on Monday.


Xuanyuan Capital, as the most beautiful boy this weekend, has long been the top star on major financial apps.

Almost all shareholders have added this vote to their election.

They also want to see how far Xuanyuan Capital can go!

During the bidding time, Xuanyuan Capital became very popular.

Within a few minutes, it hit a +3% increase, and the stock price reached 2832 yuan!


"Crazy, this is really awesome!! 39

"The king of stocks, this is the king of stocks-!! 35

"Xuanyuan Capital yyds, the three-joint board can't stop it, today is the existence of the four-joint-board!!""

"Chong Chong Chong, surpassing ICBC, we will be the No. 1 market value of Big A!

"It's so awesome, I'm already in tears!"

"Brothers, don't worry, there are still 20 points, don't worry, maybe someone will cancel the order soon!"

But to 9.20 points.

Xuanyuan Capital's share price remains stable and continues to climb.



Until 9.25 minutes, Xuanyuan Capital's stock price soared to 2860 yuan!

Up to +4%!

So scary!!

All retail investors, including institutions, are crazy!

"Gap skyrocketed 4%? This is too hard to blow this weekend."

"Haha, I put up the daily limit and bought a hand after bidding, brothers, go and beat the board for me!!

"Xuanyuan Capital, you are my god! 35

"I rub, this is crazy, I'm going to sell it, good luck brothers!

"I ran too, it was crazy!

"Crazy? You are really rare and strange, where is this? I think it will be the daily limit today, at least 3,000 yuan is its normal valuation!"

"According to the urine quality of the first three days, after the high vote, there will definitely be a wave of killings. At that time, I will buy the bottom again, so happy! 35


Xuanyuan Capital continued to skyrocket after opening to 2,860 yuan, and a hundred-hand single hit the price of 2,888 yuan!

2888 yuan, an increase of +5%!

"What's the matter, I'm not diving today, I just pulled up instead?"

"Never mind, Stud is done!"

"You are so brave, 1,800 yuan to quit, almost 3,000 yuan, you stud rushed, and a bad pen!"

"Haha, you don't understand President Ye!

"Mom, the market has been taken and continued to take off, I'm really convinced, Xuanyuan Capital is too good!!

"I'm going to wait a little longer, I'm definitely going to dive again today, and the energy is not quite right now!"


Before the discussion of these retail investors was over, Xuanyuan Capital collapsed in seconds!

From 2888 yuan to 2820 yuan all of a sudden!

The increase was instantly shortened to +2.5%!

At this time, the bottom-hunting retail investors are even more crazy.

They all understand that this spot is the best stud spot!

Accompanied by countless one-handed and two-handed buying orders, the stock price of Xuanyuan Capital was bought up again!


"Sure enough, I knew this ticket was going to be smashed and then raised!! 35

"I copied it to the end, I bought it for 2820 yuan, and I am so happy!

"Pull up, same script, please continue to perform!!

"You are the real stock king, come back to your position!! 99

"I'm in the car, let's start the show!!"

But the expectations of these retail investors are obviously going to fail.

Today's time-sharing line is 2835 yuan.

Before touching this price, it was smashed by a large order of a thousand hands.






The retail investors were stunned when they watched this wave of flying water go down three thousand feet.

To make matters worse, the broader market has also collapsed, with a collapse of -0.6% in seconds!

The decline in the broader market further stimulated the collapse of Xuanyuan Capital.

The horizontal line of 2750 yuan was directly broken down!

Xuanyuan Capital is green!!

Panic is coming in an instant!!

"I'm too old for a dog. I bid for it with a stud, but now you say you're green!?"

"The whole market has been taken away, what a piece of grass!!

0.... ask for flowers ·

"What a piece of garbage. When I don't buy it, it keeps going up, and when I buy it, it collapses?"

"I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to buy the stock king into a collapse!"

"Run for your life, brothers, this ticket is too profitable, and it is very likely that a big negative line will appear today!"

"2888 yuan, the main force has already told us that today is the peak!!"

"Damn, Muyuan Stock was at the daily limit yesterday, but it was brought down to the daily limit today, I'm really lying! 35

From 2888 yuan to 2699 yuan!

The up and down shock range is as high as 7%!

That is 7%, and some people have even lost 7%!

Received at 2888, not without!!

In such a short time, I don't know how many people started to curse.


"Damn, green is green?"

"The 2888 yuan shareholder is here, who else are brothers!!?"

"Mr. Ye, why are you cheating on me, the propaganda over the weekend is just for the benefit of today?


"Xuanyuan Capital, garbage company!!

"Damn, pull black and pull black, black all your life!!

In Xuanyuan Capital Company.

Several traders looked at the rhythm of Xuanyuan Capital as if it was rushing towards the limit, and they all looked at each other.

The manager also looked at Ye Xuan embarrassedly, because there were all kinds of scolding on the barrage at this time.

Basically, they are all retail investors who bought today, and they are quilted!

Ye Xuan looked at the silent trading room and smiled: "What's going on? Today's situation is just right for us to continue to open positions and find leaks!"

"Xuanyuan Capital has plummeted, this is not a normal thing? I don't even look at how much it has risen since its listing. Even pulling the 3 daily limit, even a lower limit today is not too much.

"No one who can afford Xuanyuan Capital is a retail investor, at least it can be called a big one. They are so ignorant when it comes to stocks, chasing up and down, and losing money is what they should!"

"Don't be stunned, start looking at today's plummeting targets, we're going to open positions to stock up!!"

"After all, the fall of Xuanyuan Capital is a matter of Xuanyuan Capital, what does it have to do with me, Ye Xuan?"

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