Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

65. I bought it, it is good! (Please order first)

The broader market took off today.

Ye Xuan naturally kept up with the rhythm.

Yesterday, the scale of the public fund has reached 700 million, and with the profit, it is now 810 million!

Plus the 700 million subscribed.

A full 1.5 billion funds.

The few traders looked at the skyrocketing fund size, all of them were dumbfounded.

It has not been a week, Ye Xuan is also a novice fund manager, and there is no publicity, only the poor traffic of Taoguba.

But just like this, it can actually reach a fund size of nearly 2 billion?

It seems that this scale of skyrocketing will accelerate even more in the future~ It's so terrifying!!

I can't understand it at all!!

"But the size of the fund is rising so fast, it is estimated that Mr. Ye's speed will slow down too, right?"

"A dozen or so points a day, you say slow? One of the other funds counts as one, and it can occasionally rise by 6 points, which is already a skyrocket!!

"That's right, after seeing Mr. Ye's way of manipulating funds, I'm no longer interested in other funds! It's just one or two points a day, and I have to hedge. Is it interesting? A real man must dare to stud!!



Ye Xuan thought so too.

A billion to stop yourself?

When bidding in the morning, Ye Xuan ordered: "Clear out all the tickets in hand, and then give me Stud Finance!

"Dongcai, CITIC Securities, Guotai Junan, China New Construction Investment, Huatai Securities, whatever you want! 39

"And Huaguo Ping An, Huaguo Pacific Insurance, Huaguo Life Insurance, Huaguo Insurance, etc., all of them! 35

In a word, Ye Xuan has only one operation today, and that is to buy big finance.

The traders did not dare to say much, and quickly started to operate.

In a few minutes before and after, the exchange of positions and shares has been completed.

After that, Ye Xuan began to operate the more than 2 billion in the company's account.

In the past few days, Ye Xuan has been too lazy to care, he bought some stocks of big finance, and then he remembered it before operating it.

Looking at it today, it has risen to 3 billion!

A full increase of 1 billion, or 50%.

Glancing at today's board again, Ye Xuan knew.

Originally, it was 40% of the income, but today the big finance skyrocketed, and Ye Xuan, who was full of positions, made another 10%!

"Adjust the warehouse!

Today Ye Xuan's operation is also very simple.

Sell ​​stocks that have reached the daily limit, such as CITIC Securities, Huatai Securities, etc. that were listed early.

Then buy stocks that are slow in the back row and make a spread.

For ordinary people, the earlier the ticket is, the higher the premium will be tomorrow, and it will not be sold.

But for Ye Xuan, there is no good vote or bad vote, only which one can make him earn more today!

The traders stood by and watched Ye Xuan's magical operation.

The company account is actually Ye Xuan's personal account.

Those 15 billion private equity funds from the Social Security Bureau and Liu Di, Ye Xuan is too lazy to manage, let them go up with the Lord Shenglang.

But for your own account, you have to go back and forth for short-term operations!

"Smash CITIC Securities and Huatai Securities!"

After the profit of 3 billion, Ye Xuan bought the heavyweights in the back row.

After all, today's trend is that after the big finance is pulled up, the big weights start to be pulled up.

When Ye Xuan smashed these ticket boards, those tickets just started to rise.

Just in time!!

In today's day, it is possible to make a profit of about 17% in the full warehouse.

Tomorrow, my own funds will probably be around 3.5 billion!

The operation is complete.

Ye Xuan walked away dashingly.

Although the market has indeed skyrocketed today, countless retail investors are excited, shouting and blowing their short positions.

But for Ye Xuan, such a surge was nothing.

How can the real mad cow market be compared with appetizers like today?

after the close.

Today's Dragon Tiger List has all kinds of big financial occupations, and most of the buying orders are mainly institutions.

Simply put, that is the expectation that the institutions have recognized the interest rate cut, and they have started to rush to raise money!

Today's big financial boom, the broader market soars.

In addition, the more violent increase of Ye Xuan's public fund in the past two days, Liu Di and the leaders of the Social Security Bureau have seen it.

They are also looking forward to how much the money they put in can turn into.

Maybe this time, 5% will have it?

10 billion skyrocketed by 5%, that is 500 million!

And Liu Di invested 5 billion, a surge of 5%, which is 250 million!

This is already not a small increase, it is really too large of the basic funds.

Liu Di called and asked about the matter.

Ye Xuan was speechless.

Can the layout be enlarged a bit?

"On the day of my operation, I have already filled all your votes with Big Finance and various heavyweight stocks. Now the profit in the account is about 30%."5


Ye Xuan's understatement, but in Ye Xuan's ears, it exploded like thunder!


Ye Xuan not only filled up the big financial and other weights on that day, but also bought the leading stocks among them, which are the ones that have risen the most recently.

Some increases can be more than 30%, or even 50%.

Some are not higher than 30%.

Taken together, it is about 30%!

15 billion, 30%, that is to say, Ye Xuan has already made 4.5 billion in the period of time.

So scary!!

This kind of manipulative method is a fierce stroke.

Liu Di was a little confused, he asked doubtfully: "How do you know that there is such a good interest in interest rate cut expectations?

Ye Xuan smiled mysteriously and pretended to force: "What interest rate cut? I bought it, it's good!!!

Liu Di laughed dumbly.

This forced dress is too mellow and too skilled!

Full marks, definitely full marks!!

Liu Di immediately invited: "This Friday's big financial boom, it can be said that there is enough hot discussion for the weekend. Thanks to you, we have also made a lot of money. Tonight, Mr. Ye will show a face and have a light meal?"

Ye Xuan thought about it, and he had nothing to do.

Then go for it!


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