Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

167. In a divided market, buy Ye Xuan concept stocks!

Thursday the 28th.

Originally known as Black Thursday.

But the bidding showed a trace of extraordinary.

The market that gapped and opened low yesterday actually gapped up to 2745 points at the auction time today!

Although it didn't go up much, it still went up.

This has been a very good news recently.

"Haha, looking at today's bidding, it's very good!!

"Yes, the acceptance is very good, and the selling pressure is not too much.

"I guess this is caused by Mr. Ye's speech last night, it's too awesome, in a word, violent backlash!

"Buy, buy, buy, I'm going to cut my flesh to buy Ye Zong concept stocks!!"

"Mr. Ye concept stock? When did this concept come out?

"It's the tickets that made it to the Dragon Tiger List. President Ye bought so much money, it's impossible to spend it today, right? Then what's the point of the support he said last night? So he will definitely continue to buy it today. of.

"That's right, looking at the funds yesterday, it seems that it was less than 200 billion yuan. According to my feeling, Mr. Ye has to buy at least 500 billion yuan before stopping!

A group of retail investors started to run and enter.

04 Originally, some people have begun to rot in this rotten and disgusting market.

No matter what ticket you bought before, I will just lie down and die. Anyway, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Where can you fall again?

There are pits outside, so why don't you just stay in this pit.

But now there is a surprise, Ye Xuan.

Then look at the ticket you bought, what if you cut it in half?

Still expecting it to crawl out of the pit again?

Might as well go after the ticket that Mr. Ye bought!


This is the inner journey of a group of retail investors.

Their inner admiration for Ye Xuan is very high, which is almost subtly created by bombarding the usual bit by bit of various information.

Ye Xuan's various mythological operations, from trillions to billions, from billions to trillions.

This level of leap is definitely the best choice for creating a god!

"What kind of rubbish I bought, I cut it, I went to Stud Zhaoyi to innovate!! Originally I thought this ticket was very strong, plus President Ye's recommendation, what if it opened 3 points higher, this world There is no ticket that I dare not chase!!

"I'm not interested in technology stocks, I just like biological stocks, this Jianfan creature is very in line with my aesthetic, stud, go!"

"Cut! What kind of technology stocks and pharmaceutical stocks are you talking about, they are all growth stocks. What if Ye Ye always has a long-term future? I like Three Trees, and this kind of vote is the best choice for rebounding!! 35

"Haha! A bunch of rubbish, the stock market is going to rebound, securities companies are definitely a must-choice, the first venture is absolutely invincible, and President Ye can actually see this vote, it's very strong!

For retail investors.

According to their understanding, will the market be good today?

It's definitely good!

Mr. Ye always said that he would protect the plate these days, so that everyone had a good year.

So under the premise of stabilizing the broader market, what if you are a little greedy and want an excess return?

Then one word: chase!

Chase up!!

Any ticket for incremental funds to enter the market must be the ticket for Mr. Ye to save the market!!

As for the votes that can be favored by President Ye, all fools know that they will definitely go up and down.

Now, Ye Xuan's size doesn't allow him to do the operation of running every other day!

Keep up and you will be able to eat big meat!!


Today, there is even a bipolar split market on the disk!

Yesterday's tickets on the Dragon Tiger list, Ye Xuan's explosive purchases, were all unanimous today, and before the market closed in the morning, all of them reached the daily limit.

Even if some institutions are trying hard to smash the market, they can't stop such a rise.

To know!!

Ye Xuan didn't buy these tickets anymore!!

"Brothers rush rush, blow the shorts!"

"I really don't understand how the ticket for Zhaoyi Innovation is still being sold, and Mr. Ye dares to sell the ticket that he is optimistic about? I'm rushing you!!

"I guess, those short-selling institutions must have panicked and started to sell."

"Look at Chuanyu Beer, the short sellers of this ticket are dumbfounded. Yesterday, the 1 billion limit fell, and they were going to make a lot of money by shorting it. Who would have thought that Mr. Ye had eaten all the chips in one go. I'm afraid I'm going to take him down in one fell swoop!!"

"Go ahead! All Mr. Ye's tickets will be pulled to the daily limit!!""

"I'm in a wide-spread net mode. Yesterday's daily limit. I bought a little of each ticket for Ye's head office seat, and then took it for a month to see, there must be double the tickets!"

"Dude, you are so smart!!"

Xuanyuan Capital.

Trading room.

A few traders looked at the tickets that were bought yesterday, and all of them were at the daily limit today.

They were speechless one by one, looking back at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was also a little dumbfounded.

He also stared at the market in confusion.

The stock market is now starting to tear up.

Although the overall increase is on the rise, a large part of them are carried by the tickets that I bought yesterday, because all of them have reached the daily limit.

Dozens of votes, all one into two successful.

That is to say, Ye Xuan made more than 20 billion yuan without moving casually today.

And most of the remaining tickets were sold frantically by retail investors, and some even hit the limit!

Although he knew that Ye Xuan would save the market, no one knew which votes he would get.

So it's safest to just buy it.

Ye Xuan920 sighed and said: "Forget it, let's not think about it, those retail investors are buying our tickets, which is a good thing. The market liquidity is finally up!"


The stock market is most afraid of lack of liquidity.

Now, in order to chase Ye Xuan's ticket, they finally sold the ticket that was lying flat in their hands, which is a good thing.

The targets that Ye Xuan bought yesterday were all hit the daily limit today.

This news was soon noticed by countless institutional bosses.

They were even more speechless.

"I'm dying, these retail investors are crazy, they are so impatient to take orders for Ye Xuan?"

"I'm really envious, he seems to have bought more than 200 billion yesterday, and today these tickets are all at the daily limit, so you can easily win by lying down.

"This is a money-making effect, and retail investors are willing to follow."

"When will I be able to do this?

"You? In a dream, look at the plate you made, cut those leeks and don't want them, I don't even bother to talk about you!!

"Hmph, you are not the same."

"Forget it, I'm going to pick up some of Ye Xuan's tickets. I'm actually quite optimistic. After I bought it back, I cut a wave of small leeks."

"Be careful not to be harvested by Mr. Ye!""

And Ye Xuan.

After watching it all morning, I finally started to continue to operate today's target.

Today's goal, hit another 200 billion!!

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