by the continuous jump of this number.


A multinational phone call opens.

Ye Xuan looked at the number marked as Ryan and connected directly.

Ryan was very anxious over there: "Mr. Ye, there is a big trouble. My intelligence tells me that the commander of Yingjiang Huangmao has begun to gradually investigate the recent Yingjiang stock market. He seems to have discovered your actions."5

Ye Xuan was taken aback.

Have you been moving too much recently?

Good guy, even the yellow-haired commander was alarmed.

But think about it, when you stepped into the eagle sauce market, plus leverage, it was only $83 billion.

If the leverage is removed, it will be a pitiful $40 billion.

But what about now?

Remove the leverage, remove the $10 billion from Ryan, and there are still $200 billion!!

A full 5 times over!!

So terrifying.

It's no wonder that the Yellow-haired Commander was so furious.

Such a huge amount of funds will indeed make his position unstable.

Ye Xuan nodded to show his understanding: "Okay, I will start to evacuate today, and you also help me prepare a new diving account that can hold 50 billion US dollars, the kind that the Yellow Hair Commander can't find!

He withdraws 159 billion US dollars by himself, and leaves 50 billion at the same time, which is used to short the market of Yingjiang's interest rate hike at the end of the year.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xuan felt more and more that the $10 billion private placement was not wrong.

With Morgan Stanley as an internal response, how can I lose?

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