Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

44. Liu Di's Lavish Gift, Giving Money Away!

Liu Di is not an indecisive person either.

If it was, he would not go to the financial wasteland of Yu Province alone.

Just do it! !

Liu Di immediately summoned several skilled people.

These people are actually dispensable with him, and the wages are not high enough.

But if you go to Ye Xuan, you can really show your skills, and at the same time, the salary will be higher.

When Liu Di explained these interests clearly, he let his subordinates decide for themselves.

"I go!"

"I'm going too, God of Prophecy, that's it!"

"Well... I still don't want to go, even though he is known as the Emperor of Prophecy, but we all know, who can tell this market? It's only less than a year, how high can he climb, if there is a stock market crash in the future It will fall very badly, especially if you use leverage like this.”

"I want to go, the prophecy Emperor's aggressiveness is too strong, and he also predicts that the big A will reverse in the future. We can almost see it now that the big finance has begun to exert its initial strength. On his rhythm, he is invincible!"

"I have a feeling that he is taking a chance. How long has it been? The financial market will take longer than anyone else."

These financial geniuses have the means.

And those who want to follow Ye Xuan, believe in Ye Xuan.

Those who don't believe Ye Xuan have already said it here.

Liu Di is very satisfied.

6 out of 10 people are willing to go.

These are all elites.

A company with an empty shell in the early stage just needs these.

Du Xiaoxi was also very satisfied.

6 people, and they are also her former colleagues.

It is also very easy to use!

With the addition of these people, their respective circles of friends will gradually expand outward.

This is the case in the financial industry, especially the top ones, which all need internal referrals.

To attract talent through interviews alone?

That's a fan that only big factories have.

Today, Ye Xuan's small company cannot attract real geniuses.

Of course, what Du Xiaoxi didn't know was that Ye Xuan really didn't need to attract so many geniuses, as long as he could use them.

He never depended on so many people!

After solving the company's talents, Liu Di sent Du Xiaoxi away.

He sat alone in the office thinking.

In today's China, if you want to open a financial company, you can't get around it.

And if you want to be passive, you need to have an official background.

It's impossible for Ye Xuan to have an official background, so just bring him someone with an official background, that's fine! !

Liu Di is going to build relationships with local pension and insurance institutions.

These funds are used as a local livelihood industry and are absolutely not allowed to lose money.

Looking at Ye Xuan's trading record in the past few months, there is indeed no precedent for losing money.

If you can get the management rights of these funds, then the energy behind them will also be used for them.

Liu Di's whole person will also have an extremely terrifying weight in Ye Xuan.

Investing at a weak time is equivalent to giving help in the snow.

Giving charcoal in the snow is 10,000 times better than icing on the cake! !

After Liu Di figured this out, he immediately started calling the leaders of the Social Security Bureau.

"Leader, I'm Liu Di! Don't you have a fund of 5 billion and no place to put it? I recommend you a place that is safe and secure, and makes money!"


Ye Xuan didn't know yet that Liu Di was still running around for his career.

Maybe even Liu Di didn't know what he could get by doing these things for Ye Xuan so tirelessly.

Because once Ye Xuan opened a financial company and obtained the license for public offering and private placement, it means that his funds can be kept by himself.

Since then he has appeared as an institutional seat.

But Liu Di still had an idea in his heart that kept talking, help him, he must help him.

This is a big opportunity!

After the next day.

CITIC Securities opened more than 8 points higher in early trading, and then sealed the daily limit at less than 10 points.

Although the board was opened many times in the middle, the daily limit was finally sealed in the late trading.

The CITIC Securities Second Link Board has an extremely obvious boost to Big Finance.

Yesterday, Ye Xuan bought tickets such as Oriental Fortune and Straight Flush, and the premiums were extremely high the next day.

Ye Xuan basically smashed it around +7%.

It's not that he is not optimistic about the market outlook of these tickets, but because he needs to do more short-term operations now.

Let the funding snowball roll!

"+10% sell straight flush!"

"+10% sell Oriental Fortune!"

"+6% sell Huadian Heavy Industry!"

"+10% sell North Huachuang!"

Except for CITIC Securities, all the other four tickets were sold at a premium.

This wave, the profit is 190 million!

CITIC Securities' 240 million remained unchanged, allowing profits to continue to run.

The remaining 950 million began to continue to buy other stocks.

Today, Ye Xuan is eyeing military stocks! !

"Buy, Air Engine Power 200 million!"

"Buy, Hangfa controls 200 million!"

"Buy, AVIC Xifei 200 million!"

"Buy, Zhongke Shuguang 200 million!"

"Buy, Huaguo Ships 150 million!"

Full warehouse stud, rush rush! !

within the retail group.

Those who bought big financial bills yesterday almost all ate a big premium today.

Because of the explosion of securities stocks today, almost most of the securities stocks have reached their daily limit.

The broader market even soared more than 2 points.

"Haha, take off, take off, CITIC Securities is so cool!"

"It's invincible. Yesterday, the prophecy emperor also said that the big A was going to reverse. Today, the big finance is really taking the lead in pulling up and making an upward impact!"

"It's stable, it's as stable as Mount Tai!"

"Thanks to the prophecy emperor, it's awesome!!"

It was at this moment that Ye Xuan revealed his actions today.

When everyone saw that Ye Xuan had liquidated stocks other than CITIC Securities, they started asking questions one by one.

"The boss seems to continue to be optimistic about the brokerage, but CITIC Securities has not moved!!"

"Why do you have to sell Dongcai at the daily limit?"

"Brother, your pattern is too small. Today's daily limit means that there is no possibility of rising again. Then the big guy buys an underwater ticket, and today's daily limit increases, doesn't that mean that you can earn 20 points today?"

"Indeed, 20 points is still delicious!!"

"Sell, sell, keep up with the boss's operations, and buy military stocks!!"


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