Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

17. Lao Tzu Stud Is A Four-Joint Board!

Ye Xuan doesn't know yet.

One of his own studs actually made the boss of the Shenwan Hongyuan Sales Department, who controls the entire Yu Province, unable to sleep.

Of course, now there is only one company like Zhengcheng Branch in the entire Henan Province.

But in terms of level, in terms of resources, Liu Di is indeed the boss of the entire Henan Province.

Ye Xuan didn't know whether he could sleep or not tonight.

But he knew he could sleep.

Especially if you can make a lot of money tomorrow! !

The next day.

Lanshi's reloading did not open higher, but opened a lot lower.


This opening can be regarded as scaring a lot of retail investors.

Especially those who chased in yesterday, got caught in an instant!

"It's too pitiful. Did you just hit the limit down after the market opened?"

"I knew that yesterday was the rhythm of pulling up the shipment!"

"Haha, thankfully I didn't buy it!!"

"I pressed the button, and I just hung up and stopped running, and I opened lower than expected!"

"What are you afraid of, wait a few minutes and see what you're talking about!!"

Retail investors, no matter what you say, you don't have any expectations for Lanshi's reloading.

Even Mr. Shen Wanhongyuan Liu Di Liu felt a sigh in his heart when he saw the low opening of the ticket today.

He prayed silently in his heart: "Hey, give me some strength, I'm the first facade, is it possible that I was buried like this?"

At 9.30 minutes, the transaction officially started.

After Lanshi reloaded and opened it low, it really started to go low.

Then it was even more than -4% at extreme speed.

This scene terrified countless people.

For a while, I don't know how many people started running.

But then it started to rise.

And this wave of pull-up is uninterrupted, stepping on the pull-up above the moving average.

If it is in the eyes of bulls, then this is a good thing.

In the eyes of the bears, this looks like a good deal.

At 10.30 noon, Lanshi's reloading turnover rate had reached 20%.

Seeing that the main force is almost there, he finally began to choose to pull up: "It's almost the same for those who are accumulating and washing the dishes, let's get a Wanshou brother to light the fire first!"

After this wave of ignition, it was a slow callback to test the selling pressure.

At around 1:30 pm, when the turnover rate reached 35%, the main force finally chose a straight sealing board!

Lanshi repackaged the board and crossed the 5th line and the 10th line to seal the board!

This scene broke the hearts of countless retail investors.

"Your uncle's!"

"This can also seal the board. Isn't this pure liberation of the locked up funds above?"

"I'm laughing to death, and there are still funds locked up? I guess it's all cut off and gone!!"

"The main force's grasp of human nature is really dead!"

"I cried, I just sold it, and it was closed. There must be a premium tomorrow. I am a big leek!!"

This board, one letter is the end.

Looking back on the whole day's trend of Lanshi's reloading today, it highlights a washout and breakthrough.

It opened lower in the morning, and then started to accumulate above the moving average. It broke through at noon, and then traded sideways to wait for the profit to be cleared.

Final seal!

The whole process is done in one go!

Of course, this can only be seen after the replay!

After the close, Ye Xuan glanced at his account.

Holding stocks: Lanshi Heavy Equipment (603169)

Number of shares held: 40,000 lots

Cost price: 17.3 yuan

Current price: 19.6 yuan

Market value of holdings: 77 million

Profit and loss of the day: +7 million (+10%)

Floating profit and loss: +7 million (+10%)


One day, he made 7 million yuan.

Shen Wanhongyuan, President Liu, was relieved.

He felt like he was staring at his heart all day long: "Damn, whether it is Lao Tzu or he who is investing in stocks, I won't watch it tomorrow!! Ya's love will go up, and if she likes to fall, it will fall!!"

Lanshi reloaded and changed hands at the daily limit of 45% heavy volume. Today, there is naturally a dragon and tiger list.

But Ye Xuan bought it yesterday, and he didn't move one hand today, so naturally he didn't make the list.

This made Liu Di feel a little disappointed: "Damn, why don't you have a T today, you can make more money with a little T!"

It's like saying that Ye Xuan can make T when he says T, and he can make money when he makes money.

Although Ye Xuan can indeed do this, his current capital has nearly exceeded 100 million. It is very troublesome to do T in such small-cap stocks.

Second, Ye Xuan was too lazy to move. He really didn't like these two points.

There is no need to mention the trend of Lanshi's reloading the next day.

After the main force opened 2 points higher, it quickly rose, and then began to oscillate higher.

Then it started to oscillate around +5% to +7%.

At 10.20 in the morning, the main force announced: I will stop pretending, it's a showdown! I want to pull to a new high!

A list of 44444 directly seals the daily limit!

This domineering scene made countless retail investors bewildered.

"Draft, I washed Lao Tzu again!!"

"I thought this was the front high, and it was also a densely trapped area. The main force actually chose to be tough!"

"Tomorrow, it is estimated that it will be opened, and this ticket is too awesome!!"

"Who would have thought that a ticket with 24 consecutive boards can still go through two waves?"

"Is the market going to break through this year, why are there so many demon stocks!"

Lanshi reloaded the second board.

Three board!

Even four boards!

Especially the fourth board, which fluctuated all day at the price of 23 yuan!

Then, when there were 10 minutes left in the late trading, the daily limit was only closed.

It was at this time that Ye Xuan chose to sell out! !

In fact, if he hadn't simulated today's trend, he wouldn't have been able to hold on to the end of the session.

Who would have thought that today the main players chose to kill.

This four boards happens to be the new high position.

Some people choose to flee, while others choose to continue to pull the second wave of new highs.

This has created the current situation.

But Ye Xuan chose to flee!

4 boards in 4 days, enough fun! !

Ye Xuan's 70 million has become more than 100 million! !

"Sold 40,000 lots of Lanshi reloading, the average transaction price was 26.08 yuan, and the sale was successful!"

In this wave, 17.3 yuan was eaten and 26.08 yuan was sold.

Hold the stock for 4 days and get 40% profit!

A total of 33 million yuan!

The cost of Ye Xuan is only more than 17 million.

I have to say, 3x leverage is really fragrant! !

After this wave, Ye Xuan's net worth rushed to 50 million! !

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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